

'Stop laughing at me': Man mistaken for employee by furious customer tries to satisfy her demands he be ‘fired’ by calling his manager

'Stop laughing at me': Man mistaken for employee by furious customer tries to satisfy her demands he be ‘fired’ by calling his manager

You'd think when you tell someone you ‘don't work here’ at a store, they'd understand that you aren't employed by the company, therefore you arent obligated to help them out. One dude was in the store getting wipers for his car because his weren't properly cleaning the rain off his window anymore, making it hard to drive. He was wearing a red polo shirt and jeans, which resembled the uniform of the store employees there. He was minding his own business, looking at the different sizes and makes…
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Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

This cranky neighbor suffers from such a serious case of main character syndrome that she has the audacity to crash and ruin a kid's birthday party. There are many layers to her uncalled-for behavior, starting with the fact that she refuses to engage with these residents because they are renters and now owners. Next, there's the fact that she refuses to let folks park in front of her house despite the fact that it's free street parking that she has absolutely no jurisdiction over. Still, people…
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Top confessions and secrets overheard by ride app drivers: 'A couple [...] broke up in the backseat'

Top confessions and secrets overheard by ride app drivers: 'A couple [...] broke up in the backseat'

Ride app drivers seem to have seen and heard far more on the job than they would like to have experienced. On the one hand, you could argue that it comes with the territory. However, on the other, you have to wonder why customers can't just keep quiet during their rides. These taxi, Uber, and Lyft drivers have seen it all, from breakups happening right there in the backseat to major life confessions to full-on cheating. In theory, you would think that these guys are getting the full range of th…
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Man locks himself out of car, then refuses to pay technician for his services, so he gets locked back out again: 'I threw his keys in the car and locked the doors'

Man locks himself out of car, then refuses to pay technician for his services, so he gets locked back out again: 'I threw his keys in the car and locked the doors'

When you're left high and dry, locked out of your car, you might not want to make demands on an overworked technician. One person stormed into a technician's shop, demanding they help him unlock the car that he had managed to lock himself out of. The technician was more than just a little annoyed because A. the customer had a demanding tone about him and B. it was almost closing time, so why should he help? Plus, the dude was with his girlfriend, who had a car, so it wasn't the end of the world…
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28 Work Memes for Mechanics Tackling Daily Customer Car-tastrophes

wheely funny memes
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Entitled driver blocks accessible ramp, guy gets petty payback and blocks his BMW: '90% of BMW owners give the rest a bad name'

Entitled driver blocks accessible ramp, guy gets petty payback and blocks his BMW: '90% of BMW owners give the rest a bad name'

Sometimes, being a good samaritan and getting petty revenge go hand in hand. Yes, one would think that this would be a strange juxtaposition. However, when an entitled person takes advantage of a vulnerable one, the hero of the story is the guy who gives that entitled dude a taste of his own medicine. Here, we have a BMW driver who parked right in front of the accessible ramp that a frequent churchgoer named Kyle uses to get inside the building. The good samaritan of this story noticed the BMW…
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'A really nice car with tires that have no tread': 20 Foolproof ways to spot people who are faking being rich

'A really nice car with tires that have no tread': 20 Foolproof ways to spot people who are faking being rich

Some people just love flexing how much money they have . They can't help it. They've made good money, and they want everyone to know about it. Oftentimes, people like this will pick a particular name brand, and then buy a bunch of bags and shoes and clothing all with that branding on it. It can get a little ridiculous when that person is dressed from head to toe in one brand. Other people spend every penny they have on expensive cars . There's nothing wrong with being a car person, but some peo…
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‘Enjoy your long walk home’: Resident blocks man's car after he parks it in their private spot, forcing man to abandon his car and find another way home

‘Enjoy your long walk home’: Resident blocks man's car after he parks it in their private spot, forcing man to abandon his car and find another way home

When one looks for a place to live, they have to consider all kinds of different elements that would allow them to have the best experience living there. Some of those may be - The size of the house, the cost, the neighborhood, and how close it is to a supermarket, a mall, or even a school. Those are all different elements that people have to think about when they are in the process of looking. Another extremely important element is the parking situation in the area and making sure you have you…
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'[She] gives me the most infuriating little wave': Guy waits in line to refill his tires, entitled Karen cuts him off, cue payback

'[She] gives me the most infuriating little wave': Guy waits in line to refill his tires, entitled Karen cuts him off, cue payback

Cutting in line is always a dangerous game. Not only are you showing that you lack any sort of moral code, but also you are likely making enemies out of the other people in line, and their retaliation may be far more intense than just an eye roll. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/turtlesh0es , who was waiting to refill his tires at his local Wawa when an entitled Karen asked if she could go before him. The Redditor had already been waiting for some time and polit…
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Rental car company loses nearly $80,000,000 in business after trying to rip off a frequent customer for an extra $70: 'My company won't be renting from you again'

Much like the used car sales industry, the rental car biz can be a little shady. Like so many industries that take advantage of their customers being stranded, rental car companies are known to try and rip off their customers for every cent–however, one diligently vengeful traveling employee saw to it that his continued business was far more valuable than a tack-on fee.
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'I bought $40 wire elf ears. I have worn them zero times': 25+ Times people spent good money on terrible products

We all make a few big purchases in our lifetime that we end up regretting. Some people do this as teenagers, which makes sense, because at that age you're new to budgeting and knowing the price of things. When you get that first paycheck from your retail job, it's hard not to blow it all at once! The people of r/AskReddit shared their stories of the “absolute worst purchase” they've ever made, and there's a wide variety of items that people regret getting. For some people, buying a new vehicle…
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'We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again': Entitled yogi makes enemies at local dog park, other dog owners deflates his tires

'We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again': Entitled yogi makes enemies at local dog park, other dog owners deflate his tires

For better or for worse, parks attract a wide range of outsized personalities. There are the folks who want to keep to themselves, the ones who are actively trying to draw attention, and the ones who whether they know it or not are making everyone else's experience at the park miserable. Most of the time, we do not have the courage to confront these individuals, but every so often, the opportunity for some much-needed petty revenge arises. With this particular scenario, which was shared by u/No…
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'I sat in my car in disbelief: Employee shares why they got fired in LinkedIn post where they describe sleeping in their car to avoid commuting to work

'I sat in my car in disbelief: Employee shares why they got fired in LinkedIn post where they describe sleeping in their car to avoid commuting to work

You put years into your career, sacrificing your own happiness to get ahead, hoping someday to save enough money for an early retirement. You volunteer at work, get to your shift on time, and even take on projects that have nothing to do with your job description or department… what don't you do to make it? Then, one fateful day, the company announced layoffs. That is, if you're lucky. If you aren't, you just show up at work to find your keycard doesn't work anymore. Then the security guard inf…
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‘Nice try’: Resident claims public neighborhood area as her personal parking space, leading neighbor to a clever payback

‘Nice try’: Resident claims public neighborhood area as her personal parking space, leading neighbor to a clever payback

This might sound completely ridiculous, but before anyone thinks of buying a car, they should really consider whether or not they have a space to park it where they live. If they don't, then they simply should not buy a car. Another thing they should absolutely not do is assign a random public area in their neighborhood to be their own personal parking space because A. It's illegal, and B. It is just going to create an uncomfortable situation with the neighbors. But still, some people buy cars…
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‘I’m not risking anything for you': Employee quits after company fails to provide them with a working vehicle or safety equipment, HR doesn't care

‘I’m not risking anything for you': Employee quits after company fails to provide them with a working vehicle or safety equipment, HR doesn't care

Your heart is racing as you make your way to your boss's office. The grey walls seem to be closing in on you, and you feel like every one of your coworkers knows exactly what's going on in your mind. You don't know how, but you know they do. Their eyes follow you up until you knock on your boss's door. Ahem, you clear your throat. They look up from their desk, tired, annoyed even. They wave for you to come in, and you take a seat. Then you clear your throat again… ‘I quit', you manage to muster…
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30+ Perilously parked cars and teetering trucks

30+ Perilously parked cars and teetering trucks

What's the weirdest place your car has ended up ? For most of us, that answer is probably nothing exciting. The most drama the majority of us experience with our vehicle is getting it booted, or maybe getting a really high-priced ticket. But these people. Wow. These people. Some of them have gotten themselves into quite a predicament! Their cars have become lodged in some odd places . Just imagine the phone calls these drivers have to make after crashing their cars . The driver in photo #14 wou…
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