

AITA for telling my fiance that he ruined our vacation when he decided to take the kids?

'As soon as I saw them I lost my temper': Woman screams at fiancé for taking his kids with him on their vacation

This woman is giving major White Lotus energy.
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AITA for sharing screenshots of this girl's absurdly tone deaf apology for bullying me 10 years ago?

Former High School Bully Gives Tone Deaf Apology 10 Years Later, Victim Gets Revenge by Sending it Around

Karma is not kind!
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AITA for agreeing with her ex and not my sister?

'He left without saying a word': Wildly insecure guy ditches fiancé after learning about her past

This dude is just weak!
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'I have proof that the money was mine': Great-aunt wills money to fund family's education, family spends the money on a wedding instead

'I have proof that the money was mine': Great-aunt wills money to fund family's education, family spends the money on a wedding instead

I don't blame this woman for airing out her family's business after what they did with her education funds. For most people, family comes before all else. You want your loved ones to be happy and thrive, and have all the tools they need to succeed in the world. It seems like this woman's great-aunt really wanted that for her own family. She specifically set aside money for the women in her family to get an education. The OP, u/Accomplished_Bar5656, writes that her aunt helped numerous members o…
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'She asked for feedback': Employee offers new boss 'open and honest' critique, boss gets upset

'She asked for feedback': Employee offers new boss 'open and honest' critique, boss gets upset

Giving feedback is a delicate skill that this person might not have mastered quite yet. This worried employee wrote to r/AmItheA**hole for some much-needed feedback of his own! As u/Davetherocker wrote, he has had a new boss for only about four months, but she's experienced in the field. However, she's still finding her footing with the team she's managing, though the OP writes he and the team are supporting her as she learns the ropes. The OP's troubles started during a team meeting . It seems…
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aita workaholics work wife husband pregnant reddit thread Reddit - 20302597

Update! '[I] unplugged the Wi-Fi': Husband can't get workaholic wife to take a break, sabotages internet connection, faces backlash online

This guy may have lost his chances at winning Husband of the Year.
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roommates roommate psycho bad reddit aita bad-roommates dirty-dishes passive-aggressive gaslighting family drama chores cousins

'I don't wanna be your mommy': Man kicks out gaslighting roommate after he tries to guilt him into cleaning up his dirty dishes

Dirty dishes are the leading cause for roommate breakups. It's not proven or anything, but as anybody who has ever lived with another person knows, the passive aggressive nature of a maintaining a clean home can sometimes lead to horrific strife between you and your housemates. One Redditor recently felt the full force of roomie drama when he received an out-of-the-blue text from his roommate (who is also his older cousin).
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AITA for telling my fiance's family that he's unemployed after they kept implying that I was a "Gold Digger?"

'I'm literally providing for her unemployed son': Woman lashes out at future mother-in-law for calling her a Gold Digger

Are you saying she's a Gold Digger?
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'How Dare You Spend That Much Without My Permission?’ : Rich Woman Buys Niece Ridiculous Christmas Ridiculous Gifts Amounting to 4K, Sparks Drama With Family

'How Dare You Spend That Much Without My Permission?’ : Mega Rich Woman Buys Niece Ridiculous Christmas Gifts Amounting to 4K, Sparks Drama With Family

Family and holidays often mix together in a variety of ways. It isn't all fun and roses… You need to walk on eggshells, for the most part, as everyone has their own special set of triggers. For example, maybe you don't want to mention that you're majoring in art to Grandpa, who thinks anything besides finance is a waste of time (This generation knows nothing!). And maybe don't mention that you've been taking yoga classes (our back, guys) to your mother, who doesn't shy away from her brutal opin…
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aita karen-stories entitled-people-stories karens amitheahole entitled customer super market entitled parents drama customers customer entitled entitled people - 20304645

'I'm a big fan of Gatorade': Entitled dude buys every bottle of red Gatorade from a shop and refuses to relinquish a single ounce

Taking everything and leaving nothing—that's generally a good sign that you're in the wrong. Operating at extreme ends of social behavior and acting in ways that speak to these extremes is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way—regardless of your belief or justification. As has been said a hundred times: We're all the heroes of our own stories. Everyone has a justification for their actions in their mind for why they've done or said something, even if everyone else is telling them that they…
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aita birthday mother happy birthday social media reddit thread Reddit - 20285701

'The problem isn't the truth. It's your actions': Mom cancels son's birthday plans to go on a date, he calls her out online

We love family drama when it's not our family!
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AITA for always getting a separate bill at a restaurant?

'Hopefully his GF sees this red flag': New boyfriend introduced to GFs friend group, insists they all "pay their share" at restaurant

A new boyfriend is making things really awkward for his girlfriend's group of friends.
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family drama boss aita mother work coworkers parenting family reddit thread Reddit parents - 1837575

'[He] told me he's planning on moving out soon': Mom oversteps, calls adult son's boss when he isn't home at expected time, causes rift

If there's one thing you don't want to happen at 21 years old… It's having your mother call your boss asking why you aren't home on time. Even if you're still living at home in your 20s, certain things need to be reassessed compared to how they were in your teen years. This mother took matters into her own hands when her son failed to return home at the usual time after his shift had ended. She managed to procure the son's boss's number from her son's friend and proceeded to call the boss, enqu…
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family drama aita family stories entitled-siblings wedding drama family feud wedding family Reddit weddings - 20260357

'She wants me to take down everything': Sister insists Disney Adult sibling clears their house of memorabilia for her wedding

There's nothing wrong with feeling an attachment to something that brings you happiness in life. We all do it. We tend to latch on to certain stories or characters with who we identified or sports teams that remind us that we're a part of something bigger. Especially as we sink into the monotony of adult life, these things can give us greater meaning. A ‘Disney Adult’ is someone who has latched on to a love of all things Disney in the biggest way and it's not unusual to see one of these posts w…
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aita neighbors drama kids neighborhood parenting lawsuit Reddit parents neighbor - 16298757

Insane Neighbor Insists Homeowners Pay Their Child's Medical Bills After Their Child Hurts Themselves in Homeowners' Driveway

Maybe have some responsibility for your own children?
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AITA: 'I told my sister she is an evil human being who doesn't deserve to be a mother': Pregnant sister steals the baby name of her brother's stillborn child only a few weeks after they lost it

AITA: 'I told my sister she is an evil human being who doesn't deserve to be a mother': Pregnant sister steals the baby name of her brother's stillborn child only a few weeks after they lost it

Family names are super important to some people to pass down to their children. A family name represents heritage while also honoring your loved ones, but is it worth torturing your living family for the sake of the rights to a name? One man recently just found out how far his sibling was willing to go just so that they could make a grab for the family name, throwing his family's agony back in his face.
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