

25 passive-aggressive notes calling out bad parking jobs: 'Congratulations! You have won the Inconsiderate Parkers Prize'

25 passive-aggressive notes calling out bad parking jobs: 'Congratulations! You have won the Inconsiderate Parkers Prize'

Nothing frustrates people more than someone else's bad parking job. It's the kind of inconvenience that will make a shy, non-confrontational person snap and become a Karen. It also might be the kind of rare inconvenience that makes a Karen justified in their frustrations. Now, as someone who is admittedly a bad driver, I can understand how a poor parking job happens. That being said, I would never take up two parking spots and just leave it like that. My people-pleasing self would take as much…
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Impatient Male Karen driver yells at pedestrian in a quiet suburb, karma rears its head: 'He drove smack into [a] ditch'

Impatient Male Karen driver yells at pedestrian in a quiet suburb, karma rears its head: 'He drove smack into [a] ditch'

Sometimes, karma takes a while to come back with a vengeance, but other times, she chooses to show up just when she needs to… Here, we have a male Karen driver in a quiet suburb who could not stand the fact that road work was being done and was creating a minor traffic jam. A resident of the neighborhood explained that while the road work was minimal, there was a ditch in the area that could easily be avoided if cars were moving slowly and carefully enough… hence, the minor traffic jam. When th…
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'Want us to stop calling? Absolutely': Fed-up call center worker gets even with impolite customer

'Want us to stop calling? Absolutely': Fed-up call center worker gets even with impolite customer

This call center worker is fed up. You can just tell that they've absolutely had enough of their job by the way they're talking to customers. Although this story doesn't come from the r/AmItheA****** subreddit, people on the interwebs had some strong opinions about this story. U/tharealmouse shared a tale that happened while they were working at a call center and had to deal with an impolite customer. Why was that customer not being polite? She didn't want to talk to someone on the phone (under…
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'What am I supposed to do now, genius?': Entitled customer orders used car part, wears fancy suit to pick it up from the auto salvage yard

'What am I supposed to do now, genius?': Entitled customer orders used car part, wears fancy suit to pick it up from the auto salvage yard

This dude decided to buy a car part used, but it seems like he has zero idea what he's actually doing. Getting used car parts from a junkyard or an auto salvage can be a great way to save a few dollars. A lot of car enthusiasts do this routinely to save money. Next up, these employees shared the biggest, most outrageous mistakes they've ever made in the workplace, like one person who mixed some cleaning chemicals togehter, meaning “[We] had to evacuate the restaurant .”
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'What you need to do is leave me alone': Private security tries to tell concert guest that her car will be towed, guest insists on ignoring security

'What you need to do is leave me alone': Private security tries to tell concert guest that her car will be towed, guest insists on ignoring security

Rules are rules, whether you ignore them or not. One concert-goer found this out the hard way , as u/VigilantInfidel shared in their excellent story of malicious compliance. You don't have to follow the rules if you can bend them without breaking them, but that doesn't mean you'll get away with it, either. This is especially true when it comes to security measures. For example, if you show up to the airport and you haven't read a single security measure , the TSA is going to take your bag and d…
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‘Get your story straight’: Man backs into stranger's car while texting and driving, claims to the insurance company that he wasn't even in the car, leading to a pursuit of evidence

‘Get your story straight’: Man backs into stranger's car while texting and driving, claims to the insurance company that he wasn't even in the car, leading to a pursuit of evidence

We might not like to acknowledge this, but as grownups, we sometimes have to own up to our own mistakes. Being an adult means that we can't just ignore our mistakes, hoping that they will go away on their own, and we definitely cannot lie and try to drop them on other people. Unfortunately, a lot of adults try to back out of their mistakes when it comes to everything that happens on the road – breaking the rules, road rage, and even hitting other cars, all of these make the road feel like a gia…
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'What are you gonna do about it?': Tenant gets Karen neighbors evicted for blocking their driveway for over a year

'What are you gonna do about it?': Tenant gets Karen neighbors evicted for blocking their driveway for over a year

It's hard to respect thy neighbor when thy neighbor is asking for it. Here, we have two Karens living in the neighboring apartment who were practically begging for some petty revenge. Not only did they frequently park their car in such a way that blocked this Redditor's driveway, but also they ignored the numerous attempts and requests for them to amend their behavior. Things escalated pretty quickly when the Redditor found the notes they left for the Karen nuisances back on their doorstep. The…
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'I cut off the boot in front of the HOA member': Boss and employee rally entire neighborhood against overzealous HOA

'I cut off the boot in front of the HOA member': Boss and employee rally entire neighborhood against overzealous HOA

If you're crafty enough, you'd never let something like a boot on your car's tire stop you. You'll have to have a devil-may-care attitude, plus access to some pretty powerful tools. This person knows that all too well, as they shared in a story to the r/AmItheA****** subreddit. Putting a boot on someone's car is no laughing matter. Instead of writing a ticket or even snapping a photo of the license plate to report to officials, this HOA decided to stop this dude from driving ! Now he wouldn't b…
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'Stop laughing at me': Man mistaken for employee by furious customer tries to satisfy her demands he be ‘fired’ by calling his manager

'Stop laughing at me': Man mistaken for employee by furious customer tries to satisfy her demands he be ‘fired’ by calling his manager

You'd think when you tell someone you ‘don't work here’ at a store, they'd understand that you aren't employed by the company, therefore you arent obligated to help them out. One dude was in the store getting wipers for his car because his weren't properly cleaning the rain off his window anymore, making it hard to drive. He was wearing a red polo shirt and jeans, which resembled the uniform of the store employees there. He was minding his own business, looking at the different sizes and makes…
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Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

This cranky neighbor suffers from such a serious case of main character syndrome that she has the audacity to crash and ruin a kid's birthday party. There are many layers to her uncalled-for behavior, starting with the fact that she refuses to engage with these residents because they are renters and now owners. Next, there's the fact that she refuses to let folks park in front of her house despite the fact that it's free street parking that she has absolutely no jurisdiction over. Still, people…
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Top confessions and secrets overheard by ride app drivers: 'A couple [...] broke up in the backseat'

Top confessions and secrets overheard by ride app drivers: 'A couple [...] broke up in the backseat'

Ride app drivers seem to have seen and heard far more on the job than they would like to have experienced. On the one hand, you could argue that it comes with the territory. However, on the other, you have to wonder why customers can't just keep quiet during their rides. These taxi, Uber, and Lyft drivers have seen it all, from breakups happening right there in the backseat to major life confessions to full-on cheating. In theory, you would think that these guys are getting the full range of th…
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Man locks himself out of car, then refuses to pay technician for his services, so he gets locked back out again: 'I threw his keys in the car and locked the doors'

Man locks himself out of car, then refuses to pay technician for his services, so he gets locked back out again: 'I threw his keys in the car and locked the doors'

When you're left high and dry, locked out of your car, you might not want to make demands on an overworked technician. One person stormed into a technician's shop, demanding they help him unlock the car that he had managed to lock himself out of. The technician was more than just a little annoyed because A. the customer had a demanding tone about him and B. it was almost closing time, so why should he help? Plus, the dude was with his girlfriend, who had a car, so it wasn't the end of the world…
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28 Work Memes for Mechanics Tackling Daily Customer Car-tastrophes

wheely funny memes
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Entitled driver blocks accessible ramp, guy gets petty payback and blocks his BMW: '90% of BMW owners give the rest a bad name'

Entitled driver blocks accessible ramp, guy gets petty payback and blocks his BMW: '90% of BMW owners give the rest a bad name'

Sometimes, being a good samaritan and getting petty revenge go hand in hand. Yes, one would think that this would be a strange juxtaposition. However, when an entitled person takes advantage of a vulnerable one, the hero of the story is the guy who gives that entitled dude a taste of his own medicine. Here, we have a BMW driver who parked right in front of the accessible ramp that a frequent churchgoer named Kyle uses to get inside the building. The good samaritan of this story noticed the BMW…
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'A really nice car with tires that have no tread': 20 Foolproof ways to spot people who are faking being rich

'A really nice car with tires that have no tread': 20 Foolproof ways to spot people who are faking being rich

Some people just love flexing how much money they have . They can't help it. They've made good money, and they want everyone to know about it. Oftentimes, people like this will pick a particular name brand, and then buy a bunch of bags and shoes and clothing all with that branding on it. It can get a little ridiculous when that person is dressed from head to toe in one brand. Other people spend every penny they have on expensive cars . There's nothing wrong with being a car person, but some peo…
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‘Enjoy your long walk home’: Resident blocks man's car after he parks it in their private spot, forcing man to abandon his car and find another way home

‘Enjoy your long walk home’: Resident blocks man's car after he parks it in their private spot, forcing man to abandon his car and find another way home

When one looks for a place to live, they have to consider all kinds of different elements that would allow them to have the best experience living there. Some of those may be - The size of the house, the cost, the neighborhood, and how close it is to a supermarket, a mall, or even a school. Those are all different elements that people have to think about when they are in the process of looking. Another extremely important element is the parking situation in the area and making sure you have you…
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