

WIBTA For planting prickly bushes in my front yard to keep the neighbours kids from my property?

Update: 'I asked them to stop it so I can work': Renter encounters doorbell-ringing neighbor children and their driveway-hogging parents

There's no manual on how to deal with inconsiderate neighbors — especially when it's their kids who are causing the problem! “Kids will be kids,” as the saying goes. But where are the parents responsible for said children?
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aita coworkers relationships reddit thread Reddit money couple - 20189701

'It's my money to give': Couple's plans to save for vacation are upended when girlfriend gives $110 to help coworker

Here's a friendly reminder if you're in a committed relationship: being on the same page about money is kind of important.
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stay at home mom aita entitled-rich-mom YTA unsolicited-parenting-advice entitled-mom-put-in-her-place Reddit entitled-mom rich-mom - 20187653

'YTA and made it clear to everyone there': Satisfying response to entitled mom's Reddit AITA post puts her in her place

If you're a parent, then you know how annoying unsolicited parenting advice is. But you also know that it just comes with eh territory. Your mom, your mom's mom, your dad's mom, your partner's mom, your mom friends, your friends' mom, and any parent in-between will have something they want to say. It's super annoying, but you learn to just kind of nod and carry on with your own parenting. C'est la vie. It's like the fly that won't stop buzzing by your year, you swat it away when you can, but so…
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'He doesn't work for free, neither do I': Ex-boss talks about former employee behind her back, asks her to work for free

'He doesn't work for free, neither do I': Ex-boss talks about former employee behind her back, lies to her, then demands she work for free

You can definitely be friends with your boss , but when he starts asking for free labor, that's where this employee had to draw the line. This woman writes about her former boss as if he's a great guy, but he sounds like a major pain! U/ShirtSeparate3578 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole about an ongoing issue she's having with her former boss. As she tells it, she was at this job for a decade before leaving — she had to depart since her boss denied her a raise . But she stayed in contact with her boss,…
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AITA for asking my friend to move a picture of him and his wife because it made my wife uncomfortable?

Married Couple Moves in with Friend, Conservative Wife Asks Friend to Remove 'Scandalous' Wedding Photo in Her Presence

I would not want to be Dahlia's husband.
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AITA for bringing my SIL's wallet to the restaurant when she conveniently always forgets it?

Update: 'She *always* finds a way not to pay': Woman brings SIL's wallet to restaurant, SIL finds the post and tells her side of the story

Reddit is supposed to be anonymous, but this woman found an AITA post written about her and was infuriated about the “badmouthing."
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AITA for participating in my neighborhood's easter egg hunt that was meant for children?

'You're literally taking candy from babies': Enthusiastic egg-hunter angers her neighbors by joining kids-only activity

Want to make all your neighbors annoyed and wary of you instantly? Just do what this woman did! This woman asked r/AmItheA**hole what they thought about her Easter mishap . As u/madnewsbears wrote, she is a huge fan of the Easter holiday — especially egg hunts. The OP saw an opportunity after moving to a brand new city. She joined the city's Easter Eggstravaganza, an egg hunt for kids. That's right — the OP realized after signing up that this hunt was basically only for kids, and she was the on…
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AITA for asking my daughter to uphold her end of the deal?

'You made a deal with a TWELVE YEAR OLD for THOUSANDS of DOLLARS?!?': Karen makes daughter pay for half of their swimming pool

Tough love, am I right?
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aita baby Party cupcakes pregnant reddit thread Reddit gender reveal - 20133381

‘Her fault so she eats the cost’: Woman hires baker for gender reveal party, baker’s dog destroys the cupcakes

We all know that gender reveal parties can lead to wild results.
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AITA for getting a better haircut than my friend?

'AITA for getting a better haircut than my friend?': Woman divides friend group over bizarre accusations that her new hairdo makes her an 'attention seeker'

This friend group sounds utterly exhausting to be around. Friend groups can form at any point in life — during high school or college, at an activity you participate in, or even in the workplace. Friendships also evolve over time. Some people just start to rub you the wrong way, or you find that your differences have changed so much that you don't even have anything in common anymore. This person sounds like she's outgrowing her own friend group — they sound petty and exhausting to spend time w…
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nephews family drama aita relationship marriage brother marriage-drama relationships wedding family - 20128517

'AITA for asking my brother to pay $30,000 for my engagement ring?': Woman turns to the internet after nephews flush expensive ring and their father refuses to replace it

It's common sense that if you (or your dependents) lose or break something that isn't yours, you should pay out of pocket to replace it, especially when that something is a $30,000 piece of jewelry that was stored out of reach in a place where your little goblins shouldn't have been in the first place. I wouldn't blame anyone related to this incident if they refused to let this parent and their children into their homes ever again. The Redditor, u/throwaway1846189, shared this story to Reddit's…
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aita workplace-stories toxic-workplace work coworkers reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20133125

‘That is my personal time’: Employee tells coworker she can’t stay late, gets caught having a solo picnic

Look, this lady doesn’t seem like the best person in the world to work with, but she’s also not wrong.
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family drama amitheahole aita drama parenting family Parenting Fail parents - 20040709

'AITA for wanting my sister to pay me back': Nephew loses $2000 scooter, parents refuse to pay

It stands to reason that if you lose or break something that isn't yours, you should have to replace it… There aren't many situations where this wouldn't be the case. And, yet, so many people have some sort of excuse or justification for why it's ok that they don't do so. This Redditor (OP) shared their story to Reddit's r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, telling how their nephew lost their $2000 scooter while their sister's family stayed at their house. The nephew had constantly been asking to ride it…
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'AITA for hiding vegetables in my boyfriend's food?': Woman hides veggies in her picky-eater BF's food for six months before he notices

'AITA for hiding vegetables in my boyfriend's food?': Woman hides veggies in her picky-eater BF's food for six months before he notices

No one can agree who was right or wrong in this couple's fight about vegetables . It's not easy being a picky eater. It's one thing to be picky as a child, when your parents can attempt to make you eat a variety of foods. But it's another to be so picky that even as an adult, you're still struggling to eat healthily. As a picky eater myself, I hate not knowing what's in my food, especially to discover foods like cucumber or olive in the dish. But if someone blended up those foods and served the…
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'I was losing sleep and my mind': Noisy neighbors catch payback in the form of malicious compliance after years of gaslighting the resident next door

'I was losing sleep and my mind': Noisy neighbors catch payback in the form of malicious compliance after years of gaslighting the resident next door

Dealing with noisy neighbors is the worst. There's always a risk of starting a superiority contest on who is more passive aggressive, who's louder, and who's more willing to lose sleep over a petty neighborhood battle. One man learned his lesson the hard way– After years of harassing his neighbor next door with booming music and surround sound movies at all hours of the night, she got payback.
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boyfriend aita FAIL driving girlfriend reddit thread Reddit security camera - 20101381

'AITA for posting a video of my girlfriend crashing her car?': Dude posts embarrassing video of GF and sells footage, friends and coworkers find the video

This guy has to know deep down that he's in the wrong here.
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