

AITA for defending my boss in front of her family?

'AITA for defending my boss in front of her family?': Corporate worker deflects lies about her boss at family dinner, and it makes things awkward

One woman wrote about her experiences at an awkward family dinner that she had with her boyfriend, his family, and… her boss.
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AITA: 'UNFAIR': Wealthy father stops bankrolling the college fund of his frivolous son, favoring his financially responsible daughter instead

AITA: 'UNFAIR': Wealthy father stops bankrolling the college fund of his frivolous son, favoring his financially responsible daughter instead

If you've ever heard the tale of the prodigal son, you know that father's love their children no matter how financially irresponsible they are, but in reality, how far does that love go? Now, when you come from a rich family, that love is (unfortunately) quantifiable in the form of crisp dolla dolla bills. For some reason, rich children feel that they're entitled to the entirety of their parent's fortunes and don't ever realize the value.
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family drama aita wedding drama destination wedding hawaii-wedding getting married Reddit - 19972357

‘She doesn’t want to celebrate your wedding, she wants Hawaii’: Entitled sister demands her family of 5 get to go on all-expenses paid destination wedding even though she originally RSVP'd ‘No’ when the wedding was local

Family drama comes in all shapes and sizes . It can definitely and is likely to be drudged up during a family member's weddings. For example, this woman one's story on Reddit. She posted to the subreddit r/AmItheA**hole (AITA) about her entitled sister. Originally, the poster and her fiancé planned a large wedding in the country, only a few hours drive from where the poster's sister lived. They saved up a good chunk of change to throw a huge extravagant wedding and celebrate with everyone. Howe…
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boyfriend aita relationships girlfriend reddit thread Reddit parents dating - 19898629

'Just obnoxious': Dude wears messy informal shirt when meeting girlfriend's parents, girlfriend throws a fit

There are certainly "do's" and "don'ts" when it comes to meeting your significant other's parents for the first time!
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AITA for making a scene of my adult son and sticking my nose in his marriage

'I humiliated him and got myself banned from a bar': Mom explains why she berated her adult son in front of all his friends

This angry mother was totally fine with giving her grown up son an earful in front of all his friends. And after reading her r/AmItheA**hole post about the incident, we totally understand why she'd be so frustrated at her son. U/Classic-Goose-8228 shared this story to determine if she was poking her head into business that wasn't her place to be involved with. She writes that she has a son and daughter in law in their 30s, with three kids under 5. Her DIL seems to work tirelessly to care for th…
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AITA for owning 3 dogs, against my hoas 2 dog rule?

'Did the HOA find your dog?': Dog owner defends her plan to hide three pups from neighbors and HOA

After moving to a new neighborhood, this person found a sneaky and pretty genius way to get around a HOA rule. U/ohohbo posted their idea to r/AmItheA**hole to get some opinions on her feud with neighbors . As she tells it, she had to move to a new neighborhood for work and to care for her parents. The sudden change meant that her three dogs came along with her. But a problem arose – only two pups are allowed to live at the residence. The OP actually had a pretty good unethical life hack here,…
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AITA/am I entitled for wanting to be reimbursed?

'Good luck getting her to pay': Couple asks if MIL should pay them back after she suddenly changed her mind

You think you know a person… This woman and her husband got the surprise of a life time when his mother changed her mind about their living situation. U/AdventurousIdea1210 shared that she and her husband have been living with his mother for months. It was a strategic plan — the MIL said she would sell her house to them in the future. She kept the mortgage in her name, but at the same time, she encouraged her son and daughter-in-law to make some pricey additions to the home. Since the OP was un…
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aita marriage relationships cheating dinner reddit thread Reddit couple - 19852805

'He has no right to treat me like this over chicken alfredo': Married couple has wild argument over chicken alfredo

Our guess is this was about much more than delicious pasta.
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AITA for telling my coworker I don't like his attitude and he can take it up with our boss?

'I don't like this attitude you're giving me': Exhausted worker blasts micro-managing coworker

This coworker was being such a micro-manager that this person was ready to start yelling at him.
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family drama aita marriage wedding family reddit thread Reddit reception - 19817989

'Only water will be provided': Bridezilla only wants water at her wedding, gets roasted in the comments

This bride and groom might as well just elope at this point. There's already too much drama about this ceremony. For starters, of course, we want to acknowledge that there is absolutely nothing wrong with a dry wedding. We understand and are sympathetic to those wishes. But to choose to cut wedding costs by refusing to provide any other beverages is simply too far. You might as well tattoo the words “My Wedding is Boring” to your forehead. As many folks in the comments pointed out, there are nu…
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AITA: 'He found out when he was served an eviction notice': Immature brother expects family freebies after avoiding paying rent to his brother for months, older sibling sells the house in retaliation, family drama ensues

AITA: 'He found out when he was served an eviction notice': Immature brother expects family freebies after avoiding paying rent to his brother for months, older sibling sells the house in retaliation, family drama ensues

There's a reason that people wear stupid masks to cover their identity when they accept lottery winnings on public broadcast. It's simple– they don't want their family knowing that they're overnight billionaires. For some reason, people think that they're entitled to a portion of any family member's financial success just because you're related.
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AITA for leaving an equal inheritance to my stepson as my bio kids

Dad Gives His Stepson an Equal Share of His Inheritance, Faces the Wrath of His Biological Children

You know that feeling when your father drafts his will in such a messed up way that it becomes clear he should really be investing in therapy instead?
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family drama amitheahole aita drama ahole family cousins cousin family story - 19845637

'I [had] had enough': Jealous cousin confronts nepo-privilage relative over her promotion

Sometimes the fact that you have “privilege”—an edge over the competition, if you will… is an undeniable fact and you need to acknowledge that fact . If (or when) you do that, you might find that you gain back a little bit of respect.
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 AITA or a Karen for complaining about children in my bowling lane?

'Parents gave zero F's': Kids repeatedly interrupt woman's bowling game while parents ignore their children

This bowler struck out when they found their lane swarmed with little kids . As the OP tells it, she was trying to figure out if she was the a**hole in this scenario, because her friends think she is. The OP writes that while she was bowling with some friends on a weekend, she was in a lane near lots of kids. The weekends definitely are a time for parties, but the OP was annoyed that the kids kept going into her lane. Aside from the safety issues, the kids' parents wouldn't lift a finger to hel…
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AITA for doing a cop photo shoot because of what my ex did?

Woman's Ex-Boyfriend Calls the Cops When He Moves Out, She Mocks Him With a Cop Photo Shoot

Nothing like a bottle of wine and two Party City cop costumes to get proper revenge on your ex.
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amitheahole aita reddit story story entitled ahole Reddit karen entitled people - 19824133

'AITA for making an insurance claim': Internet torn over guy's decision to press charges against good samaritan who broke a window on his vehicle

Is this guy in the wrong for charging the kid for “breaking” a part of his vehicle? Should the kid not have touched the car—and is he automatically in the wrong for that? Either way, probably a good (painful) lesson for this young lad to not touch other people's things under any circumstances; you don't know what kind of a-holes there are out there looking to profit off of your good deed. It's this same kind of thing that caused a lot of places to put protections in place to protect first-aid g…
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