

estranged family brother sister niece nephew uncle mother family-drama drama story aita reddit children childcare taking-advantage ulterior-motives alienated toxic

'She wants to use you': Estranged uncle has no interest in meeting his sister's kids after being guilted into providing free childcare for weeks

Being estranged from a family member can be tough, but if they're the toxic, narcissist type, for some folks, being away from their family is actually a huge relief. Distancing yourself from that sort of dynamic is the best thing to do, but when rotten family members come out of the woodwork in order to get something from you, it smells like trouble from a mile away. In this case, one man who was alienated from his family gets roped back into the drama
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'Not much sleep was had': Husband defends wife from airline passenger

'Not much sleep was had': Husband defends wife from passenger over airplane etiquette

No one ever agrees about this debate. Depending on where you're sitting on the plane , your point of view changes on this too! The evergreen debate being had on r/AmItheA**hole is from a frustrated husband who recently flew with his wife. It seems like the trouble started right from the beginning of their flight . The dude behind the OP's wife was playing a game on the in-flight TV, meaning that he was jabbing at the back of her head! If that wasn't annoying enough, the OP's wife was really sle…
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amitheahole aita neighbors neighborhood judgement neighborhood-drama bad neighbors verdict Bad Neighbor neighbor parking-drama parking - 20445189

'I called the cops': Neighbor repeatedly blocks new parents' driveway, gets towed, blames them

Having immature neighbors who engage in petty games of warfare or who otherwise just don't care about how their actions are affecting other people is the worst… and you know things are bad when a newborn baby isn't the most immature participant in the dispute. This neighbor refused to heed reason and repeatedly blocked their new parent neighbors in their own driveway, meaning the parents had to miss multiple appointments for their newborn, as they could not leave their home. After pleading with…
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'She still looked upset': Bridesmaid insists on chocolate-free wedding

'She still looked upset': Bridesmaid insists on chocolate-free wedding

A bride and her bridesmaid are unsure what to do about this request from the bridesmaid, and it seems like no one can agree on the best course of action. U/Old-Material-6136 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole seeking advice . It's a sticky situation, to be sure: she and her fiancé both adore chocolate, and it was even part of the way they met each other. They wanted to incorporate the chocolate theme into their wedding, which sounds delicious for almost everyone involved. One of the bridesmaids made it c…
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‘Your Job Is Just a Hobby’ Rude Wife Tells Husband to Quit the Job He Loves So She Can Spend Even Less Time With Her Daughter

‘Your Job Is Just a Hobby’: Wife Tells Husband to Quit Job So That She Can Spend Even Less Time With Her Daughter

He is the primary caretaker of their daughter, and she spends less than two hours a day with her child…
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'There is my wife recording': Man wants wife to stop videoing their family, but wife disagrees because she's 'big on social media'

'There is my wife recording': Man wants wife to stop videoing their family, but wife disagrees because she's 'big on social media'

Thanks to smart phones, any moment can be videoed or photographed , and not everyone is okay with that. Smart phones have made our lives infinitely easier, I wouldn't deny that. However, the cost of everyone having a smart phone is that any and every thing is recordable now. From people's best moments to their worst, people aren't afraid to pull out their phones and start filming. Then, they often share it to social media, where they can share it with friends, rake in likes and comments, and po…
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AITA wasting grocery store employees time

'I scanned about $475 worth of stuff': Dad takes kids to grocery store and lets them snack on whatever they want, then leaves without paying

This dad acts like he's never been to a grocery store in his entire life. He threw a fit just because the self-checkout was too much for him to handle. Self-checkout has become a way of life in many parts of the world, replacing cashiers with scanning machines you can operate yourself. This works well for many shoppers, because it means you don't have to wait as long in lines, and plenty of people like the privacy of not having to talk to anyone while they shop. But not everyone feels that way…
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boyfriend boss aita toxic-workplace breakup reddit thread Reddit vacation toxic-work-environment - 20394501

'I [...] demanded that my boyfriend’s boss refunds me': Boss makes woman's boyfriend cancel vacation plans, she makes his boss pay her

This woman clearly really needs this vacation.
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AITA for charging someone more than usual for cupcakes and saying I'm not running a charity?

'She wanted them in a week': Cupcake baker takes order for a friend, suddenly raises the price of the order

A disagreement over cupcakes is tearing these two friends apart. Baking cupcakes and cakes for a living is one of those dream jobs that sounds super fun, and is actually a very lot of work. Unless you see behind the scenes, as a customer, you just can't understand what goes into creating professional baked goods . Many bakers do post behind the scenes videos on their social media pages, and it's incredible the amount of skill and technique necessary for these desserts . Some bakers use premium…
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'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

There's nothing worse than being stuck next to a crying baby on a plane. Obviously, being an adult, you're supposed to apparently just turn your ears off for however long your flight is, enduring the screeching screams of the wailing infant next to you– they're the one that's uncomfortable, okay? Of course, they can't help it, they're just a baby and without a doubt, their sleep-deprived parent is counting down the seconds until the end of the flight just as much as you are.
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family drama marraige in laws parents relationships family feud family drama aita family-drama-stories - 20402437

'AITA for adjusting the thermostat at my in-law's house and not letting them adjust it at mine?': Family's thermostat battle heats up

Few family arguments get more—well… heated than the arguments that emerge over the thermostat and its setting. With different groups and subgroups of people fiercely insisting on wildly different settings that agree with their specific preferences—things can get cold-blooded. Speaking of cold-blooded: That's exactly what this guy's lizard-person relatives are. Who in their right mind chooses to exist in 80 ° F heat when you could just as easily not? These in-laws must spend most of their time b…
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terrible coworkers coworker-drama amitheahole aita workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story drama coworkers awesome co-workers not workplace creativity in the workplace workplace drama coworker - 20366853

'AITA for not giving my coworker my day off?': Coworker demands guy's leave that he booked to play the new Zelda game

Let's be real… We've all had that one coworker who is always coming in late and leaving early to pick up their kids. No big deal, right? Everyone deserves to have a flexible working arrangement. But, when that flexibility and those considerations aren't offered to other workers, and it places more work or undesirable shifts on those workers' shoulders, it becomes a problem. Reddit especially champions the idea that those with kids shouldn't expect special treatment over their coworkers who are…
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'She basically told you she didn't want the job': Employee tells boss about private DM's from a job candidate

'She basically told you she didn't want the job': Employee tells boss about private DM's from a job candidate

Be careful what you say in the workplace , even if you think you're saying it in private. This woman got burned by a coworker, and I bet she won't make the same mistake twice. U/Ok-Material6418, who is that coworker, wrote to r/AmItheA**hole, where they were presumably feeling a bit guilty. As they explained, they were in the middle of trying to hire candidates for a job , and found a friend of a friend to have an interview. But the red flags quickly began waving for this OP. They explained tha…
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karens aita airplane-passanger society ethics airline ethical entitled karen airplane entitled people - 20345861

AITA: 'She accused me of doing this on purpose': Tall guy's long legs cause issues for fellow passenger who can't recline her seat

Screw the trolley problem… How about the airline seat reclining problem as a thought experiment for ethical determination of one's actions? You're flying on an airline and have two choices: To recline your seat or not. Reclining your seat makes your experience more enjoyable but makes the experience of the person behind you twice as terrible as a result... Do you recline? Let's take this to more of extreme. Say, those “push the button” memes where you can get a million dollars for pressing a bi…
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'I don't know how to bring up these things': Teenage worker keeps getting scheduled to work when she's not available, seeks advice about confronting boss

'I don't know how to bring up these things': Teenage worker keeps getting scheduled to work when she's not available, seeks advice about confronting boss

Lots of people start working between the ages of 14 to 17, depending on which US state you live in. That's the age when you can finally get your working papers , and join in with your cool friends who have jobs. Then you start a minimum wage shift and it's rough! You start to wonder why you were so eager to start working in the first place. This teen has a common problem with holding a job while you're still in high school : the scheduling is insanity. As she writes, she's had to change her sch…
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aita FAIL students teacher reddit thread Reddit - 20327685

'He did not earn all of his good noodle stickers': First grade teacher roasted for excluding one student from class BBQ party

This teacher may not have made the smartest choice here.
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