
amitheahole aita workplace - 25989893

Group project members refuse to do any of the work, get none of the credit: 'It is almost 40% of the total grade'

'I opened the door and he looked at me, confused': Pizza delivery guy slides note under customer's door

'I opened the door and he looked at me, confused': Pizza delivery guy slides note under customer's door

'We've shelled out over $9k [in repairs]': Husband's 'fragile masculinity' gets called out after he gets an impractical SUV over a much-needed minivan, wife has had enough

'We've shelled out over $9k [in repairs]': Husband's 'fragile masculinity' gets called out after he gets an impractical SUV over a much-needed minivan, wife has had enough

Boss makes employee cancel vacation, employee's girlfriend confronts boss: 'I then demanded my boyfriend's boss refunds me every penny'

Boss makes employee cancel vacation, employee's girlfriend confronts boss: 'I then demanded my boyfriend's boss [refund] me every penny'

'It's a family secret... Karen didn't take it well': Chocolate chip cookie conundrum divides office in two

'It's a family secret... Karen didn't take it well': Chocolate chip cookie conundrum divides office in two

family drama aita brother sibling rivalry siblings family feud family sister - 25862405

Sister evicts brother's family from their family home, wonders if she's wrong: 'Last week him and his family were officially evicted'

'We are not going to be sending her there': Problematic parents refuse to send younger daughter to same private school as her sister because she isn't into STEM

'We are not going to be sending her there': Problematic parents refuse to send younger daughter to same private school as her sister because she isn't into STEM

'He agreed to buy me replacements... then backtracked': Brother refuses to cancel sibling's debt after his kids ruin expensive art supplies

'He agreed to buy me replacements... then backtracked': Brother refuses to cancel sibling's debt after his kids ruin expensive art supplies

family drama aita hospital family secrets dad family sister reddit thread Reddit - 25576197

Woman discovers long lost sister, sister blocks her on social media, woman shows up at her work: 'She had no interest in forging a relationship'

'By all means, keep it up and get fired': Customer service rep refuses to stop CC'ing their CEO in emails

'By all means, keep it up and get fired': Customer service rep refuses to stop CC'ing their CEO in emails

aita reddit lunch break coworker coworkers employee employees boss manager supervisor working ceo job business company aita wife jealous husband reddit-thread

'Does she also send scathing texts to his hairdresser?': Successful side-hustle causes a stir in the workplace when a jealous wife finds out her husband eats lunch made by another woman

‘Not gonna happen’: Nosy resident attempts to stop neighbor from building a fence to keep them out of their business, leading to a property dispute

‘Not gonna happen’: Nosy resident attempts to stop neighbor from building a fence to keep them out of their business, leading to a property dispute

karens aita entitled parents kids karen-customer friends parenting karens in the wild entitled mom karen parents children entitled people - 25414149

Kid wants a doughnut that isn't his, entitled parents won't tell him no: 'I refused a doughnut to a kid and then called his mom out'

Entitled mother-in-law brings uninvited guests to bride's wedding, sabotages photographs: 'Husband taking [his] crazy family's side is a huge red flag':

Entitled mother-in-law brings uninvited guests to bride's wedding, sabotages photographs: 'Husband taking [his] crazy family's side is a huge red flag':

Wife locks husband out of bedroom over petty mistake, gets upset when he golfs all weekend: 'She should not be doing this'

Wife locks husband out of bedroom over petty mistake, gets upset when he golfs all weekend: 'She should not be doing this'

'Pay her? Get outta here, I'm her dad': Woman sells husbands watch to pay for his birthday cake

'Pay her? Get outta here, I'm her dad': Woman sells husband's watch to pay for his birthday cake, infuriates entire family