

strange and stupid things people posted for sale online | Peloton Bike $2,499 stationary bike with a tv screen taped to it | Thor's Hammer $8,000,000 weight with a handle

Weird and Ridiculous Junk People Tried Selling Online

One man's trash is another man's garbage.
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The Stupid... It Burns!

elevator stupid - 7595274752
Created by pokemonguardianandbrony
petty opinions people are passionate about | NotTheNoogie More not use microwave is clock. Stop leaving unused time on there just have hit cancel button once, damn!

Petty Opinions People Will Defend to Their Last Breath

It's the small things.
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Yeah, It's the Test's Fault...

facepalm school spelling stupid teachers - 4634516736
Created by subjectiveobserver

Anti-Drug FAIL

facepalm psa stupid your friends are laughing at you - 5304651008
Via Hobbsizzle

I'm Not Entirely Convinced She Can Count Forward

facepalm stupid your friends are laughing at you - 4669012480

Unwelcome Ambassadors

facepalm really stupid - 4953221120
Created by Burley

The Lights Are On, There's Just Nobody Home

jersey shore stupid technology - 4402388480

Simple Math FAIL

math stupid - 4427343872


facepalm really spelling stupid - 4468644864
Created by Iareeitoshaax
dumb ways people got scars

Dumb Ways People Ended Up With A Scar

It happens to the best of us.
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These Default Settings Are Getting Ridiculous!

facepalm lol status update stupid - 4489468416
Created by Grave_Master99

5. You're an Idiot :D <3

facepalm stupid summer - 4727458048

A FAIL in Any Language...

facepalm language really stupid - 5011965696
Created by Unknown

Internet Rant of the Day: Fugitive Lets Loose on his Facebook Most Wanted Photo

criminal facebook stupid rant - 7902498304
Via The Daily Dot
funny and stupid DIY failures | toilet seat cover with a chunk taken off it to fit it next to a wall | stairs leading up to nowhere blocked by the ceiling

Weird, Bad and Absurd DIY Situations

Looks, uh, done.
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