

cops boss aita employee fired stealing birthday friends Party books reddit thread Reddit theft thief police bookstore - 20786949

'Jay claims that I went too far over a few books': Woman calls the cops and gets her friend fired after he stole her valuable books

Talk about a birthday party gone wrong!
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'You are freeloading!': Woman kicks roommate's mooching "friend" out for refusing to pay utility bill

'You are freeloading!': Woman kicks roommate's mooching "friend" out for refusing to pay utility bill

If the mooching friend is there more than someone who is actually on the lease, it's definitely a problem.
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'It's a weird thing for my landlord to ask me': Renter conflicted over landlord's request for her to care for his kids indefinitely

'It's a weird thing for my landlord to ask me': Renter conflicted over landlord's request for her to care for his kids indefinitely

One landlord's plan is so strange that this woman turned to the internet to figure out what she should do. As u/ismylandlordweird wrote to r/AmItheA**hole, her landlord has suddenly put her in an incredibly awkward situation. The OP shared that she has been living in the basement of a family's home. She got along well with them at first, writing that she mainly keeps to herself. But then suddenly, the landlord left the country , claiming he had a parent who needed urgent care. At first, he brou…
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aita friendship amitheahole drama friends reddit story bad friends Reddit - 20784389

'I got my books back': Book-thief friend gets fired, demands compensation

Some might say that it's insane to demand your friend pay you reparations for getting you fired from your job after you stole from them… and that's because they're right. It is insane to think that anyone owes you anything resulting from the consequences of your own actions. This woman posted on Reddit's r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, wondering whether or not she was in the wrong for getting her friend fired, who she suspected was stealing from her. This friend had come over to a gathering at her h…
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family drama aita baby school mother call performance show loud daughter mom crying children - 20786181

'Penelope hasn’t answered my calls': Daughter refuses to speak to mother after theater faux pas spoils the show

This mom is taking family participation a bit too far. This woman wrote to r/AmItheA**hole to share her story and ask for people's opinions , but she's definitely not going to like the answers she's receiving in the comments. As the OP, u/Thick-Studio-4277, shared in her post, her daughter Penelope is 12 years old, and she has a spring show that she was performing in. The OP didn't really take this show seriously, which is a big mistake on her part! Preteens take things like that very seriously…
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'Cancel their tickets. Immediately.': Family jeopardizes their travel plans with request for nicer hotel rooms

'Cancel their tickets. Immediately.': Family of choosing beggars jeopardize their travel plans with demands for nicer hotel rooms

This person is trying to share their amazing vacation plans , but their family is acting utterly bizarre about it. Vacationing is a real privilege. Lots of people never travel further than a few states away due to financial constraints or workplaces not giving much vacation time. So if you do get the chance to travel — and travel by plane to a pricey amusement park , in this case — you'd be crazy to turn down the opportunity! In the story they told to r/AmItheA**hole, u/Safe_Ad_6111 has some in…
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family drama aita drama sister-in-law family feud in laws family - 20783877

‘She thinks she is fixing stuff’: Sister-in-law’s unsanctioned sauce seasoning causes major family schism

For those of us who love some zest and spice, it’s always difficult eating at that relative or friend’s place who refuses to add even a grain of salt or dust of pepper to their meals. These people have clearly never used their tastebuds before, and it shows. Still, it’s worth acknowledging that this is a rather pretentious thing to think; you should always just be grateful that someone cares enough to cook you a meal at all. Cooking is an investment of time, and—unlike some ingredients—time doe…
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'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family disagrees over who owns a birthday cake

'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family birthday celebration turns into dispute over who owns a birthday cake

I'd be cringing so hard if I was the person behind this birthday mixup … but mistakes happen. Celebrating your birthday is a great time to gather your friends and family members to celebrate your big day. Another year old and wiser! There's no one way to throw a party — some people like to have small house parties, while others love to invite the whole neighborhood over for a BBQ. And then there are others who love to dine at their favorite restaurants to celebrate — and that's what happened in…
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Couple removes MIL from their house after she ruins a suitcase

'My MIL stood horrified in the middle of our living room': Couple kicks MIL from their house after she ruins a suitcase

Unpacking after a trip is something you either do as soon as you get home, or three weeks later, and those are the only options. Sometimes, you get back from a trip and put the entire suitcase away ASAP so that you can chill out and unwind after the journey. Other times, you've had so much fun that you're too tired to put away your luggage, and you just ignore it for a while until you gather the strength to put your stuff away . Anyway, this person's MIL is in that first category of people. She…
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family drama amitheahole aita drama families sister-in-law relationship-drama in laws family Reddit - 20748037

'I could still cancel their reservations": Choosing beggar in-laws complain about an all expenses paid trip to Disney

Never look a gift horse in the mouth—and never gift a look mouth in the horse. That doesn't make sense you say? Well, I feel like it makes about as much sense as the original. Horses and mouthes aside, it's never a good idea to make an issue about something someone is giving you for free. For one thing, it's free and there's nothing better than free stuff. Even if someone gives you a nest of angry bees at least you can make honey. If you're allergic to bees, at least you've gained the knowledge…
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'I was horrified… [I told] people not to eat the food at my sister's wedding': Mom freezes food from youngest daughter's wedding to serve at oldest daughter's wedding 8 months later

'I was horrified… [I told] people not to eat the food at my sister's wedding': Mom freezes food from youngest daughter's wedding to serve at oldest daughter's wedding 8 months later

Nothing causes a wedding fail more than bad food. It's like a cruise, if the food is bad, it is going to make everyone sick. Is that what you want at your wedding? For everyone to be throwing up during the toasts? We didn't think so! However, something that seems to be a common thread between boomer parents and their kids is when food is inedible. Boomers have lived through some hard times, so their view on food going bad is a little more loosey goosey than millennials and Gen Z. They will free…
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aita relationships husband Party family reddit thread Reddit college parents - 20738565

'My husband hadn't checked in at all': Husband goes to college reunion, his phone dies during a family emergency, wife loses it

The selfie from the husband's friend was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back! This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/PrettyHateMachinexxx , the mother of a one-year-old who stayed home one weekend while her husband was in another state partying with his college friends. Granted, this was planned months in advance, and her frustration was not a result of her husband's choice to attend his college reunion. No, her frustration instead began after he neglecte…
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'I deserve an apology': Bride told her brother that her wedding was child-free so he couldn't bring his kid, he arrives and there are children everywhere

'I deserve an apology': Bride told her brother that her wedding was child-free so he couldn't bring his kid, he arrives and there are children everywhere

That kid is going to resent her aunt for the rest of her life after this.
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'It's not my fault she lost her luggage': Friend leaves travel partner stranded after she loses her bags

'It's not my fault she lost her luggage': Friend leaves travel partner stranded after she loses her bags

A pair of travelers are certainly not going to be friends anymore after this disastrous ending to their trip . Some posts on r/AmItheA**hole require a lot of nuance, but in this story shared by u/Spare-Possibility750, commenters nearly unanimously said the OP was a huge jerk. These two women, the OP and her friend Emma, traveled to California to see the sights and snap a bunch of photos. The OP writes that they were staying with one of Emma's friends, and it seems that Emma or her friends coord…
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'She told me I could have first dibs on what gift to get her': Wedding planner discovers his sister wants an extra wedding present

'She told me I could have first dibs on what gift to get her': Wedding planner discovers his ungrateful sister wants an extra wedding present

No one knows how to push your buttons better than your own family members . It starts when you're children, but even once you're grown up, the same people who you love more than anything can still get on your last nerve. This wedding planner found himself quite frustrated with his sister as she planned her dream wedding. Like lots of creative jobs, his sister seems to be under the impression that his job is easy and inexpensive, when in reality it's just the opposite. This guy helped her choose…
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'My cowokers... [are] gossiping about me and how I "overreacted"': Restaurant owner instructs servers to give up their tips to save his establishment

'My cowokers... [are] gossiping about me and how I "overreacted"': Restaurant owner instructs servers to give up their tips to save his establishment

This restaurant owner broke a cardinal rule of waiting tables, and it's wild that so many of his employees actually went along with his plan. It's a hallmark of American life that waiters and waitresses work mainly for tips. Over the years, tip prices keep rising higher as minimum wages have stagnated, and that has started frequent debates over tipping culture. In a story shared to r/AmItheA**hole, this desperate restaurant owner found a way to put some more cash in his own pocket. He shared th…
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