
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 


22 Of The Dumbest Things People Said To Have Their Intelligence Questioned

cringe askreddit ridiculous dumb funny stupid - 6935301

16 People Share The Dumbest Things They've Done Out Of Curiosity

cringe memories, farting in class

17 People Share Things In The Past That Make Them Cringe To This Day

terrible stories that turn out to be even worse

9 People Share Their Most Gruesome But-Wait-It-Gets-Worse Stories

creepy stories

14 People Reveal The Creepiest Things That Have Ever Happened To Them

reddit stories

23 People Share Their Craziest Once In A Lifetime Experiences

jobs that exist due to people's stupidity

19 Invaluable Jobs That Exist Cause People Are Stupid

people doing stupid things

16 Of The Stupidest Things People Did To Have Their Intelligence Questioned

reddit cringe

16 Of The Weirdest Things People Have Seen Looking Over At Another Car When Driving

smart pets reddit stories

18 Of The Most Creepily Intelligent Things People's Pets Have Ever Done

how to make people hate you

15 Ways You Can Get Someone To Instantly Hate Your Living Guts

terrible Halloween candy

14 Absolutely Terrible Halloween Treats To Give Your Foresworn Enemies

reddit post about liars

13 Times People Were Told Infuriatingly Blatant Loads Of Grade A Bullsh*t

dreadful dad joke puns that are not worth reading unless you miss your old man

17 Dreadful Dad Jokes That Are The Worst While Being The Best At The Same Time

reasons people left their jobs

22 Of The Quickest Times People Noped Out Of Jobs

2019 predictions

21 People Cast Their Most Ominous, Creative Predictions For 2019