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William Shatner Fires Back at the WBC

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This UK Storm Shares a Name With a Children's Purple-Dinosaur and People Are Taking The Piss Out of It

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30 Brilliant Invention Ideas, Courtesy of Bored Elon Musk

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Heartwarming Memes & People Being Just Plain Good

Wholesome, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Faith In Humanity, Random Acts of Kindness | Gus Constantellis @ConstantlyGus exercising on my balcony and someone stopped at red light got out their car and started working out with did jumping jacks, pointed at each other, and laughed. He got back his car and drove off most human connection l've had 17 days | Panda caretakers disguise teach baby panda live wild.

20+ Loving People Who Restored Our Faith In Humanity

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This is How You Set the Bar a Notch Higher For Smooth Shoplifting

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Mom Leaves Son Stunned After Her Impressive and Spontaneous Car Rap

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The Next 15 Minutes of Internet Fame Are Well Deserved For This Girl's Insane Dance Moves


Some Guy's Been Sending the Same Naked Pic of Seth Rogen to Seth Rogen Every Day Since May 29th, and Seth Finally Said Something About It

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After a Night of Clubbing, One Drunken-Girl Tested the Boundaries of Great Customer Service


43 Feel Good Memes and Pictures That We Are Very Thankful For This Year

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Adele Releases a New Video, 'Hello' and the Twitter Fired Up the Meme-Reply Machine in Record Time

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Guy with Purest of Intentions Sneaks out at 2 AM to Give His BFF a Hug, and Twitter Definitely Doesn't Want to 'Friend-Zone' Him

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Let "Whose Billy Goat Is This?" Become Your New Favorite Song About Goats

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Make Pooping Great Again

funny tweets and random thoughts and observations | Rads @FeelingEuphoric THERAPIST: listen really need relax banging fists on table BUT CAN BE "BIRTHDAY CAKE" FLAVOR IF BIRTHDAY CAKE CAN BE ANY FLAVOR | Dan Sheehan ltsDanSheehan Being grandpa must be tough, some baby mispronounces word and suddenly name is Peepo last 30 years life

Funny Tweets To Remember Later and Chuckle Quietly