

The Problem with Homeschooling

facepalm spelling stupid - 4492766976
Created by Unknown

That Moment You Check Social Media and Realize How Much Stupid is There

funny fail tweets Winslow's seen enough meme
Via indirectMW

Math: Only for the Smart

math stupid technology you asked - 4512890624
drinking twitter wtf shark idiots stupid - 1776645

Video of Idiot Using Shark to Shotgun Beer Ignites Twitter Rage War

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It Might Already Be Too Late for Alyssa

bad idea stupid - 5302439424
Created by Unknown
Clueless girl has no idea what a strikeout sign is, and proceeds to get roasted on Twitter.

Clueless Girl Thinks Braves Strikeout Signs Are Racist, Gets Brutally Roasted On Twitter

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facepalm stupid technology - 4379322624
Created by Unknown

Dumb in Any Language

english racist stupid - 5328078336
Created by Unknown
Funny person trolls scammer with absurd made-up neighbor drama until he gives up | Hello is neighbor with some car trouble can assist My neighbor am experiencing car trouble and left my wallet mistakingly at home Is this Jeff? Yes Oh should've said so can just grab wallet and bring am far away bring could send Apple Pay and will pay back shortly Absolutely, Jeff type neighbor would be if didn't help out. Right Thank just send amount 50 this number did change number though, Jeff just spoke

Frustrated Scammer Trolled with Made-Up Neighbor Drama, Gives Up

How do you gain this power?
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He Who Laughs Last

jokes lol stupid your friends are laughing at you - 4658572544
Created by Real_live_scientist
funny mad lads who broke small rules and did tricky shenanigans | rev. dylan @DylanRoss my 11 year ban yahoo chess expires today Rnnme Dlavare Nnline Fallure Connect EDIT have failed connect following reason have been barred logging into this room until Thu Dec 31 23:59:59 PST 2020. oms rom this lis OK Giraffe Field

Mad Lads Who Didn't Let The World Get In Their Way

Sometimes you've gotta risk it all.
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Stop. Just... Stop.

facepalm geography stupid - 4175554560
Created by Unknown

That Awkward Moment When You're Too Stupid to Think of a Better Title

phrasing stupid - 6295209728

Fluffy Earphones

facepalm stupid - 5716254464
Created by Unknown

I'm Not Entirely Convinced She Can Count Forward

facepalm stupid your friends are laughing at you - 4669012480


facepalm Meteorology school stupid - 4794822912
Created by Matt

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