

boyfriend relationship advice amitheahole aita drama relationship-drama reddit-aita relationships girlfriend home-owner-stories stories fun-internet-stories home owner toxic relationship relationship-stories - 20687877

'Update: I broke up with him': Woman takes internet's advice and breaks up with her boyfriend over rent-payment disagreement

Sometimes you don't know how good you have it until it's gone… and sometimes, you're stupid enough to think you're holding a winning hand when you've been dealt a 2-7 offsuit. If you're ‘Josh’ right now, you're probably listening to sad Charlie Brown music and wondering how it all went so wrong. What started as a simple dispute over housing costs erupted into a relationship-ending disagreement after this woman turned to the internet for advice and to have them weigh in on the argument. The gist…
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aita workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work coworkers reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20655621

'This is the last time I'll be polite': Employee goes off on coworker for always bothering them while they're on Do Not Disturb

As annoying as this coworker was, this employee's freakout was wildly out of line.
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amitheahole cat pet ownership aita relationship arguments marriage not-the-ahole pets relationship-drama marriage-drama relationships pet-owner-stories Cats pet owners - 20676101

'Garlic is toxic to cats!': Internet condemns friend for feeding woman's cat toxic food and refusing to stop when asked

It's adorable how some folks treat their animals as humans—personifying them and giving them a voice and thoughts as if they can understand every word we say. I don't mean to sound cynical here. It's beautiful to see people treat their animals like family—they are—and where would mankind be without the companionship of pets? But, the personification should stop here; unfortunately, too many pet owners take personification a step too far and begin treating their pets in a way that doesn't suit t…
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'My stuff was more precious to me than her dignity': Girl steals $12,000 worth of watches and jewelry from her cousin's bedroom, gets caught in the act then offended when he goes through her bag

When a family member becomes financially successful and is moving forward in life, why is it that hangers-on and fringe members of the family feel entitled to a piece of their success? Your cousin may be buying fancy jewelry and accessories with their new-found cash, but that certainly doesn't entitle you to a piece of their diamond encrusted pie.
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'I feel taken advantage of': Car owner won't to lend his vehicle to neighbor, neighborhood turns on him

'I feel taken advantage of': Car owner refuses to lend his vehicle to single mom after she dents it, neighborhood turns on him

Always be cautious who you let drive your car . Vehicles are pricey not just to purchase, but also to maintain. After that initial purchase, you still have to fill it up with gas and deal with any fender benders that might occur. That's enough for one person to deal with, but this guy lent his car to his neighbor, and she is far from gentle with his car. The OP shared the story with r/AmItheA**hole, seeking judgement for if he's been too harsh about revoking this woman's car privileges. However…
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'Am I really being neglectful?': Man discovers grandfather's dooms day bunker and turns it into his man cave, pregnant wife threatens to seal it

'Am I really being neglectful?': Man discovers grandfather's dooms day bunker and turns it into his man cave, pregnant wife threatens to seal it

When you agree to becoming a husband and, especially, a parent, then you no longer get the luxury of having alone time whenever you feel like it. Yes, it is important to find some time to yourself so you can center yourself, decompress, and be the best husband and father you can be. But if the kids need care, your partner needs help with the chores, or anything, you have to be able to drop everything and put yourself 100% into that. This isn't a hot take, this is just what you agree to when you…
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AITA for refusing to give my friend her money back for a party she is not attending?

'Well she can't have her money back': Guy rents out space for birthday party, has cringeworthy fallout with friend over money

Is friendship refundable?
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'A deal is a deal': Dude shocked to find the guitar he sold for 4k is worth 50k

'A deal is a deal': Dude shocked to find the guitar he sold for 4k is worth 50k

No one can agree on what this guy should have done after he bought a guitar for less than 10% of it's true value. This is one of those posts from r/AmItheA**hole that make a great read. That's because even after reading this dude's story , plus the update, we still can't decide who was in the wrong in this situation. As the OP, u/fhdksTHROWAWAY wrote, their wife's coworker was selling a guitar. As an avid guitar player for decades, the OP was thrilled, and decided to help this guy out by buying…
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aita workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace coworkers reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20590853

'Your coworker is a child': Coworker accuses employee of being responsible for having to pay $4,000 for hotel room

The audacity of this coworker to expect reservations to just be made for him.
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'It's not like this impacted him in any way': Teen loses job after parent schedules non-negotiable vacation time for him

'It's not like this impacted him in any way': Teen loses job after parent schedules non-negotiable vacation time for him

For some reason, this parent thinks that their son's first job isn't important at all. A first job is a big deal, though, and clearly this person's kid thought so too. In a post to r/AmItheA**hole, a parent called u/Educational_Gur_2679 asked if they were really in the wrong for a situation with their kid and his job. Like many teens, this 16-year-old got a part-time lifeguarding gig . And additionally, he's located in Florida, so that's a job that will be available year round. The teen asked f…
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family drama babysitters aita reddit-review terrible-toddlers kids toddlers gentle-parenting-fail terrible twos babysitting story Reddit babysitting-nightmare teaching-discipline - 20572933

'I wasn’t allowed to discipline': 17-year-old allows spoiled niece and nephew to destroy the house after getting reprimanded for putting them in time-out

If you ever babysat as a teen, then you will feel this to your core. People think babysitting is an easy job, that's why teenagers are allowed to do it, right? Wrong. The only teenagers that don't struggle with babysitting are usually the ones who are older siblings and have had to watch over their younger siblings before. But if you as a teen who has zero experience in childcare, then you should be prepared for a lot of bumps on the road. For example, this 17-year-old Redditor who took to the…
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Update: 'I'd already spoken with HR': Fridge raiding employee teams up with her dad to contact her coworker

Update: 'I'd already spoken with HR': Fridge-raiding employee teams up with her dad to get back at coworker

It's lunchtime and you're starving, but when you open your office fridge , your lunch is gone. Now, your only choices are to go hungry, stop home, take some time to go out and buy food, or get it delivered to the office, which is expensive. Not only has your coworker inconvenienced you and stolen your property, but you probably won't find out who stole it, unless your office has cameras in the kitchen. This person, who shared their story to r/AmItheA**hole, wrote that they had a repeat offender…
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aita psycho roommate Party reddit thread Reddit roommates children - 20572165

'I decided to evict them this morning': Mother of three kicks out roommates for throwing a party against her wishes

These roommates may have no home now, but they certainly have plenty of audacity.
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'I ripped those bags out of her hands': Greedy Karen steals all of the food at a company event, leaving nothing for the others and making enemies in the process

Sometimes a company will have little shindigs and events to thank their employees for a job well done. Even though every employee would prefer a raise as a ‘thank you’, we'll take what we can get, even if it's just free food and more time spent with people you see nearly every day of the week. In this case, one employee took the free food concept a little too far.
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aita fired friends wife celeb reddit thread Reddit airplane - 20559365

'If she got caught she’d likely be in some big trouble': Guy accidentally gets friend fired for looking up information on celebrities

You know what they say about loose lips!!
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paternity-test test pregnant pregnancy pregnancy-test teenagers teens teen-mom mom mother parenting paternity drama family aita reddit story son single-mother

'I demanded a paternity test': Mother makes her teen son's pregnant girlfriend get a paternity test, revealing the girlfriend cheated (again) and her baby isn't the his

First love is a tough virus to shake. When teenagers ‘fall in love’ (or think they have), it's tough to separate the raging hormones from real, genuine connection. Although some people find their forever person in their local public school system, most people aren't so lucky and don't really realize that they've hitched their horse to a toxic wagon– until it's too late.
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