

'You dug that hole yourself’: Contractor works on resident's property without permission, creating damage that costs $100,000

'You dug that hole yourself’: Contractor works on resident's property without permission, creating damage that costs $100,000

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So if one messes things up, one is probably going to have to face the consequences, that is simply how the world works, although there aren't many people who actually live by those rules. Many people in this Reddit story had to face the consequences of their actions, and not all of them did such a great job. First, there was the terrible neighbor who started the whole drama simply by being a terrible neighbor, but also because he ordered a contra…
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'HOA came down to our house to personally ask us to remove the sign': Family devises HOA workaround to avoid 24-hour sign rule

'HOA came down to our house to personally ask us to remove the sign': Family devises clever HOA workaround to avoid 24-hour sign rule

This family will not be stopped by an HOA. The whole concept of an HOA is designed to benefit HOA members, not the people who live in the neighborhood . We all want to just decorate our properties as we see fit. If you're an adult who owns a property, why should anyone else tell you what to do there (not counting things outside the law, obviously). If you want to plant sunflowers, put in a nice swing, or support your favorite sports team with a sign or a flag, there's no reason you shouldn't do…
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tardy late main-character summer-camp camp teacher authority rebel rebellion justice story feel-good reddit malicious-compliance triumph

'I was having my main character moment': Summer camp student gets unjustly marked tardy after walking into class a few seconds late; she epically rebels by ditching class immediately

Good students feel guilty about being late to class. When we're young, the ‘people pleaser’ and goody-two-shoes in all of us gets fueled by teacher approval and getting gold stars, but deep down, there's always a spicy rebel just waiting to be unleashed.
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authority malicious compliance principal revenge teachers teacher Horrible Bosses - 19420677

'We are not allowed to leave our room': Teachers get back at Principal through compliance to an authoritative demand

Sometimes, all you need to do to get rid of an authoritative policy is follow it—to the letter and as infuriatingly often as possible. These policies have usually only been thought out as far as giving the enforcing party a much-desired ego boost; as such, they won't hold any water when placed to the test and have light shed upon them. When these teachers found themselves faced with a ridiculous policy from an authoritative principal, they did their very best to follow that policy to the letter…
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‘I Reported Him Straight After the Phone Call’ : Boss Accuses Wrong Ex-Employee of Reporting Use of Pirated Software, Leading to Petty Revenge

‘I Reported Him Straight After the Phone Call’ : Boss Accuses Wrong Ex-Employee of Reporting Use of Pirated Software, Leading to Petty Revenge

It's really easy nowadays to pirate software, which is probably why everybody does it, including big companies that can easily afford to buy the original. Of course, there are those anti-pirating-angels, who wish to wear their halos for all to see — which begs the question, why (besides taking cash into account) don't we download the genuine version of the software? Why are we so quick to dismiss it? The reason is actually pretty simple. You can't run the stupid thing without an internet connec…
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Police officer pulls over boss chief driving

Tucson AZ Police Officer Pulls Over His Chief

Max awkwardness has been achieved.
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guy impersonates a soldier and gets caught in the lie

Dude Impersonates Soldier, Cop Calls Him Out

A proper call out.
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police catch a person stealing from a porch

Edmonton Police Service Porch Pirate Sting

There needs to be more of this.
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arizona cop police fail questioning cringe

Arizona Cop Gets Flustered When Questioned At Station

Five minutes was a lot of time for questions.
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funny shrek 2 scene that parodies the movie cops criminal busted

Hilarious Cops Parody In "Shrek 2"

Might've missed some of these jokes as a kid.
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Notice Notice WIN

authority clever notice recursion sign yo dawg - 5468567296

Anti-Sign WIN

authority fruit orange rebel sign warning - 5439801856


authority graffiti Protest Street Art - 4114445568
Created by Unknown