'Choosing beggar influencers will call the hotel...they demanded a nice hotel room': Hotel staffers develop hilarious scheme to get even with social media influencers

'Choosing beggar influencers will call the hotel': Hotel staffers develop hilarious scheme to get even with obnoxious social media influencers

At this “ tourist hotspot ,” a lot of guests demand only the finest treatment. They want the nicest, biggest rooms, the most photogenic food choices, and of course, massive discounts. Why? Well, because they're influencers, of course. They're basically celebrities in their own minds. After that, check out these design fails that were dubious from the start, like the stairs that are sure to take out an ankle or two.
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NCO orders Air Force Information Manager to track their completed jobs, quickly abandoned when results stack in their favor: 'I had over [6 times] the jobs'

There's something about stories of time in the military that just really tick all boxes. For one thing, you have archetypical authoritarian figures aplenty who have a very real and absolute authority over their subordinates, the kind of power that a overstepping assistant retail manager or wizened doctor's office receptionist would salivate buckets over. The thing is, in this type of environment, you're going to be ordered to do things that you don't agree with or that just plain old don't make…
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hr work workplace coworker coworkers worker employee employees boss manager managers micromanager supervisor working ceo job business company bathroom breaks lol funny

‘I was taking the TMI path’: Dry-humored employee shares details of his bathroom breaks with his controlling micromanager, then HR gets involved

Insert malicious compliance
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Admin worker complies with snarky Karen coworker's request to receive all documentations, overwhelms her with paperwork: '[I] ended up with a stack of over 1,500 pages'

Admin worker complies with snarky Karen coworker's request to receive all documentation, overwhelms her with paperwork: '[I] ended up with a stack of over 1,500 pages'

No one needs that much paperwork! This admin worker relayed a story from earlier in their career when a snarky Karen coworker started to complain about “missing documents.” She would ultimately come to regret that she ever made a complaint in the first place. Essentially, it was the Redditor's job to follow a document distribution matrix model to ensure that all departments within their oil terminal company received the necessary paperwork regarding Bills of Lading. Now, the Redditor had been w…
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Micromanager fabricates write-up for job security until he is caught red-handed by employee's secret recording

Micromanager fabricates write-up for job security until he is caught red-handed by employee's secret recording

Providing customer service is never an easy task for a number of reasons. The hardest part is the fact that you cannot predict who you'll run into or what type of attitude they're going to have. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The original poster (OP), who is employed in retail, was hit with threats over a $1.63 charge. But rather than standing with OP and protecting the worker from the enraged client, management decided to stick by the client and reprimand OP for suppos…
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'My first "influencer" call was the funniest thing ever': Hotel receptionist encounters micro influencer with over inflated ego, he requests "deals"

'My first "influencer" call was the funniest thing ever': Hotel receptionist encounters micro influencer with over inflated ego, he requests "deals"

This hotel receptionist was completely bemused by an aspiring influencer's request. As the job of “influencer” becomes a highly sought after career choice, more and more people are throwing their hats in the ring. It often starts with passion: an artist showing off their works in progress, or a cat-lover highlighting their pet's hijinks, or a parent giving child-raising tips. But some people just do it for the clout. They only care about having the eyes of as many people as possible on them at…
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'I don't feel like working today': 20+ hilariously lame reasons why people called in sick to work

'I don't feel like working today': 20+ hilariously lame reasons why people called in sick to work

Sometimes, no excuse is better than a lame excuse. Everyone deserves the right to take a break with no questions asked. Unfortunately for the workers of the world, that can be very hard to do when you have a demanding and nosey manager. These employees made the mistake of trying to fabricate valid reasons and coming up short. It's definitely better to say nothing at all if the only “reason” you can come up with is the grown-up version of your dog eating your homework. Luckily, those ridiculous…
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'He said... my plant was not "food grade"': 20+ People who realized they're aren't dating the smartest person

'He said... my plant was not "food grade"': 20+ People who realized they're aren't dating the smartest person

One person realized their spouse wasn't that bright when they declared, “I thought we could just buy tickets at the airport on the day we leave.” Their spouse literally thought that showing up at the airport, bag in hand, with no ticket, would still get them on a plane with any certainty. Only if they're lucky would they wind up on an aircraft! And that person isn't the only one who's been a bit surprised at their significant other's intelligence deficits… At least 14,000 people had stories to…
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'Don't play with me': Employee almost gets fired because of coworker's sabotage, gets even by getting him fired instead

'Don't play with me': Employee almost gets fired because of coworker's sabotage, gets even by getting him fired instead

Have you ever had a coworker who seemingly will stop at nothing to get you fired? Before we get into this story of how an employee managed to save themselves from getting unfairly dismissed by instead getting their work nemesis fired first, let's unpack how these kinds of work rivalries happen. Most of the time, like most elements of a work environment, it all comes from the top down. If the system is built upon a foundation of unhealthy competition, that will almost never fare well for employe…
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‘Problem solved’: Employee reports entitled coworker to HR following a heated dispute between them, boss fires both of them in response

‘Problem solved’: Employee reports entitled coworker to HR following a heated dispute between them, boss fires both of them in response

The more an employee spends time in a company or a corporation, the more they find out just how little that place of work actually cares about employees. I used to think that HR is there to make sure employees are happy in the company and have someone to turn to when they need help. But the more I am exposed to this corporate life, the more I understand that HR is simply there to protect the company, and will do as little as possible to make their employees happy. This Reddit story is the perfe…
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work workplace working malicious compliance reddit satisfying story employee employees coworker worker boss manager management managers supervisor

‘But since you insisted’: Long-standing employee has an ‘I told you so’ moment when the new department head ignores his warnings

New management always tries to come in and change things. Perhaps it's to validate themselves in their new position or to create a clear hierarchy in the workplace, but when this new managerial Godzilla comes to trample over a functional system, there are bound to be a few toes that get stepped on.
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'I see the tow truck arrive and leave with the CFO's very, very precious Corvette': Secretary decides to follow conflicting instructions between their two bosses

'I see the tow truck arrive and leave with the CFO's very, very precious Corvette': Secretary decides to follow conflicting instructions between their two bosses

A couple of corporate bigwigs have gotten into the habit of only speaking to each other through their secretary. Their secretary isn't even supposed to have that job… they've just gotten themselves intertwined in the workplace drama between their different bosses. Up next, these HOAs have some really ridiculous rules that have tenants rolling their eyes, like one person who was informed, “ Your mailbox isn't shiny enough ."
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Gym manager expected to be permanently on call by tyrannical boss: 'My boss threatened to write me up for having DND on outside of work hours'

Time at work is for, well, work. Similarly, time you're not working is for not-work—well, mostly. Certainly most of us will occasionally check in on our work related obligations or check off some little task here or there even if it's just monitoring emails or putting a couple of late-night touches on an important project. We're probably not going to be paid for that time, but it might help us keep our jobs and that's nice too. Other obvious exceptions to this “not-working while not at work” in…
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‘You're not allowed to talk about the job’: Micromanager forces NDA to silence employees, employee ‘breaches’ contract and faces termination

‘You're not allowed to talk about the job’: Micromanager forces NDA to silence employees, employee ‘breaches’ contract and faces termination

Have you ever heard of a restaurant owner demanding their servers sign an NDA to keep them from discussing their jobs? Well, you are about to hear about it now. It can be understandable that some workplaces require employees to sign an NDA to protect information that needs to stay within the company. Many lines of work handle delicate matters, and it is not beyond reason to legally prevent employees from talking about it outside of work. But demanding employees sign an NDA simply to prevent the…
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Neighbor gets back at entitled Karen for tossing smelly, unbagged food in her trash: 'I literally dumped the entire can out'

Neighbor gets back at entitled Karen for tossing smelly, unbagged food in her trash: 'I literally dumped the entire can out'

Getting back at one's neighbor is always tricky. One's actions must be passive-aggressive enough for one's annoying nuisance of a neighbor to get the picture, but one's action must also not be so dire that it starts the kind of all-out conflict that could end grimly for all parties involved. Here, we have a neighbor who started to notice that the Karen next door was dumping trash into the Redditor's trash bin. Of course, the first offense could be interpreted as a one-time thing, but once it st…
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Trainer scolds new hire in front of entire office, causing the new employee to file their resignation, manager steps in: 'Give it another two weeks'

Trainer scolds new hire in front of entire office, causing the new employee to file their resignation, manager steps in: 'Give it another two weeks'

Training a new hire is an important job not only because you are in charge of getting them familiar with their new job and responsibilities, but also because you are their gateway to understanding everything about their new workplace. That means that the way trainers treat new employees, and the way they act around them is going to be all they know of the company at least at the beginning, so you'd think they would want to make a good impression. Not the trainers in this Reddit story, they coul…
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