New IT hire forced to take control of the whole system after entire team quits: 'Everyone left the company on my first day'

New IT hire forced to take control of the whole system after entire team quits: 'Everyone left the company on my first day'

Most new hires spend their first day getting an overview of their daily responsibilities and meeting the other members of their team. Unfortunately for this IT worker, that calm, chill first day was taken away from them pretty much instantly. It turns out that on this particular employee's first day, they learned that the company used some obscure and outdated software that would take some time to adjust to and understand. Well, time did not seem to be on their side given the fact that the cowo…
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Employees share their favorite workplace payback stories that'll empower you to take a stand

‘I started an exodus’: Former disgruntled employees reflect fondly on the payback they unleashed on toxic bosses before leaving their jobs for good

When dealing with toxic management, there's nothing like giving them a final surprise before your not-so-gentle departure.
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tip tips tipping tipping-culture gratuity restaurant restaurants server servers service waiter waiters waitress customer customers reddit thread

'Fine, 0% tip it is then': Tipping scandal ensues when a restaurant tries to force customers to tip by covering the ‘no tip’ option on their payment device

Here comes the Yelp review
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'Entitled CEO comes back... to ask us what we're going to do to get his business back': CEO waits weeks to complain about meal, insists the manager make it right

Sorry that your fine dining experience wasn't perfect, Mr. CEO. As a customer, this CEO felt that he was entitled to a flawless dining experience. Perhaps he's complaining for other reasons, though… After that, this railroad boss told an employee that finishing a night's work was “arrogant,” so the employee decided to go along with his wishes and underperform accordingly .
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Karen loses it over lawn mover price after getting duped by a fake ad online: 'Your price is wrong! These are $9.95!'

Karen loses it over lawn mover price after getting duped by a false ad online: 'Your price is wrong! These are $9.95!'

Don't trust everything you come across online, folks! This male Karen customer did not comprehend that the obviously false advertisement he saw for a lawn mower on social media was, well, not real. We trust the Redditor in this scenario when they claim that this was a poorly Photoshopped ad for a $9.95 lawn mower when in reality, the lawn mowers they were selling at the store cost upwards of $200. Like any entitled customer when they are not given what they want, this Karen lost it. In fact, it…
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20+ DIY projects that never should've seen the light of day

20+ DIY projects that never should've seen the light of day

All of these DIY projects started with the best intentions! A person saw a problem or felt inspired, and started their craft. Too bad that doing a DIY project isn't always as easy as it looks. No matter how well you follow that YouTube video or set of directions, some things need to be left to the pros. While I'm a big fan of the Spaghetti-O Furby and other art projects , it's harder to love all of the wild car DIYs (as you can see below). For example, one person built a fan into the roof of th…
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'Ma'am, you have injected yourself into my life for no good reason': Top Karens of the Week (July 12, 2024)

'Ma'am, you have injected yourself into my life for no good reason': Top Karens of the Week (July 12, 2024)

Heatwaves can make people crazy, but these Karens already were crazy to begin with… Look, when it gets this hot outside, people can be a little rough around the edges. After all, the height of summer means walking down one street and somehow encountering at least eight different scents simultaneously. It means coming into work sweaty and gross. And it means a ton of social obligations, some of which inevitably involve the most annoying people. So let's all give each other a break before we all…
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‘It broke my heart, but I couldn’t tolerate it anymore’: Karen manager secretly changes schedule and ‘forces’ employee to quit, higher ups apologize and ask her to return but it's too late

‘It broke my heart, but I couldn’t tolerate it anymore’: Karen manager secretly changes schedule and ‘forces’ employee to quit, higher ups apologize and ask her to return but it's too late

Sometimes, enough is enough.
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family drama neighbors crazy people entitlement drama kids neighborhood Female Empowerment driveway neighborhood-drama parenting prank entitled family reddit thread Reddit mom children entitled people - 35772421

'Finally, justice getting served!': Homeowner spends hundreds of dollars to find source of banging noise, catches entitled neighbor kid kicking house and running away

As kids, many of us indulged in harmless pranks around the neighborhood—ding-dong-ditching, TP-ing, you name it. It was just part of growing up. Now as adults with our own homes, we've come to realize just how irritating these 'innocent' pranks can be. It's like karma has come full circle. However, one recent incident takes the cake in terms of annoyance factor. A particularly entitled kid has been repeatedly kicking his neighbor's house. Yes, kicking it.
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'What are they going to do? Fire me? I don’t work there anymore': Former fast-food employee banned from restaurant for getting righteous revenge on their least-favorite customer

'What are they going to do? Fire me? I don’t work there anymore': Former fast-food employee banned from restaurant for getting righteous revenge on their least-favorite customer

No matter what a customer says or does at a retail location , the employees are expected to grin and bear it. Even if a customer is ranting and raving over the most minor issues, like a missing sauce packet or getting a diet soda instead of a regular one, the employees are forced to listen to them whine and complain. It gets endlessly tiresome. That's why this person, u/your_name_here___, is our personal hero of the day. They realized they could say whatever they wanted to customers… and they d…
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Employee circumvents terrible boss's refusal to approve leave requests by inventing a fake aunt "Betty" who tragically passes: 'No one ever found out'

Elaborate excuses and little white lies have long been a means of getting out of those obligations that we just can't bear facing. Forgot to do an assignment? Dog ate it. Need some time off work? Your third grandma just tragically passed away. Some social engagement that you can't bear facing? Turns out you just got a nasty stomach bug and can't be more than ten feet away from the bathroom. Most of us have probably resorted to using an excuse like this a time or two during our time on this plan…
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Job candidate forced to sit on the floor while waiting an hour for her interview after other employees refused to give her a seat: 'I felt invisible'

Job candidate forced to sit on the floor while waiting an hour for her interview after other employees refused to give her a seat: 'I felt invisible'

No matter how desperate one might be for a job, there are some things they should never let happen to them while interviewing, and being forced to sit on the floor is one of them. I honestly don't know how the woman who wrote this Reddit story could stand (pun intended) the way she was treated in her job interview. When she arrived at her interview, she was told to wait for the employer in a lobby area and was surprised to see that the area was occupied by a few other people, who were taking up…
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Technicians throw a 'you're gone' party after strict boss gets demoted and later fired for ignoring safety procedures: 'We are celebrating you not being around anymore'

Technicians throw a 'you're gone' party after strict boss gets demoted and later fired for ignoring safety procedures: 'We are celebrating you not being around anymore'

Imagine thinking everyone was about to throw you a nice going away party after your resignation was announced, only to learn that the party is really a celebration of everyone not having to deal with you anymore. That's what this boss dealt with after he was demoted and later fired for a variety of reasons, one of which involved ignoring serious safety procedures. He was, at one point, the manager of a national sewer and drain company, and he was known for making his team members' lives a night…
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mc malicious compliance reddit thread interesting funny deserves customer service customers karen kevin epic revenge justice

''Turn my service off RIGHT NOW'... Ok': Customer service agent uses malicious compliance to force the hand of a money-grubbing customer, proving a point with one fell swoop

The arrogant customer in our next story who tried to swindle his customer service rep over the phone, money-grubbing for an extra $200 credit on his Internet bill. But for the working man struggling to keep his cool over the phone, this customer presented a particularly satisfying opportunity for malicious compliance that only comes once every blue moon.
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Partygoers refuse to leave event empty handed, raid event, leaving hosts high and dry with nothing to serve remaining guests

Partygoers refuse to leave event empty handed, raid event, leaving hosts high and dry with nothing to serve remaining guests

The odd thing about social etiquette is that it varies from group to group and is learned by imitation rather than explicit instruction. Conforming to the society you are a part of requires you to uphold certain societal standards and ideals continuously. The story that follows is from the perspective of an irate partygoer. This past weekend, the original poster (OP) attended a friend's summer block party. The guests seemed to enjoy the celebration, and the hosts seemed pleased with how everyth…
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karens boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work demanding supervisor karens in the wild workplace entitled karen story karen entitled people - 35774981

'Karen... doesn't care if we get fired': Call center worker refuses to get supervisor for upset customer

That last hour of work can be brutal. We all know the feeling: there are just 60 minutes separating you from the freedom of the outside world, and the clock seems to be ticking five times slower than normal. This person works at a call center, so for them, an hour is plenty of time to take one last call. Unfortunately for this person, their last caller just couldn't understand why her problem couldn't be resolved . This story revolves around a customer who was unhappy with being charged a fee f…
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