
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

Mow Lawn Struggle

The Hilariously Dramatic Struggle One Guy Has Trying to Mow His Lawn is How We All Feel About Yard Work

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15 Examples of What it Means to 'Netflix and Chill'

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The Good, the Bad, and the Memes of Apple's Emojitional iOS 10 Update

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This Clever Girl's Hilarious Interpretation of Her School's Spirit Day is the More American Than Election Drama

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Twitter Generously Offered Up Some Realistic Plot Lines For a Jurassic World Sequel #RealJurassicParkProblems

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30 Brilliant Invention Ideas, Courtesy of Bored Elon Musk

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This Lifeguard Has the Most Useless Job at the Olympics and the Internet Can't Get Enough of the Irony

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Yorkdale's Fashion Santa is Killing It This Season

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Twitter Imagines #HowPlanetsTalkAboutEachOther and They Don't Sound Very Nice

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This Christmas One Family is Going For a Real Elf on a Shelf (and it's a Perfect Mix of Genius and Creepy)

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This Woman's Texts From Her Mother are So Supportive, Everyone Wanted to See if Their Mother Would Be as Supportive

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22 Tweets That Perfectly Capture the Ups and Downs of Marriage

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'50 Nerds of Grey' is a Steamy, Sexy Twitter Account That's Sure to Make Your Stack Overflow

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If You Waited to See Justin Timeberlake's Concert on Netflix, He Sent You Free Pizza to Timberlake & Chill

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The Best of Twitter Going Mad for Pokémon GO Right Now

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British Man Live Tweets His Horrendous 4-Hour Long Journey to Cancel His Virgin Media Account and Just Reading It Will Reaffirm Your Anxiety to Never Call and Cancel Anything Again

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