

Tattoo artist tattoos initials onto unsuspecting person

'I demanded a partial refund and they refused': Tattoo artist tattoos initials onto unsuspecting person

Tattoos are so personal to the individual getting their skin adorned. Everyone knows that tattoos last forever, but it's a hard concept to fathom until you actually get the tattoo. Depending on where you get it, you'll either 1) look at it every day, so you'd better love it! or 2) never look at it if it's on your back or legs, and you'll kind of forget you have it at times. Regardless, you do have that art work forever, and even if you can't see it, other people probably can. Along with your ha…
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Update: 'She saw my post': Mother of triplets asks brother to babysit during their entire family vacation, finds brother's post about her

Update: 'She saw my post': Mother of triplets guilts brother into babysitting during family vacation, flips out when he changes plans

Family vacations are supposed to be fun for the whole family, not just a few members. But this mother wasn't too concerned about the feelings of the rest of her family, so long as she got a break for herself. Vacations are so great when you're a kid. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the trip! Your parents will take care of all the planning, booking, transportation, and meals, and you just get to run around the beach or an amusement park to your heart's content. This 23-year-old is reali…
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bad-manager aita employee work-evaluation bad-management r-antiwork millennial-employee toxic-boss workplace gen-z-employee bad bosses Reddit toxic-work-culture - 21282309

'[I told] my boss I won't be staying overtime... [Not even] 5 minutes': Employee lets boss have it after he gets reprimanded for not staying past work hours for unpaid overtime

Is it really that difficult of a concept to grasp that you should pay your employees for their work? The whole “get this bread” mentality that has you working over time for no extra pay is completely whack and millennials and Gen Z are starting to shine light on that. However, there are still employers out there telling you to “show initiative” by staying late and giving up more hours of your life for free. How do these types of employers not see how soul sucking and entitled that is? A guy who…
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'My intern [is] benefitting from pretty privilege': Employee gets in tense interaction with intern after discovering office secret

'My intern [is] benefitting from pretty privilege': Jealous employee gets into tense argument with intern after discovering office secret

There's definitely a right and wrong way when it comes to handling these kinds of office revelations. This employee definitely did not handle this well.
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'You're confusing hobbies with chores': Expectant mother thinks husband is 'making fun of her' with gift choice

'You're confusing hobbies with chores': Expectant mother blasts husband for 'making fun of her' with gift choice

This husband thought he was being a nice guy, but he really hurt his wife's feelings with the gift he decided to give her. The husband, u/Level-Parsley2953, was wondering if he's really a jerk for the gift he gave his wife. They're married and starting a family, with two babies on the way. The OP even got a second job to support their growing family, but this means his wife has been taking on more of the household burdens. That includes “nothing too major,” the OP writes. But the “nothing too m…
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'What do you mean she doesn't pay rent?': Woman goes on rent strike after finding out sister doesn't pay a cent

'What do you mean she doesn't pay rent?': Woman goes on rent strike after finding out sister doesn't pay a cent

These parents had a great arrangement with their kids regarding rent, until they actually talked about their financial situation . Living with your parents used to be the kind of thing that lots of people only did until they were in their late teens or early twenties. But these days, it's more common than ever to live with your parents well into adulthood. Millennials and Gen Z know this all too well, since both generations are living with their parents way longer than previous generations. Whi…
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'My coworker [...] needs to grow up': Coworker keeps sleeping through meetings, asks for feedback, employee gives it to her straight

'My coworker [...] needs to grow up': Coworker keeps sleeping through meetings, asks for feedback, employee gives it to her straight

She asked for honesty, and honesty is what she received.
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'I admit I was a touch rude': Dude lashes out at dog owners after a simple inquisitive sniff

'I admit I was a touch rude': Dude lashes out at dog owners after a simple inquisitive sniff

The proper etiquette and managing of your pooch in a public place is a tricky subject. Far too many dog owners let their dogs roam—recklessly leaving their dogs free to approach strange humans and unknown dogs without a second thought. Now, I know your dog is probably lovely, your prized little nugget of fluffy joy—but the chances of it lashing out at a stranger are not zero. To make matters worse, every dog owner in existence will give you the “He/she is friendly!” line—whether it's true or no…
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'His sister will come in and "doctor up" the food I'm making': Husband and SIL refuse to stop ruin woman's dinners

'His sister will come in and "doctor up" the food I'm making': Husband and SIL refuse to stop ruining woman's dinners

This kitchen has too many chefs . The secret to great cooking is following a recipe. Unless you're a super skilled chef with years of experience eyeballing your measurements and tweaking your recipes, you're gonna need a proper recipe. Everyone has different skill levels in the kitchen too, so it doesn't hurt to have a list of ingredients and steps to follow. This person is trying to follow their own recipes for dinners for their family. They keep making food for their kids, husband, and the SI…
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terrible coworkers boyfriend aita workplace-stories employee work stories carpool work coworkers cars workplace reddit thread Reddit - 21054981

'My coworker should have defended me': Employee forced to pay coworker's boyfriend $20 for a ride after coworker had been carpooling with employee for free

There are so many things this coworker could have done to avoid these consequences.
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Woman walks out of hair appointment after stylist comments on her 'weedwhacker' haircut

'I'm not a Karen I swear': Woman walks out of hair appointment after stylist roasts her 'weedwhacker' haircut

This woman is wondering if she's the reason her latest haircut went so poorly. Recently on Twitter, people were discussing “haircut trauma,” with some people mocking the idea, and more serious folks knowing exactly what that meant. Hair is a very important indicator of oneself, after all, it's one of the first things people notice about you, and one of the ways you are judged upon first impressions. So if you've ever had a hair stylist botch your hair really badly, you know that it can be a rou…
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family drama aita relationship-drama parenting-stories parenting dad workplace family Reddit Parenting Fail parents - 21042181

'I was gone for about 30 minutes': Dad gets put in his place for ditching dinner party to take son to McDonald's

Teaching your kids that they're not always going to have everything handed to them when (and how) they want it is an important lesson to share. It helps prepare them for the reality that things aren't always going to be exactly to their liking; different people do things differently and have different ideas about what is "good" and how things should be done, so learning to work with that as early as possible will only make their life easier and ensure that they don't grow up to be a micromanagi…
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drive aita Italy car demanding flooding Hawaii Travel entitled leave traveling road trip entitled people flood update - 20992261

Update: 'I told her she is not going anywhere': Uncooperative traveler refuses to end trip early, then demands to be taken to Hawaii

These vacations to Italy and Hawaii sound incredible, so it's a shame it didn't work out as the vacationers planned. Traveling with your friends always seems like a good idea until it's actually time to go. You really find out who people are when they're under stress, and if you've ever traveled at all, you know that things never go completely as planned. Vacationing, as relaxing as it is, involves a lot of moving parts and planning things in advance. Depending on what you do, the planner has t…
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marriage-stories reddit stories amitheahole aita marriage drama marriage-drama relationships ahole Reddit - 20984581

'She was furious': Dude has a meltdown over spicy food and ruins his wife's birthday, wonders if he's wrong

One thing's for sure in this story… This guy needs to drink a glass of milk and cool off. It's important to remember that things aren't always about you ; you need to let other people in your life have their moment in the limelight, especially during times when it is literally all about them. These times include (but aren't limited to) weddings, birthdays, and funerals—any time that your job is to be there for someone else. Taking it upon yourself to claim the spotlight will only ensure that yo…
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Guy leaves coworker in the rain, ignores all his emails

'Ted got himself fired': Guy leaves coworker stranded in the rain, ignores all his emails

When it comes to names, this man is not playing around. Nicknames come naturally to some people, especially if you have a formal name that's common to shorten, like how many Williams go by Billy. Other people gain nicknames that match their career, hobbies, or personality instead. The man in this story from r/AmItheA**hole actually really hates the nickname he's been given by his coworker , and he finally snapped one day. The workplace tale, told by u/notmyd***name, highlights the importance of…
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'She is refusing because she thinks it's immoral': Boss refuses to give employee a job recommendation because they're married

'She is refusing because she thinks it's immoral': Boss refuses to give employee a job recommendation because they're married

When asking someone to be a reference for you, you'd better be darn sure they're willing to say positive things about you. Although it can be awkward to ask, having someone who will testify to your character and work ethic is really important as you're job searching. Lots of companies won't ask for references until you're already deep into the interview process. By that point, a reference can absolutely make or break your prospects of working for that company. While I've never done so myself, q…
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