

Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

How You Doin'?

juxtaposition tumblr weird - 8116766720
Via Google

They Can Only Do That With Their Tears

They Can Only Do That With Their Tears
Via 125265674938

Curse You, Past Self!

failbook g rated trolling tumblr - 6489002752

Frank Welker is Not Just SOME GUY

failbook tumblr the lion king - 8184077312
Via happiness is not a potato

Baby I Just Want to Show You My CAM Cycle

plants emoji tumblr failbook g rated - 8303382784
Via Know Your Meme

Adorably Great Chinchilla Facts From Tumblr

Via MeSoMerry

Still a Great Source of Vitamins

barack obama puns tumblr failbook g rated - 8167399936
Via Heizenburge

Book Recommendation

book spelling tumblr - 5451799296

Someone's About to Shrek Themselves

tumblr puns shrek - 8094501888
Created by Mishoku

Never Count Out Tumblr for a Good Pun

puns guardians of the galaxy tumblr - 8346792960
Via Know Your Meme

I Predict His Post Will Get A Lot of Notes *wink*

costume fashion halloween hipster holiday tumblr - 5378660864
Via pleated jeans

Always Teach the Controversey

Via thewriterkid

Horror at 3:00 AM

horror tumblr deep failbook g rated - 8404539904
Via the-average-gatsby

Seems We've Forgotten That Tumblr Shares to Facebook...

privacy tumblr - 6854280960

Confirmed: Everyone on Tumblr is High

drugs mac and cheese puns tumblr failbook g rated - 8354351616
Via Acid Cow

Nice Pun Work, Dream Me!

tumblr dreams puns failbook g rated - 8398777600
Via Know Your Meme
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