

'Wife #2 at 32 huh?': Dude lashes out at family after they disapprove of his second marriage

'Wife #2 at 32 huh?': Dude lashes out at family after they disapprove of his second marriage

There's nothing like an upcoming wedding to cause family members to pass judgment.
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family drama amitheahole aita marriage drama wife marriage-drama husband catering family - 20984325

'She told me that I am being a jerk': Wife last-minute cancels catering service for 20 people, insists husband helps

If you change a plan, especially at the last minute, you need to take responsibility for the increased workload that you've made for everyone. This principle holds true even when you suddenly decide to cancel a catering service because you'd rather cook for 20 people yourself. If you have the ability and time and would like to take on that task, more power to you, but don't expect others to give up their time and energy to help out when they were quite happy with the original option in the firs…
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'We got here first, so we got dibs': Woman kicks entitled friend out of Airbnb for demanding nice bedroom

'We got here first, so we got dibs': Woman kicks entitled friend out of Airbnb for demanding nice bedroom

This friend really believes in calling dibs, also known as the rule of the land in most situations. If you run to the car faster than anyone else, you get dibs on where you sit, or if you call dibs first on movie night, you get to pick the film. But this friend is calling dibs on something else entirely — the room she's choosing to sleep in during a vacation with her friends . U/yayabanana17 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole to settle an argument. As she explained, the group was planning to travel with…
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'Her mother had a fit': Caring father stands up for his daughter when superstitious mother refuses to pay for their child's life changing surgery because it's scheduled on her own birthday

Birthday obsessives are the bane of everyone's existence and we all have that one friend who can't stand it when people don't worship them once a year. Some random childhood trauma created the birthday-obsessed adults that we see today and, even though it's just a regular day marked on the regular calendar, folks get a little crazy about the anniversary of their birth. Like Disney adults, birthday obsessives tend to be emotionally immature...
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'I did not want them at my birthday dinner': Gentle-parenting sibling gets shut down by sister when she tries to get pity online

'I did not want them at my birthday dinner': Gentle-parenting sibling gets shut down by sister when she tries to get pity online

This sister came with receipts when trying to expose the truth that her gentle-parenting sibling was concealing behind a social media pity party spun into a web of lies. Sure, we're all for being nice to people, and there's no argument that this should extend to your kids so you can avoid passing your generational trauma onto them as much as possible. However, if you want your kids to grow up into fine young adults, it's probably important that you don't also teach them to be woefully entitled…
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'iT's OuR mOnEy': Hardworking daughter gets her college fund robbed after graduation when her parents surprise her with a baby brother and revoke half of her college savings

Wrestling student debt after you graduate college is a lot like taking on a polar bear in a 1v1, mano-a-mano fist fight. The odds are certainly against you and even if you manage to beat the bear, you'll likely freeze out in the cold arctic tundra afterwards. You may have hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans that you owe the Feds, but at least you took home a piece of paper that says that you know how to shotgun a beer before writing a 10 page research paper on gender studies.
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Dude doesn't understand why his neighbor won't cook for him daily

'It's really pretentious of you': Oblivious entitled dude doesn't understand why his neighbor won't cook for him daily

This guy is unbelievable — he doesn't even know his neighbor's name , yet he wants her to cook for him? On the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, there are dozens of posts each day where people try to ascertain if they're a jerk or not. While there's usually some nuance to these scenarios, this guy is just a massive jerk, and he ended up getting told as much by a bajillion commenters. As u/AwayPerformer wrote, he's a single 31 year old living in an apartment complex, and he recently got a new neighbor…
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Update: 'He then said... I need to pay my dues': Employee turns down job with more responsibility after boss lowballs herUpdate: 'He then said... I need to pay my dues': Employee turns down job with more responsibility after boss lowballs her

Update: 'He then said... I need to pay my dues': Employee stuns boss by turning down job with more responsibility after boss lowballs her

Should you really have to “ pay your dues ” in a company before moving up to a new job? This person, u/Jessicasd12, is trying to wrap her head around the concept of accepting low pay in order to rise up the ranks of her organization. In a story shared to r/AmItheA**hole, the OP writes that after working at a company for a year, her supervisor is planning to leave. That would leave the OP to fill her shoes, which she was excited to hear. However, the title doesn't come without a few caveats. Tho…
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family drama aita family family stories funny stories funny story revenge petty revenge - 20882949

'My turn': Mom rearranges daughter's home, daughter repays the favor

The beauty about finally getting your own place is that you're a master of your own destiny, free to choose and do whatever you'd like… until your mother comes to visit. What is it with mothers rearranging their adult children's homes? It turns out (based on the sheer number of responses to this thread) this is a common occurrence. Many readers responded to the original story with stories of their own about their mothers doing the same (or similar) thing. Maybe this shouldn't be too surprising—…
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Employee skipped over for job position after colleague opposes her nomination

'She might bring team morale down': Braggart employee denied job position after colleague opposes her nomination

A college student really didn't want to recommend her colleague for a job. As the co-lead of a software research lab, this college student enjoys her job, all except for one specific colleague. It's an unfortunate truth that you won't always get along with 100% of your colleagues, but just because you don't care for someone personally, doesn't mean they're not great at their work. However, the OP of this story, u/UsualAd1535, shared that her colleague constantly tries to one-up everyone around…
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'It was too late': Toddler cracks expensive artwork during open house, parents flee the scene

'I felt extremely embarrassed': Toddler cracks expensive artwork during open house, parents flee the scene

When something happens in a small town, everyone is going to hear about it. So when this couple chose to let their toddler roam unsupervised around an open house , they'd be crazy to think the whole town wouldn't know what happened by the next day. The OP, u/open852, wrote to the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit with their rather intriguing etiquette question. In the post, they describe how they and their husband brought their 4 year old kid to an open house . While the parents were strolling the prop…
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'I had to kick out my cousin during my ceremony for crying': Bride cuts off cousin after she causes wedding pandemonium

'I had to kick out my cousin during my ceremony for crying': Bride cuts off cousin after she causes wedding pandemonium

An entitled parent just cannot believe the world doesn't revolve around her and her kids. As u/FlounderEffective819 shared in a shocking story, she was excited for her wedding, but was insistent that the big day should be child free . All the OP wanted was a special moment with her husband as she walked down the aisle. That's a pretty normal thing to want at a wedding reception, but one of the OP's family members, who has three young children, didn't take the “no kids” rule very well. It seems…
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Daughter cuts up credit card after mother continually reminds her of rent payments

'Demanding rent in a fight made me the villain': Daughter cuts up credit card after mother continually reminds her of rent payments

A mom is sure she's teaching her daughter the right way to budget money, but her husband and daughter disagree. You have plenty of duties as a parent, and teaching your kids financial literacy is certainly really important to a parent of a young adult, like this OP, whose account has since been deleted. The mom who wrote in to r/AmItheA**hole says that her 24-year-old daughter now needs to pay rent after leaving college . Even though she's only been in a job for a few months, her mom is quite i…
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bride wedding weddings bridal-party bridal bridesmaids marriage married wedding-budget budget-wedding cheat thief stolen cash-bar cash honeymoon fake aita reddit insane gift ungrateful

'She made $20,000 on her wedding': Vigilante bridesmaid exposes bride who used a fake cash bar to hoodwink their entire wedding into paying for their honeymoon

Weddings are expensive, so planning a nuptial on a budget can make a person lose sight of appropriate ethics when it comes to money matters. Although everyone wants to make their wedding the event of their dreams, sometimes we're just not rich enough for that. One woman, a 40 something who was finally ready to walk down the aisle, recently planned an enormous wedding on a skimpy budget; then, she did the unthinkable...
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amitheahole aita neighbors tales-from-the-neighborhood neighbor-stories neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories neighbor - 20869893

Update: 'We’re not in a forest so who cares': Woman douses fire-starting neighbor's banned fire, ignites a feud

Just a pro tip for those of you looking to enjoy the comfort of an outdoor fire this summer… If there's already a nearby forest fire raging, throwing out enough smoke to choke your entire region of the country... just don't. Don't do it. Find something—anything—else to do instead, just as long as it doesn't involve starting a non-metaphorical fire in a literal tinderbox. With large swathes of North America being drowned in the smoke of forest fires every summer in recent memory, it would just b…
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family drama amitheahole aita entitled parents drama parenting Reddit Parenting Fail parents dogs pets - 20850693

'[Am I the jerk] for getting a dog': Family orders adult woman to get rid of her pet dog because her brother is allergic

Growing up, it's important to listen to your parents. Generally, they have a lot of insight and experience that you lack at this point in your life—plus a healthy dose of resulting cynicism. Once you've graduated from their care and have your own place, you get to live your life on your own terms, free to make your own mistakes and live your own life—which often ends with you constantly asking them for advice anyways. We value our parents and their advice, but some parents have trouble letting…
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