

'My cowokers... [are] gossiping about me and how I "overreacted"': Restaurant owner instructs servers to give up their tips to save his establishment

'My cowokers... [are] gossiping about me and how I "overreacted"': Restaurant owner instructs servers to give up their tips to save his establishment

This restaurant owner broke a cardinal rule of waiting tables, and it's wild that so many of his employees actually went along with his plan. It's a hallmark of American life that waiters and waitresses work mainly for tips. Over the years, tip prices keep rising higher as minimum wages have stagnated, and that has started frequent debates over tipping culture. In a story shared to r/AmItheA**hole, this desperate restaurant owner found a way to put some more cash in his own pocket. He shared th…
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customer service cook cooking funny stories malicious compliance revenge customers funny-revenge-story restaurant chef food service restaurants service industry - 20676869

'Tell the chef to make this for me like he [hates] me': Customer asks for extreme spice, lives to regret it

Everyone knows that person who treats their tolerance for spice like it's a personality trait. I used to work with a friend who was practically immune to spice and would always throw out taunting requests like this to wait-staff, insinuating that there was no way their chef could placate his lust for the fieriest of infernos. We had a Thai place near the office that we would frequent for lunch, the pair of us would always order the same dish (pad thai), and my friend would submit his usual requ…
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Man instructs son to 'act like we’re a happy family' in front of friends

'I got kicked out': Man instructs son to 'act like we’re a happy family' in front of friends, son makes it extra awkward

This family brought their messy drama to a 25 year reunion party , and things quickly got awkward. Family life is different for everyone, and while many people have stellar relationships with their parents and siblings, others have a harder time getting along. In this story, the OP is still quite young, having just turned 18. But as they share in their post to r/AmItheA**hole, their parents don't really care about them. In fact, the OP was kicked out of their house on their 18th birthday ! Appa…
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Am I wrong for thinking it’s tacky to invite kids to a birthday party at a restaurant and ask them to pay for their own meal?

'I absolutely think it’s tacky': Birthday party host asks teenagers to pay separate bills

Customs and etiquette change over time, but this mom is pretty sure this party host is being super tacky. There are all types of parties, from simple to extravagant. For smaller events, it can be great to host your family and friends at your home for a backyard BBQ, which is casual and cost effective. Other people love to spend big money on their kids parties by renting entertainers or bouncy houses, or hosting the event at a restaurant or play zone. As a kid, you have a wonderful time regardle…
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'I called up corporate': Delivery driver phones a customer's boss

'I called up corporate (yes, call me Karen)': Delivery driver phones a lying customer's boss

Power to all the workers who have had enough of lying customers getting their way. This guy is one of them. As a delivery guy, u/Motor-Corner4861 shared to the r/doordash_drivers subreddit, they had an encounter with a liar that was quite memorable. The OP writes that they got an order for a burger place, and drove the order to the customer. They actually remembered this dude, due to a name that was out of the ordinary. The OP thought the transaction went smoothly, which was reinforced by an ex…
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'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings

'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings gone completely wrong

No one ever wants to have these types of conversations. Getting fired is one of the worst feelings out there, and not everyone handles rejection well. While most people doing the firing probably don't want to, they still have to deal with the crazy aftermath. As these people shared in their stories below, some folks just loose their entire mind when they're let go from their job. One particularly glorious tale is a brother and sister who were both working at the same restaurant when the brother…
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Literal Karen tries to avoid mandatory tip by ripping up receipt

'Terrible service, never coming back': Cranky Karen refuses to pay mandatory tip, rips up the check

The nerve of this Karen!
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'The customer decides when they are...ready to leave': Friend group divided over golfing etiquette

'The customer decides when they are...ready to leave': Friend group splits over golfing etiquette

Mini golfing is so superior to regular golf. In this essay I will… I'm so serious: mini golf is clearly the better game. Regular golf requires one to have some golfing skills already, since you have to hit the ball many yards away. You walk around a course filled with grass, sand, maybe a few lakes or whatever. Nature? Wow, how interesting. Mini golf on the other hand, requires no prior golfing skills. All you have to do is putt along the course , while enjoying windmills, rolling hills, and us…
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'It smells like fish': 25 Restaurant red flags diners should watch out for

'It smells like fish': 25 Restaurant red flags diners should watch out for

You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but these folks have some surefire ways to tell if a restaurant is quality or not. I actually have a true story about this that you can totally judge me for. One time, I was in Harlem, volunteering to paint homes in an area I had never been before. I had to get lunch somewhere, so I stopped in a corner store and bought a BLT. I hung out in the store, and as the person behind the counter handed me the sandwich, I saw a cockroach crawling inside the glass…
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first date FAIL server askreddit restaurant reddit thread Reddit dating - 20485381

Top 5 Worst First Dates as Told by the Waiters

Remember that your behavior on a first date is not just seen by the person with whom you are eating.
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'It has no effect on your answer': Husband flips out after wife calls out his burger blunder

'It has no effect on your answer': Husband flips out after wife calls out his burger blunder

After a quick trip to a burger joint, this man freaked out at his wife… but was he justified in his annoyance? Two video creators shared a slice of life in their marriage, and it's really resonating with burger lovers and people who just want to eat their own dang food and not have to share! Patrick and Marwa share their life together on their account called marriedwithflaws . Patrick has clearly just arrived home with a fresh bag of burgers and fries . Marwa has apparently committed the sin of…
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customer service workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story service workplace service industry work-story fired quit restaurant restaurants quitting server servers - 20346629

'It's mandatory': Worker gets fired for not attending an unpaid "cleaning party" with two-hour's notice

You'd probably be horrified at how common these types of requirements are within certain industries. The industries where manipulative employers tell you with a smile that you're a "family"… while simultaneously plotting how they can squeeze as much unpaid labor out of you as possible. Working in the service and retail industries is no walk in the park—that should not come as a great surprise to anybody. The frantic and inconsistent demands of these businesses place considerable strain on staff…
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'Dropped 24 crème brûlée [dishes] at the last step of a staircase': 25+ Chefs discuss the biggest mistakes they've ever made in the kitchen

'Dropped 24 crème brûlée [dishes] at the last step of a staircase': 25+ Chefs discuss the biggest mistakes they've ever made in the kitchen

No one's perfect at their job, mistakes do happen. When you're a chef, however, any cooking mistake is going to effect a lot of dishes, and therefore a lot of customers! Chefs, bakers, and waiters gathered to share their funniest stories of food prep gone wrong, and the results are eye-opening and hilarious. It's a good look at the behind the scenes life of a restaurant. I never thought about what might happen if you had to make 40 pecan and pumpkin pies , and then burnt them all! It's a major…
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customer service karens idontworkherelady server karen-customer restaurant food service karen service industry - 20345605

'I SAW YOU HELP THAT GIRL': Manager accosted by local Karen at a restaurant where they don't even work

It really is a shame that our society has turned into one where helping others is associated with being in a lower class. The number of stories where someone is rudely addressed by another customer and assumed to be a worker just because they went out of their way to help or be pleasant to someone is astounding. In each of these scenarios, even the most basic acknowledgment that the person working is a human being immediately marks them as a recipient of rude demands. This story, shared by Redd…
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server servers memes server-memes service-industry service food restaurant struggle drama bartender bartenders relatable work work-memes

Relatable Work Memes for Salty Servers Who Are Riding the Struggle Bus This Week

Not only have you not properly rested in 5 years, but even with your 75% tips on the iPad, you can barely make rent this month… again. So far, being a server has only trapped you in a lifestyle of fatigue and chasing your own bills with irregular cash flow, swollen ankles, and a ferocious Karen biting at your heels all the time.
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Do people even listen to what comes out their mouths?

'I forgot I’m not eating dairy': 20+ Food service workers share the strangest things diners have ever said to them

Some diners have absolutely no idea what they want, and they've decided it's their waiters' job to figure it out for them.
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