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Property owner gets 3 of the entitled neighbor's cars towed after they presumptuously park in his garage without permission: 'It cost [him] $1,000'

Not making a good first impression
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'He told me I'd have to figure it out': Teen stops driving altogether to get back at father's strict rules, dad immediately regrets it

This teen is annoyed by their Dad piling on the responsibility, and they finally found a way out of it. In some families, there are so many kids that the other siblings have to help out to care for everyone. This was quite common in the past, when families were much bigger than they are today (think 4-10 kids instead of 1 or 2). People like u/hankiepanki were responsible for caring for large families. This person reported that they were cooking and cleaning for between 8-10 people after their m…
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'He hits the Aston Martin in front of him — hard. I was... dying of laughter': 20+ Drivers who got instant karma

Let's read about some heartwarming stories of instant karma doled out to the worst drivers on the road. I'm sure you know the type, because the roads are full of crazy drivers . Some people love to tailgate, which is just baffling. What do they think is going to happen if that person they're tailgating slams on the breaks? Why are they so insistent on getting to their destination 2 minutes sooner that they're willing to make the road less safe? The crazy drivers of the world aren't considering…
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Hobbyist mechanic taunts his duplex neighbor, turning the landlord against a car-vandal Karen by following their rules to a tee: ‘The vehicle runs… there was nothing they could do’

Winning on a technicality never felt so good
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Customer leaves negative review on car dealership after they try to scam him, leading employee to beg customer to take the review down: ‘I am going to be fired’

Customer leaves negative review on car dealership after they try to scam him, leading employee to beg customer to take the review down: ‘I am going to be fired’

How hard is it to maintain a business that actually operates according to the law, and does not try to scam their customers? Is scamming customers even worth it? You would think it would have been much better to secure a deal that works for both parties than to lose customer after customer once they realized they were being scammed. Take the car dealership from this Reddit story as an example. After a customer (OP, original poster), inquired them about a car deal, he quickly realized the deal h…
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 teens work stories uber teenagers work lyft seats cars driving workplace rides

'Watching them scramble... was the most hilarious thing': Rideshare driver scares teenagers into fleeing her car

These teenagers thought they'd figured out a perfect way to get their whole group home for a cheap price. Teenagers don't usually have tons of money to spend---they usually only have their allowances, or maybe they have a little spending money if they've gotten a minimum wage job somewhere. Up next, these confounding courtroom arguments make for some hilarious stories, like one person whose “mother's lawyer argued… that I had to add my mother as a Facebook friend .”
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 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit restaurant dining sister Father dad cars Driving expensive eating

'There isn't a single entree item under $75': Woman gets back at entitled father who demands she be his personal chauffeur

Parents: you can't live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em. You love them dearly, and they know how to get under your skin like no one else. That’s just how family is! It's the reason that a lot of people put up with irritating behavior from their family members, letting them push their boundaries way too far. If you've ever had to share a car with your family members, you know exactly how u/RiskItF0rTheBiscuit's sister was feeling. She writes that she and her Mom were sharing a car already, and…
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‘He practically stole my car’: Kid buys a luxury car from neighbor, only for his dad to demand to take it instead, insisting it is too expensive for him to drive

‘He practically stole my car’: Kid buys a luxury car from neighbor, only for his dad to demand to take it instead, insisting it is too expensive for him to drive

being a parent is hard, there is no arguing with that. How parents manage to take care of their kids and give them everything they have to offer while also maintaining their own identity and aspirations in life, is beyond me. Once one starts seeing their parents as actual, real people, one starts to learn that there is no rule book and there aren't any guidelines to being a parent, they just wing it as they go, which unsurprisingly means that parents make many, many , many mistakes. One mistake…
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 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit cars Car vehicle Boss work workplace Jobs job bosses workplace-stories bad bosses manager managers

'He seems annoyed... I do this to him all day': Bad manager tries to make auto store worker follow unnecessary rule, worker gleefully bugs him all day long

Great managers empower their employees, while bad managers like this just try to bring them down a notch. It's a fact of life, and one that this person found out while they were still a teenager. This person worked as a technician at the automotive department of a chain store. At just 18 years old, they were relegated to some of the easier car tasks. That included things like “maintenance checks like wiper fluid and tire pressure, easy stuff,” u/MrTyroneTheCat explained. After you check out thi…
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 vehicle malicious compliance car malicious-compliance-reddit cars sale malicious compliance reddit

'You can either work with me, or I walk': 18-year-old discovers that car dealer won't negotiate car price despite their strong evidence for the asking price

Can a car dealer haggle a price with a teenager? This car dealer barely even tried, as u/rattlesnake501 explained. It can be really tricky to know how to negotiate a car deal. There are various different websites that can tell you how much the car should be worth based on its age, mileage, and other factors, like if it's been in a crash. But just because you show up to the dealership with these facts in hand, doesn't mean that the car dealer will actually agree with you. If your paperwork says…
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Woman gets $1.25/gallon off fuel by mooching off of discount from husband's ex-wife: 'It took about two years for her to realize'

Woman gets $1.25/gallon off fuel by mooching off of discount from husband's ex-wife: 'It took about two years for her to realize'

Using an ex's discount for two entire years without their knowledge is perhaps the best kind of revenge. Firstly, it's quiet. Secondly, no one is getting hurt. Finally, not only are you getting the emotional fulfillment and satisfaction of achieving payback, but you're also spending less money in the process. If that's not a two-for-one situation, I don't know what is. Here , we have a lady who frequently drives her step-kids to and from her husband's ex-wife's town to take them to school. The…
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Resident gets back at vacationing neighbor after damaging his car: 'I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat'

Resident gets back at vacationing neighbor after damaging his car: 'I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat'

What a silly idea for this dude to damage his neighbor's car and then have the audacity to ask for favors! That's right. After refusing to take the blame for clearly causing damage to this Redditor's car, the dude next door went on an extended outdoorsy vacation and asked for the Redditor to watch his home because he was the only person to be trusted. Well, as it turns out, that was a major lapse in judgment. While the neighbor was gone, there was a huge storm and the neighbor was impossible to…
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 customer service malicious compliance customers malicious-compliance-reddit cars entitled malicious compliance reddit vehicles entitled people automobile

'It is a mad dash for last minute appointments': Auto shop employee gets back at impolite customer by making him wait hours

This person has to do that dreaded annual task: getting his car inspected . If you have a good car, it only takes a few minutes out of your day to get it passed. But if you have a clunker or you've been hearing some suspicious noises as you drive, you may be in for an annoying time. Some people wait last-minute to get their car inspected or do other annual tasks because let's face it, we all have a million things going on in our lives. It seems like some people are better at planning ahead than…
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'I had the misfortune of working for the laziest manager I've ever known': Overworked auto parts store assistant manager quits at the worst possible time

'I had the misfortune of working for the laziest manager I've ever known': Overworked auto parts store assistant manager quits at the worst possible time

This retail merchandiser fell right into her manager's trap. No matter how hardworking an employee is, it just won't be enough for some bosses. But that won't stop that boss from trying to work that employee to the bone anyway! When you're trying your hardest at work, it's tempting to take both successes and failures personally. You want to do your best, and if your manager criticizes you, it can sting. This manager realized that he could push this retail merchandiser to take on way, way more t…
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Guy gets payback on entitled Karen driver by making her late after incessant honking:  'All I could think to do was just laugh and clap'

Guy gets payback on entitled Karen driver by making her late after incessant honking: 'All I could think to do was just laugh and clap'

There's nothing like a nice, peaceful drive on the road being upended by another annoying, entitled driver who thinks that their busy schedule is more significant than everyone else's. It's these unique individuals that can make one of the more solitary and restful activities for some folks unbearable. Personally speaking, I am not one of the individuals who thinks driving is a peaceful activity, nor am I one of the individuals who enjoys engaging in aggressive behavior on the road. My conflict…
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'Young girl, please. I know what fuel my car needs': Taxi driver insists he knows how to fuel his vehicle and pays the price for his mistake

'Young girl, please. I know what fuel my car needs': Taxi driver insists he knows how to fuel his vehicle and pays the price for his mistake

This guy went into full “the customer is always right" mode. And that was to his own detriment! Next, this place rented equipment out for events, but they suddenly realized that the software they used was double-booking almost every event !
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