'If you're buying us gifts, the requirement is to buy us gifts above $250': Top 15 Entitled Karen Brides

'If you're buying us gifts, the requirement is to buy us gifts above $250': Top 15 Entitled Karen Brides and Grooms

When everything goes according to plan, a wedding can become the perfect weekend for anyone attending, but if things go wrong, no one is safe. Part of that is due to our cultural and sociological obsession with the importance of weddings. From the flowers to the venue to the music to the food, there is always going to be something that the bride and groom will obsess over and, because of the random nature of life, not everything is going to be perfect. No matter how many times you may try to re…
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design fail bathrooms ugly design weird pics bad design funny photos funny pictures shirts ugly graphic design funny weird - 35814661

'Pay your parking fee before existing': 45 Design fails that were total flops

Some of these designs make you wonder how they ever got past the drawing board and out into the real world. Someone had to look at these designs and say, “Yep, I'll greenlight this.” It really makes you want to know the backstory of these images.
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15+ Fashion Flops That Prove Inner Beauty Really Is More Important

15+ Fashion Flops That Prove Inner Beauty Really Is More Important

Calling fashion an acquired taste is a major understatement when it comes to some of these, shall we say, memorable choices. Look, everyone should be entitled to wear whatever they want whenever they want so long as they are not hurting anyone's feelings in the process. That being said, some trends and looks can be so difficult to look at that one has to wonder who in their right mind thought said trends and looks were good ideas. For regular folks, fashion missteps shouldn't feel that high sta…
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‘Don’t try to fool me…’: Entitled couple fakes lost ticket to steal man's prepaid plane seat

‘Don’t try to fool me…’: Entitled couple fakes lost ticket to steal man's prepaid plane seat

When traveling, whether it's for business purposes between states or a long-distance trip to the chilly alpine slopes of Switzerland, it's necessary to adhere to airline etiquette. The story below is an account of a frustrated traveler. The original poster (OP) had just returned home to Seattle from Florida. In the story that follows, OP describes his interaction with an entitled couple who attempted to steal his designated seat. They tried to claim the seats as their own at first, but when tha…
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work workplace worker workers employee employees boss manager supervisor pto pto-request vacation denied reddit thread

'My job denied me days off for my wedding': Bride-to-be gets PTO denied for her wedding, stoutly refuses their disapproval

Guess you're going to be short-staffed...
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'Your mailbox isn't shiny enough': 15 HOAs with ridiculous rules

'Your mailbox isn't shiny enough': 15 HOAs with ridiculous rules

We don't take kindly to silly HOA rules ‘round these parts. You might say that this town ain’t big enough for the two of us! Seriously though, HOAs are a giant pain in the rear for just about everyone who's moved into their territory. A lot of first-time home buyers will find their dream home, fall in love with the property, and move in ASAP. But then when they arrive, they're told they'll need to pay hundreds of dollars per month to the local Homeowner's Association (HOA). Hundreds! Every mont…
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amitheahole aita best friends friends reddit story friend ethics etiquette reddit thread qanda - 35763205

Friend cancels group's luxurious vacation home booking after some don't pay their share: 'I told them that the house we had looked at was gone'

Any time responsibility and accountability is spread to thinly without the individuals themselves having the possibility of facing consequence for their actions people stop feeling the need to or trying to do the right thing as they normally would. See bystander effect and ** insert metaphor for society here**. You see this play out in group projects and the same is true for trying to get to big of a group together to do something. Trying to organize a trip for 12 “friends” to all stay in a vac…
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Employee blamed for system outage out of his authority, resigns after being told to hand write why he messed up

Angry employee is blamed by boss for unavoidable system outage, resigns after being reprimanded: ‘I refuse to be treated like a child’

Front desk employees often have to deal with entitled customers, but sometimes they have to deal with equally entitled bosses.
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'I got quiet fired two days before my wedding': Employee notices backward pattern when VP threatens to fire her right before her wedding

'I got quiet fired two days before my wedding': Employee notices backward pattern when VP threatens to fire her right before her wedding

In this day and age, we don't expect toxic workplace environments to get away with wildly outdated behavior anymore, and yet as much as we'd like to think that progress has been made, unkind and unfair treatment still does happen all the time. Here, we have a young female employee who was on the brink of getting married when the VP of her company organized a disciplinary meeting threatening to fire her if she didn't pull it together at work. Of course, there was no concrete evidence that she wa…
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malicious compliance reddit work workplace intern internship interns supervisor signature waste time employee employees medical doctor working job

'Sure sir, I'll wait': Intern outwits a senior medical practitioner attempting to haze him, wasting 3 hours of his time for a simple signature

Chess not checkers
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karens front desk hotel lobby late checkout reddit karen hotel employee what goes around comes around entitled people karma pay back karens in the wild justice served entitled karen karma hotel pet fee r-entitled Reddit karen story hotel clerk karma karen entitled people - 35812869

‘If he’d been nice to me, I wouldn’t have charged him’: Entitled hotel guest treats front desk clerk like dirt, gets charged an extra $75 he could've avoided

If you're mean for no reason, then, quite literally, you're going to pay the price.
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'She thinks I'm disrespectful': Dude refuses to call new hire by her requested title

'She thinks I'm disrespectful': Dude refuses to call new hire by her requested title

What's in a name? Well, for this person, their coworker's name is causing them a weird amount of discomfort. In most workplaces, you call your coworkers by their first name . There are certainly exceptions, like if your company is trying to appear fancy in front of clients or whatever. But for the most part, calling someone by their first name is very common in the US, and not seen as disrespectful or insensitive. But this guy's coworker has a request: she doesn't want to be called by her first…
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Upset employee is faced with dilemma regarding toxic workplace's strict rules surrounding water breaks

Hypocritical managers of employee's workplace break their own rules regarding strict water breaks, employee is fed up: ‘I feel like this is completely unethical’

"No one is happy about it, but one of the people above me on the ‘front end’ always hides her own drink behind customer service, while also getting on everyone else if they have a drink."
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'Jack the Jacket Man': 20 Final bosses who shall not let you pass

'Jack the Jacket Man': 20 Final bosses who shall not let you pass

If you have to pick one final boss to defeat, who's it going to be? Video game lovers know the concept of a final boss . After you've traveled through the first part of the level, beating monsters along the way, you get to the biggest, baddest villain of them all. It can take ages to defeat one of these dudes. In some games, the boss will end you dozens of times before you finally win. In others, you have to grind for gear or level up your armor before you ever have a chance at defeating that d…
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'You wanna drown in paperwork? Be my guess!': Truck driver maliciously complies with new scanning policy, gives payroll a major headache

'You wanna drown in paperwork? Be my guess!': Truck driver maliciously complies with new scanning policy, gives payroll a major headache

Some bosses care more about enforcing ridiculous policies than assessing whether or not said policies are efficient. How many times have you found yourself in a work situation when the easy solution is staring right in front of you but you can't say anything because of your temperamental and particular boss? This truck driver had to deal with a silly new rule about scanning tons of extra paperwork to corporate when all he really needed to do was scan a few signed pages. Of course, despite voici…
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aita reddit wife husband married new parents parenting parent story reddit revenge reddit-thread parenting-fail fail petty revenge story

New mom sabotages her husband's gaming tournament after he refuses to help care for their newborn: 'Step up and be a parent too'

Parenting is a two-person job. While there are excellent single parents out there, caring for a newborn often requires the waking attention of two fully attentive adults, which is why having children can make or break a relationship. When new parents reach a boiling point, things can go south very quickly.
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