

'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

When you work minimum wage jobs, like in retail, grocery, or delivery, for some reason, entitled people seem to think that they can lord themselves over you with no consequences. Sure, part of your job is to provide some sort of service to the customer, but you're certainly not their servant. Karens everywhere would disagree.
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AITA for not giving my fiancés daughter money when I won the lottery?

'[She] thought this meant "we" won the money': Lotto winner's family insists on sharing her $50,000 prize, while the winner wants it all for her baby

Should you ever win the lottery , don't tell a soul until you lawyer up! Winning the lottery changes people's lives, but whether that's for better or worse is up to the winner's money habits. This 35 year old woman beat the odds and won a big sum from a scratch off card . Since she's pregnant, she decided the $50,000 would go to her future baby, so that the child can have a great life in the future. However, that's not the only child in the picture here! The OP has a fiancé, and the fiancé has…
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dating fails aita FAIL mother relationships reddit thread Reddit dating - 20086789

'I walked out': Mother keeps trying to set her kid up on dates against their will, cue dating fail

This mom needs to stay out of her kid's business!
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pro revenge aita bully revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit bullying - 20070917

‘AITA for getting my bully kicked out of his dream school?’: Student compiles evidence of his bully’s remarks, sends it to the college of his choice

This bully is going to regret some of his decisions. Sure, what the Redditor did was harsh, but you know what’s worse? Being relentlessly bullied for years. In our book, this dude got what he deserved. The hero who got his much-deserved revenge shared his story via this thread on Reddit’s r/pettyrevenge subreddit after it was originally posted on the AITA subreddit. Our only real concern here is that the bully might discover that the Redditor had something to do with this. OP should not have wi…
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'She felt entitled to a "free" vacation?': Brother offers his sister a vacation if she babysits his kids, she says "absolutely not"

'She felt entitled to a "free" vacation?': Brother offers his sister a vacation if she babysits his kids, she says "absolutely not"

While on a family vacation , no one wants to worry about money. After all, the whole point of a vacation is to escape from reality for a little while, soak up the sun, and unwind. This man wrote to r/AmItheA**hole with a vacation related question. As he describes, he and his husband, their two kids, and their sister in law, are planning an expensive trip to a resort. The price is so high that the OP's sister, Camila, was wondering if he could pay her way. Camila is a college student who's not w…
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'Good riddance to [an] insecure drama queen': Wedding guest refuses to wear green dress because it's not "flattering," gets kicked out by the bride

'Good riddance to [an] insecure drama queen': Wedding guest refuses to wear green dress because it's not "flattering," gets kicked out by the bride

Although this person's username is u/bridezillaxoxo, she definitely wasn't a bridezilla at her wedding — but one of her friends certainly made a fool of herself. Across different countries and cultures, one thing remains the same for basically every wedding: the bride and groom are the center of attention. Despite any shenanigans that happen in the lead-up to the big day, on the actual wedding day, the couple should get to enjoy the festivities. Somehow, though, drama always seems to sneak into…
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relationship advice amitheahole aita relationship drama relationship-drama relationships in a relationship story ahole roasted relationship-stories entitled entitled people - 20040197

'What kind of monster...': Internet roasts entitled girlfriend for eating all the toppings off her partner's pizza

Few acts are as unforgivably unhinged as ruining an entire pizza. Yet, this girlfriend saw nothing wrong with scalping a whole pie, leaving nothing but the naked sauce and dough for everyone else to consume miserably. The topic of pizza toppings is hotly debated, with staunch defenders of questionable toppings like pineapple going head to head with those who deride the topping and all who enjoy it. We can all agree on one thing: Pizza is amazing. What isn't to love about saucy dough coated in c…
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aita toxic-workplace work wife reddit thread Reddit surgery toxic-work-environment - 20035333

'AITA for going to work while my wife was having her appendix out?' Wife accuses husband of abandoning her, internet reacts

People are really split on this one, folks.
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'AITA for getting a tattoo I knew my husband wouldn't like?': Couple disagrees about woman's colorful 'memorial tattoo,' ignites internet debate

'AITA for getting a tattoo I knew my husband wouldn't like?': Couple disagrees about woman's colorful 'memorial tattoo,' ignites internet debate

Tattoos and marriages are both supposed to be permanent, and this woman is wondering if she made a mistake. When people marry, they vow to spend their lives together , for better or for worse. However, they never mention the 1,000,000 little things that you'll disagree on or bicker over during said marriage. Plus, people grow and change all the time, and that's just something you have to deal with as you and your partner grow older. This woman's relationship is facing some of those growing pain…
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AITA: 'I evicted them': Landlord evicts young couple with baby following noise complaints from neighbors, gives them 30 days to move

AITA: 'I evicted them': Landlord evicts young couple with baby following noise complaints from neighbors, gives them 30 days to move

A landlord took to Reddit, asking their opinion on the fact he evicted new parents, giving them only 30 days to skedaddle. His reasoning was that their new baby made a lot of noise, and the neighbors had begun to complain. Is it insensitive? Yes. Is it illegal? We would think so, but apparently, he doesn't live in the US, and stated that it was actually completely legal for him to do so, as it landed under some sort of ‘noise pollution’ category. Babies are noisy creatures, duh. They cry, babbl…
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AITA for telling my fiancé's stepmother I am not his boss and am not tell him what he will do at our wedding?

'She called me a drama queen': Bride-to-be faces off with her step-MIL over fiancé's wedding plans

No wedding would be complete without a little family drama behind the scenes. This woman got into a spat with her step-mother-in-law before her nuptials. In fact, the OP wrote to r/AmItheA**hole to get some clarity on the situation before marrying her fiancé . As she tells it, she and her fiance are planning a summer wedding that will be casual and “not doing all the traditions." By that, she means that she's walking down the aisle with her sister, while her fiancé wants to walk down the aisle…
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AITA for telling my SIL to grow and stop coping everything from Tiktok

'Grow [up] and stop copying everything from TikTok': Woman blasts SIL for being 'easily influenced,' gets roasted by the internet

This woman gained a hater all because she's, um, using social media platforms ? No one ever said growing older would be easy, but this woman is having a lot of trouble adapting to new technologies. As u/Automatic-Ad-5753 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole, she has an issue with her SIL's extensive use of the TikTok social media platform . The writer claims that the SIL finds basically all her hobbies and inspirations from the app. And what are these trends that have the OP so upset? Well, her SIL is doin…
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amitheahole aita wedding party wedding drama wedding stories relationship-drama married life relationships wedding Reddit married weddings - 20018693

UPDATE AITA: Wedding guest wears wedding dress to a wedding, wonders if they're wrong.

Few rules in life are as stead-fast as “Never wear white to a wedding.” You shouldn't wear any colors that might be mistaken for white either; creme, off-white, or eggshell, especially on a dress, will get you on the wrong side of the couple's family for eternity. Even if you manage to smooth things over with the couple themselves and maintain contact, you'll still be forever known as “that one friend who wore white." Now, if you shouldn't wear white to a wedding, you certainly shouldn't wear a…
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karens amitheahole aita drama story ahole Reddit airplanes karen airplane entitled people - 19986437

AITA: "Manspreading" plane passenger gets roasted by readers for in-flight behavior

I feel like this is one of those AITA posts where the user probably knows what the judgment will be before they even ask. Still, whether or not they were in the wrong was decided when they chose to use a term like “manspreading” in the title. After that, the conversation was only going to go in one direction. I'm going to go ahead here and say that I don't agree with Reddit's decision. Yes, dear reader, that might surprise you, but I don't think this Original Poster was in the wrong. This state…
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stalker aita siblings sister reddit thread Reddit parents - 19965445

‘AITA for turning up at my sister’s work?’: Woman learns about her long lost sister, surprises her at work, internet reacts

Here’s a good rule of thumb in life: don’t surprise your long-lost sibling at her place of work.
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'[Your son] is a lazy, dirty, bum': Freeloading husband and Karenish MIL get called out by hardworking wife, both get offended by the cold, hard truth

'[Your son] is a lazy, dirty, bum': Freeloading husband and Karenish MIL get called out by hardworking wife, both get offended by the cold, hard truth

If you are one of the unlucky folks who accidentally married a slob, you're probably aware of the daily struggle of trying to keep your house in order. It's a full time job to simply keep up after yourself, let alone another person. So when dirty dishes, stinky laundry, and insurmountable mess starts to grow, it can be tough to dig yourself out of it. When you've reached that point of home mayhem, the last thing you need is your mother-in-law coming over and criticizing the house
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