
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

cover image about a restaurant that doesn't give bathroom breaks to the workers

21 People Share Their F**k It I Quit Moments From Old, Insane Jobs

people share their april fools pranks

16 People Share Their Best Long Con April Fool's Day Prank Ideas You Can Start Today


24 Of The Absolute Worst Things People Have Ever Done To A Sim On The Sims

scary things truckers saw on the road

10 Long Haul Truckers Share Their Creepiest Experiences On The Road

job relatable work interesting askreddit - 7087109

20 Disgruntled People Share What Made Them Realize The Job Wasn't For Them

parents share funny things their kids have said

21 Parents Share The Most Insulting Observations Their Kids Have Made About Them

cringe things people have done to get attention

33 Of The Cringiest Things People Have Done To Get Their Crushes Attention

story about old weird neighbor

Guy's Story About His Weirdest Neighbor Ends With Wholesome Twist

cringe askreddit ridiculous idiots stupid - 7068933

28 People Share The Stupidest Things They've Heard Someone Say

weird stories from wallmart employees

27 Walmart Employees Share The Most Ridiculous People-Of-Walmart Things They've Seen

hacks on saving money

23 Interesting Money Saving Life Hacks To Help The Cause

funny late excuses used

32 People Share The Dumbest But Legit Excuses They Used When They Were Late For Work/School

loopholes, getting free clothes by returning paid item bought during bogo promotion

33 Of The Best Loopholes People Have Ever Discovered

getting out of creepy dates

14 Times People Had To Use Safewords To Get Out Of Aggressively Creepy Dates

creepy things you can legally get away with

13 Perfectly Legal But Absolutely Creepy Things People Can Get Away With

plans that failed and backfired

15 Plans That Backfired Spectacularly Terribly