Poorly Dressed


The "Barney" Color Scheme is Universal!

Via Izismile

He's All Skin and Bones

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Name the Crimes

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Too Hardcore for Sleeves

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Nice Hat

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Via Motika

Nice Shoes

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Via Pleated Jeans

Everyone's Taking Selfies These Days

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Via Acid Cow

y0Lo sW@g!

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Then He'll Put This Picture on a Shirt

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Via Google

Maybe a Little

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Via Daily Picks and Flicks

Velma's Never Looked Better

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Via screenteamangie

Don't Encourage Them

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Via Amazon

The Full Body Selfie, Because You're Outfit is Worth It

fashion selfie AutocoWrecks - 7949044480

Eyebrows FAIL

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Gee, I'm a Tree!

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Via Herpin_Around

Poorly Undressed

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Via natezim
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