

Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

The Gods Are Really Familiar With "Same Love"

lyrics tumblr Macklemore - 8340106496
Via Acid Cow

Sometimes You Just Need That Royal Burger

Via tpolisher

Book Recommendation

book spelling tumblr - 5451799296

A Disaster in Motion

Perfect Timing tumblr selfie - 8158805248
Via Acid Cow
Tumblr Thread on Patrol Ghost Ship Submarines | pipistrellus STILL ON PATROL learned something new and horrifying today which is no submarine is ever considered "lost there is apparently tradition U.S. Navy no submarine is ever lost. Those go sea and do not return are considered be "still on patrol There is monument about this along canal near here its worst thing have ever seen says "STILL ON PATROL huge letters and then goes on specify exactly many WWII submarine ghosts are STILL OUT THERE

Tumblr Thread: The Still On-Patrol Submarines

Yeah, that's wild.
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You Don't Even Know How he Got Those Scars

batman celeb heath ledger tumblr - 6035310848

The Rain in Spain Falls Mostly on the Roof of This House

puns tumblr failbook g rated - 8355340032
Via Know Your Meme

Say What You Will About Taylor Swift, She Knows How to Have Fun With Her Fans

clever taylor swift tumblr shirt failbook g rated - 8329497600
Via SuperAwesome13

Colin Always Was a Little Too Fond of Panda Express

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Really? Because That's Not What Your Tags Say

attention tumblr ugly - 6451022336

Dad Humor Has Reached its Zenith

tumblr dad jokes puns failbook g rated - 8380985600
Via anderson-hummel
funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned | pyrlspite tumblr is like wading through everyone else's garbage until find something good and go "ah. this is good" and take and display own garbage pile trukingofskeletonhell Goblin Market Source: pyrlspite 103,144 notes

Funny Tumblr Posts And Tidbits For Your Scrolling Pleasure

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The Audacity of This Post Made My Monocle Pop Out

tumblr First World Problems vending machine - 8056295424

The Dangers of Talking About Virtual Families

video games tumblr The Sims accidental creepy failbook - 8314161408
Via Acid Cow

When You Text, You Don't Have to Turn the Xbox Off

tumblr relationships xbox 360 dating - 6453086976

Take That, Dad Jokes!

Text - afternoonsnoozebutton dkf-4 Source: alekshdfilms thisgingerischronic alekshdfilms one time i forced my mom to play pokemon for at least half an hour and all she did was catch a butterfree and name it lowfat mom jokes> dad jokes 178,144 notes
Via polarisopposites

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