

'I'm just going to Google it': 15+ patients share the craziest things doctors have said to their faces

'I'm just going to Google it': 15+ patients share the craziest things doctors have said to their faces

No one ever said your doctor couldn't also have a sense of humor. In fact, while some people might find jokes to be unwelcome in a hospital environment, others may find that in appropriate circumstances, jokes can be comforting. Perhaps the right kind of bedside manner is a personal preference at the end of the day. Personally speaking, I will go to any doctor's appointment with more pent-up anxiety than anyone else in the waiting room. If my doctor isn't going to crack a joke to break the ice,…
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'All I did was settle the score': IT employee gets manager fired after finding a bug in code that allows entire company to access clientele

'All I did was settle the score': IT employee gets manager fired after finding a bug in code that allows entire company to access clientele

Finding work is harder than it looks. We don't even begin to consider all the little details that go into our future careers when we apply for a job. like, off the top of my mind, a mandatory background check? In the story below, OP runs the risk of losing his job because his background check does not match the information he provided on his resume or in his interviews. However because he was forced to sign a confidentiality agreement with his prior employers, OP failed to disclose some of the…
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'I'm gonna bring the food back': Food delivery woman refuses to give customer his food because the drive took too long

'I'm gonna bring the food back': Food delivery woman refuses to give customer his food because the drive took too long

There is no question that customers should always be generous with tipping when they can, but this food delivery driver took things way too far. She started to shout at the customer to try to convince him to come out and talk to her because she had a bone to pick with the restaurant he chose to order from… One has to wonder what possessed this woman to feel like she had a say in where he chose to order his food. She claimed that the restaurant was simply too far and that it was a 40 minute driv…
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'A look of horror crossed his face': Woman's demands go wrong after she orders another mother to share ginger 'candy' with her kid

'A look of horror crossed his face': Woman's demands go wrong after she orders another mother to share ginger 'candy' with her kid

The account that follows is the story of an extremely entitled mother who finally learned valuable life lessons such as never accepting candy from strangers, setting boundaries, and being cautious around strangers. The story starts when OP invites her kids to the water park. Unfortunately, OP's severe motion sickness prevents her from enjoying the rides with her children. However, because being a mom requires sacrifice, OP arrived on site prepared, clutching a bag full of ginger candies that wo…
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‘I started barking like a dog’: Student witnesses classmate bark at her friend, principal asks her to reenact the incident, cue malicious compliance

‘I started barking like a dog’: Student witnesses classmate bark at her friend, principal asks her to reenact the incident, cue malicious compliance

This strict principal clearly did not realize what he was asking. Haven’t we all had a fantasy of telling off a teacher or, even more impressively, a high school principal? Well, let’s take those fantasies up a notch. Imagine barking in the face of your high school principal as loudly and as raucously as you possibly could. That’s what this student managed to pull off without retaliation or consequences. She shared her side of the story via this thread on Reddit’s r/MaliciousCompliance subreddi…
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'Dishwasher detergent that looks like juice': 30 major unintentional design flaws

'Dishwasher detergent that looks like juice': 30 major and unintentional design flaws

Sometimes you take a look at a product in a store and immediately wonder what these people were thinking when they were designing this. You're thinking about how silly it looks, how useless it seems, and how many people signed off on this without using their evidently hollow brains. These flaws were compiled from the top posts in the r/BadDesigns subreddit from this past month. Some of these entries include store products, job advertisements, warning signs, and even architectural flaws. Regardl…
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'I came out on top': Guy charged $30 to exchange Christmas gift, refuses on principle, challenges policy and makes the store pay up

'I came out on top': Guy charged $30 to exchange Christmas gift, refuses on principle, challenges policy and makes the store pay up

It takes a special kind of person to interpret a store's return policy as a suggestion and not a rule. I myself do not possess this quality. If I'm told to pay up, even if it's ridiculous, I often put my goodie two shoes on and cough up the money. This is not a quality of which I am proud, especially over the Holiday season when there are a lot of scams out there. In times like these, I wish I knew someone like this Redditor so he could stand up to the store manager on my behalf. This thread wa…
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'Got back at a scammer': Guy gets scammed by mover, bands together with other conned folks and spams him until they get their money back

'Got back at a scammer': Guy gets scammed by mover, bands together with other conned folks and spams him until they get their money back

Moving is already stressful enough; getting scammed during a move is about as low as a scammer can go. The closest I have ever been to getting scammed during a move would be during the apartment hunting process in New York City last summer. After applying and securing an apartment that was already near the top of our budget maximum, the listing agent decided that this place was in such high demand that he could then add a ton of extra fees on the place, none of which were communicated to use be…
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ask reddit FAIL human experience mistakes were made fail stories mistakes getting older - 23533573

'Getting involved with a coworker...': Mistakes people still made over the age of 30 that led to disaster

Life, in its simplest form, is a series of choices, choices made within the limits of our perspective and affected by outside influences and authorities that hold sway. Sometimes, these decisions are small and relatively inconsequential, but they can still snowball into something far bigger down the road. Other times, the decisions themself are large, so large that we find it nearly impossible to take the necessary step forward down one of the paths. In these instances, it's no surprise that we…
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'My mom paying $1,500 to have the house she was renting painted': Top 20 Irresponsible Financial Decisions

'My mom paying $1,500 to have the house she was renting painted': 20+ Irresponsible Financial Decisions

The Holiday season is an easy time to make bad choices with your money. This is especially true for those of you who have needy family members asking for expensive gifts or if you have a burning desire to treat yourself. Unfortunately, most of the time, the smartest thing to do is the least fun thing. As much as I wish we lived in a universe where we didn't have to budget months in advance for a “treat yourself” moment, sometimes it's necessary. Now, before we get to enjoy the horrible financia…
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'We had free pizzas weekly for years': 20+ top clever loopholes people used to their advantage

'We had free pizzas weekly for years': 20+ top clever loopholes people used to their advantage

Discovering a loophole is like unlocking one of life's top secrets. You have to be extra careful about who you share this secret with; otherwise, the fun will be ruined for all involved. In theory, adulting is about being so on top of things that you don't need to find loopholes to get free stuff. In practice, though, adulting is very much about being that savvy. As someone who hopes to remain a part of his family's Netflix household for as long as possible until I am discovered, I am always lo…
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'[Cop] wrote all those drivers tickets': Top 10+ Tales of Instant Karma

'[Cop] wrote all those drivers tickets': Top 10+ Tales of Instant Karma

You can never exactly predict when and how karma is going to strike. Sometimes, the people who deserve it the most get off easy (for now). But when karma does come into play, the results can be glorious. I'll never forget the time I had a friend who was so insistent that their wedding would happen the way they wanted it to that despite the forecast of good weather, it started to downpour during their outdoor wedding ceremony. It was the kind of climactic situation no one could have predicted (a…
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Reddit thread about a noisy neighbor.

'I decided to write her a note': Tenant takes matters into her own hands after neighbor won't stop drilling and stomping

Moving into a new building is rarely smooth sailing. We've all had noisy neighbors that make us question our entire lives, values, and morals; why did I move to this city in the first place? Why do people even decide to have children? How come I'm polite and other people aren't? Is being noisy something that runs in the family? One woman who recently moved into a brand new apartment with her friends went through this existential crisis after an upstairs neighbor won't stop drilling, stomping, a…
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'The flower girl was the daughter of the bride and the best man': Top 20+ shocking weddings gone wrong

'The flower girl was the daughter of the bride and the best man': Top 20+ shocking weddings gone wrong

There is a lot at stake when you're planning a wedding, which naturally means so much can go terribly wrong. Not only is there the anxiety surrounding superficial things like the flowers and the music and the food, but then there's also the anxiety that comes with appeasing multiple personalities at once and having certain difficult family members participate in the event. The truth is you can plan every possible way to avoid drama, but there are some people who simply bring drama with them whe…
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'Why does their key card work for our room?': Hotel guests confront front desk agent after he gave two strangers their room key, agent reveals he was bribed

'Why does their key card work for our room?': Hotel guests confront front desk agent after he gave two strangers their room key, agent reveals he was bribed

You would think the hotel would have clearer policies. These guests were on a vacation down in Miami when two strangers came into their room after being granted room key access by the front desk agent. Luckily, the guests were alright, but they did call the police to file a formal complaint about what happened. The interaction between the officers and the front desk agent was captured via video by one of the guests. In the video, you can see that the front desk agent accidentally reveals that h…
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'I had a dream I was a raw chicken cutlet': 15+ bizarre and cringe dreams stuck in people's memories

'I had a dream I was a raw chicken cutlet': 15+ bizarre and cringe dreams stuck in people's memories

It's hard to find psychological meaning underneath some of these wildly bizarre dreams. For instance, how can one find meaning behind dreaming that you are a raw chicken cutlet climbing a cliff? Could it be that you feel like your life is uncooked and begging for adventure? Could it be that you don't quite feel like a human? That you're completely misunderstood? We're grasping at straws here because the dreams these folks shared via this r/AskReddit thread are so “out there” one has to wonder w…
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