

Failbook. Where all the dumb things everyone thought they deleted are posted by their friends for others to laugh at and enjoy their inexplicable lack of a thought process. Remember - think before you post.

Well Now I'm Hungry

italian hungry puns failbook g rated - 6939390208
Created by savannamia

Do We Need to Just Take the Phones Away From the Kids Today?

forever alone phones school failbook g rated - 8175189248
Via Theloop27

Beat It With Jesus

stop masturbation by beating it with jesus
Via ValenziVirus

Welcome to the Abyss, Lows in the Mid-30s... Kelvin.

typo weather newspaper failbook g rated - 8296292864
Via Know Your Meme

Google Has it All Figured Out

google justin bieber failbook g rated - 8029657600
Created by FourX11gd

Just Hanging in Paradise... Crying...

photography perspective failbook - 8248897536
Via Joanne Casey

How Electricity Works

steam electricity television failbook g rated - 4690573056
Created by Unknown

Alabama State Senator Shadrack McGill Gets Followed by Strippers in Real Life, McGill's Wife Rants About It on Facebook

strippers Alabama politics failbook - 7541352960
Via Salon

Yeah, Because It Wasn't an Animated Movie or Anything...

the lion king twitter africa funny failbook g rated - 7500772864
Created by Unknown

Instagram: Not Just for Your Food Pictures Anymore

breakup burn instagram failbook g rated - 8162492416
Via Brobible

Nic Cage: The Last Politician Bender

nicolas cage failbook - 7832129536
Created by Rebecca

They Made Some Sort of Satanic Sacrifice

phones satan talking failbook g rated - 4756441600
Created by kaizokushinobi

A Tale of Forbidden Passion

tumblr burrito relationships Wait For It cheating food tldr failbook - 8388407808
Created by nuclearbastard ( Via nuclearbastard )

Jay-Z & Beyonce's Baby Name

beyoncé facebook failbook g rated Jay Z - 5672635648

What a Twist!

what a twist dreams nightmares failbook g rated - 7579284736

Totally Preggers

FAIL failbook pregnant - 8796754432
Via izismile

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