
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

Cringiest Dates

26 Uncomfortable People Share The Cringiest Dates They've Ever Witnessed

adults share their fears as children

20 People Share The Things That Scared The Sh* Out Of Them As Children

cringe Awkward askreddit weird - 6414085

10 Weird Status Symbols That Only Make Sense In A Very Specific Sub-Culture

stories of people not getting into less than ideal situations after speaking to the manager

34 Humbling Times Rude People Met Instant Karma After Asking For The Manager

calling out the boss for lying

Guy Calls His Boss's Bluff In The Most Satisfying, Genius Way Possible

life memes

29 Real Life Cheat Codes To Hack Your Way Through The Game Of Life

green flags first dates

22 People Share The Most Encouraging Green Flags They've Seen On A First Date

Cringiest Dating Moments

17 People Share The Cringiest Dating Moments They Never Saw Coming

funny speakerphone fails

18 Unsuspecting People Share The Humiliating Times They Didn't Realize They Were On Speakerphone

antisocial introverts have done

27 Shy/Introverted People Share The Most Aggressively Antisocial Things They've Ever Done

Ask Reddit has a great story from people who enter other people's home for work

Man's Story About Most Bizarre Find At Client's House Is Extremely Hard To Not Laugh At

reddit baby boomers

18 Companies That'll Probably Die Off With Baby Boomers

lies parents told their kids

16 Disillusioned Millennials Share The Biggest Lies They Were Told Growing Up

cringe askreddit relationships ridiculous funny dating - 7107845

20 Single Men Share What Made Them Dip Ship After The First Date

people share red flags

18 People Share The Most Horrifying Red Flags They've Encountered With People They Were Interested In

people share their worst date stories

17 People Share The Absolute Weirdest Dates They've Been On