
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

Rules backfiring and loopholes

27 Unexpected Times Rules Backfired Absolutely Terribly

stories about employees getting fired

9 People Share The Most Crazy, Messed Up Ways Ex-Employees Have Gotten Fired

lies siblings tell each other

15 Devilish People Share The Most Ridiculous Lies They Told Their Siblings To Mess With Them

school FAIL askreddit essay teacher ridiculous - 7253765

10 Unimpressed Teachers Share The Most Mindless Essays They've Had Turned In

Men Miss Signals From Interested Women

8 Cringeworthy Times Men Completely Missed The Signal From Interested Women

Realizing you're in a cult

16 Former Cult Members Share The Panicked Moment They Realized They Were In A Cult

lawyers share stories from court

19 Flabbergasted Lawyers Share Their Wildest "Oh Sh*t" Moments In Court

bad customers

19 Employees Share Stories Of The WORST Customer Behavior They've Seen

things people did for money

12 Brave And Shameless People Share The Craziest Things They Did For Money

black friday

29 Retail Workers Share Their Insanity-Packed Black Friday Horror Stories

cringey people in public

10 Cringeworthy Things Oblivious People (Unfortunately) Do In Public

work scandals that got people fired

15 Of The Biggest Scandals Or Most Idiotic Screwups That Got People's Coworkers Fired

public freakout wtf

18 Of The Worst Adult Temper Tantrums People Have Witnessed

employee work askreddit minimum wage ridiculous - 7174149

10 Minimum Wage Employees Share The Ridiculous Sh*t They're Not Paid Enough To Care About

crazy annoying askreddit irritating - 7173637

15 Absolutely Irritable Things To Do If You Want To Drive People Totally Crazy

stupid things teachers said

34 Parents Share The Stupidest Things Teachers Have Tried To Tell Their Kids