
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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Twitter Travesty of the Day: People Can't Spell 'Martin Luther King'

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"NintendoAMovie" is the Greatest Hashtag to Hit Twitter in a Long Time

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Update: Ryan Lochte Instagrams an Apology About His Rio Robbery Fairy Tale After the Internet Roasts Him

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Photoshop Master James Fridman ‏Continues to Deliver Outstanding Edits to Twitter Requests

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Scientists Have The Best Responses to Nobel Winner's Sexist Comments Using #distractinglysexy

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The Internet Laments Ever Changing Beauty Standards

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Just a Few Reminders Why Celebrating Columbus Day is Awkward AF

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The Newest Selfie Trend Is to Give Yourself a High Five While Letting Your Phone Drop to the Ground

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This Man's Live Tweet of the End of His Friend's Marriage Is a Roller Coaster of Violence, Drama and Intrigue

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The Internet is Loving This Photo of Evacuation Route Traffic

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17 Amazon Reviews That Will Make You Wary of Online Shopping

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Twitter Has an Electoral Map for Every Occasion

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Batman May Be the Hero The 2016 Election Needs

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Twitter Thinks Vice President Nominee, Tim Kaine, Might Be Everyone's Adorkable Dad

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This Cheating Bloke Got His Lack of Stamina Put on Blast and Twitter Twitter Pipes In

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Learn the Lesson These Kids Didn't: Your Parents Have Social Media Too