

'I broke this piece while dusting': 20+ Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Month (January 2024)

'I broke this piece while dusting': 20+ Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Month (January 2024)

These people had a few irritating moments , and they took to the internet to share their misfortunes. From botched milkshakes to busted suitcases, people had a variety of issues to start of the new year . This milkshake of nightmares (#2 below) nearly choked the OP. That's because whoever made the beverage added in all the ingredients, and then blended it together with another cup and a straw still inside! The result is a shredded straw coated with shards of plastic. There's just no reason a cu…
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'She hammered on the hood, put a dent in it': Entitled woman runs into occupied parking spot, ends up paying for damages

'She hammered on the hood, put a dent in it': Entitled woman runs into occupied parking spot, ends up paying for damages

If you've ever had a car, then you know that finding a parking spot can be the bane of your existence. But there's good and bad ways to go about finding a spot. The good way is, if you can't find one then you simply leave the lot and find parking elsewhere. Super easy and devoid of conflict! The bad way is, you physically run into the spot in order to save it. This is exactly what happened to OP when he pulled halfway into a spot and a wild Karen appears out of nowhere to try and hold it with h…
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'[He] hurled his phone off the cliff': 25+ Instant karma moments that took people by surprise

'[He] hurled his phone off the cliff': 25+ Instant karma moments that took people by surprise

Sometimes the universe deals you a bad hand, and how you handle that is totally up to you. Life isn't fair, and bad things do happen to even the best people. For example, a lot of people shared stories of the instant karma they've experienced on the road. While driving, numerous people shared tales of the times they were being tailgated by the driver behind them. That's when you're driving and the person behind you is riding right up close to your bumper. They're letting you know that they thin…
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‘I’m listening to the map, I'm not listening to you': Brother turns car ride into 3.5 hour journey after being told by his sister to ‘stop giving her directions’

‘I’m listening to the map, I'm not listening to you': Brother turns car ride into 3.5 hour journey after being told by his sister to ‘stop giving her directions’

Spending time in a long car ride with your sibling tests your rage levels like nothing else. Back in the day, before digital maps were a thing, I would be in charge of telling my father where to go, which turn to take, etc, and the car ride always ended with him shouting and me in tears. Now, if I'm driving with a family member somewhere, I tell them to argue with the app, not with me. This brother found a clever way to get back at his sister when they were headed to meet their dad at a car dea…
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'Good luck parking now': Driver's targeted parking move backfires when one person restricts access to their parking space

'Good luck parking now': Driver's targeted parking move backfires when one person restricts access to their parking space

Big, packed parking lots are my nightmare. Trying to maneuver my small car in between angry drivers who I believe are out to get me is one of my least favorite things to do in the world. If you own a car, you don't really have a choice… You just have to accept your fate. This person was going Christmas shopping in Philly when they encountered a parking lot Karen who had carefully surveilled the situation before her. OP had their blinker on, and was waiting patiently for another driver to vacate…
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'My car is RUINED!': Entitled Karen ignores ticket for parking next to fire hydrant, faces instant karma as firefighters are forced to break car windows for hose access

'My car is RUINED!': Entitled Karen ignores ticket for parking next to fire hydrant, faces karma when firefighters are forced to break her car windows for hose access

We all know the agony of circling around multiple blocks in desperate search of a spot to parallel park on the street. You suddenly see your opening and do a little fist bump in relief, only to pull up and see a fire hydrant. A little part of me always wants just to snag the spot anyways and hope not to get a ticket. Well after reading this story, I think I'd rather circle the block for hours instead of risking parking next to a fire hydrant.
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'If she does this again, we won’t be asking her politely': Woman blocks snowy sidewalk with car to avoid shovelling, neighbors repeatedly ask that she move her vehicle

'If she does this again, we won’t be asking her politely': Woman blocks snowy sidewalk with car to avoid shovelling, neighbors repeatedly insist she move her vehicle

This woman thought she had a pretty good plan to use on snowy days . She didn't want to shovel any part of her sidewalk unnecessarily. Even though this woman was paying someone to shovel her walkway, she blocked off a part of the sidewalk with her vehicle. Her thinking was that if her car was covering some sidewalk squares, that's less ground that needs to be shoveled . I mean, she's technically correct… but how does everyone else who has to walk through the neighborhood feel about that? Sure,…
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'This is my type of crazy': Driver refuses to let fancy car cut him off, gets into petty argument with the lawyer behind the wheel

'This is my type of crazy': Driver refuses to let fancy car cut him off, gets into petty argument with the lawyer behind the wheel

Getting cut off is a profoundly infuriating phenomenon we have all been on the receiving end of while driving behind the wheel. For me, it's the implications behind the act of cutting someone off that really grind my gears. Of course, that implication is that this person is more important than you. Wherever they have to go is of greater importance than whatever it is that you have going on in your life. Cutting someone off is nothing more than an act of narcissism and main character syndrome.
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reddit choosing beggars beggar car trouble broken down vehicle pay paying begging tow towing tow truck mechanic repair bill

‘This apparently flagged me as a cash cow’: Good Samaritan spends his last $110 to help pay for a woman's tow truck, she begs him to pay for the repair too

There are the ‘givers’ of the world and the ‘takers’. Givers are generous and caring, trying to do their best to return a piece of karma to the world. Takers are a different story– If you give an inch, they'll take an entire yard.
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'He walks away with $150 out of the register': 25+ Employees who got fired during their first shift at work

'He walks away with $150 out of the register': 25+ Employees who didn't make it through their first shift at work because they were fired on the spot

If you can't even make it through the first shift at a job, maybe you just weren't cut out for that role in the first place. Or maybe you were right for that career, but you actually dodged a bullet by avoiding a bad place to work. Either way, these kinds of circumstances happen once in a blue moon--- but the people below were there to witness it and share the story. Everyone makes mistakes at work, but usually, they're pretty minor. Maybe only your boss knows about it, or maybe you botched som…
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'Let's see how that works out for you': Car dealer caps salespeople's commission, sales team bands together

'Let's see how that works out for you': Car dealer caps salespeople's commission, sales team bands together to make them regret it

Management at one car dealership messed with the wrong sales team. In trying to save themselves money, these managers soured their whole team's attitudes toward their jobs. If you've ever heard a great salesperson sell something, you know it's a true skill. Some people are just born with the ability to effortlessly talk someone into buying their product. They can make you go from not wanting a fancy car, to taking out your wallet and buying something way pricier than you intended. In the moment…
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'My entire office... [is] in on this malicious compliance': Bosses take away reimbursement for employees who drive, employees start coming to the office and wasting time

'My entire office... [is] in on this malicious compliance': Stingy bosses take away reimbursement for employees who drive, employees start coming to the office and wasting time

These workers were totally baffled by their employer's decision that is just designed to make their lives harder. Is it dramatic to say that commuting is the worst thing ever? I know there are worse things in the world, of course. But having a lengthy commute five days per week feels like it drains you of your energy. No matter how great the job is, if the commute is too long, you may find yourself groaning each day as you head in to the office. Working in a hybrid role is great---you don't hav…
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25+ Bizarre products that were made for people with awful taste

25+ Bizarre products that were made for people with awful taste

These are the people buying what those oddly specific targeted ads are selling. You know the kind. You'll be scrolling through Instagram or Facebook and you'll stumble across a shirt that says something like, “This mom of three loves horses and hates Mondays.”
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‘Gears were turning, and I got a trailer’: Complex forces young tenant to pay for parking space she doesn't need, so tenant buys a trailer and rents it out to neighbor instead

‘Gears were turning, and I got a trailer’: Complex forces young tenant to pay for parking space she doesn't need, so tenant buys a trailer and rents it out to neighbor instead

Going through all the clauses in a lease is one of my least favorite things to do in the world. The dull feel of the paper, the tiny writing, the boring yet difficult-to-read legal stuff… It's too much for me. That is why I always get one of my friends in the legal field to check the documents I sign before I sign them. This young tenant did not bother to read certain clauses in her lease, but it all turned out okay in the end because once she did pay attention, she knew what she had to do. It…
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‘Management finally caved in’: Management refuses to pay for loyal employee's car repairs until company goes down in flames, then employee quits

‘Management finally caved in’: Management refuses to pay for loyal employee's car repairs until company goes down in flames, then employee quits

Why be loyal when you can just quit? One employee gave their all to a company that had no intention of completing the yin with yang, and that lack of intention showed up in their refusal to pay for the employee's car repairs. Why would a company pay for their employee's car repairs, you ask? It's a fair question. Let's start at the beginning. OP was working as an IT project manager in Korea for an SMB. As the point of contact for the majority of the division's clients, OP had to travel a lot by…
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'She was holding the folder and looking confused and scared': Customer insists the DMV's 'grumpiest, most difficult employee' be fired on the spot

'She was holding the folder and looking confused and scared': Customer insists the DMV's 'grumpiest, most difficult employee' be fired on the spot

This story is a peek into the a life of a DMV manager and her least friendly employee. If you've ever been to the DMV before, I'm so sorry. They're usually one giant room full of chairs and workers behind numbered desks. As a customer, you show up ready to renew a license or passport, and then it's time to wait. It's best to bring a book or a crossword puzzle and just expect that you may spend several hours there.
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