

Failbook. Where all the dumb things everyone thought they deleted are posted by their friends for others to laugh at and enjoy their inexplicable lack of a thought process. Remember - think before you post.

We Want to Believe - Yahoo Answers

Yahoo Answers NASA space battles covered up by thunderstorms they invented?
Via Runt of the Web

You Are Not High Enough to Understand This Wisdom

Via BathedInDeepFog

There's Something to be Said About Leaving a Little Mystery in Your Life...

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Created by dontlaughtoohard
tila taquila comes out as a nazi

Tila Tequila Celebrated Her 4/20 Birthday by Announcing That She Is in Fact Hitler

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José Canseco: The Hero We All Deserve

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I Think They Meant to Say "Totally Awesome"

Via Literally Unbelievable

The Dangers of Taking Wisdom Literally

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Via Know Your Meme

W/e santa u dont knO me

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He is, in Fact, a Teenage Dream

Via Reddit

Nobody Bothered to Double Check This Hashtag

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Via onelapse

Thirsty Girl Is Served the Ultimate Dish of Truth When She Tries to Call Out Men for Being Dogs

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Via ebaumsworld

Picture + Caption = FACTS

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Via MyWorkThrowawayShhhh

Surprise, We're Going Fishing!

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Created by Unknown

We Could Have Been so Happy!

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Frenph Kill? That's the Answer, Right?

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Via Iampoli

Dreams of Control and Domination... in Your Employment

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Via tpolisher
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