Ugliest Tattoos

Hall of Fame

The hall of fame - the pinnacle of achievement in whatever sport or activity you might participate in, even Tiddly Winks.

This Is What a Tattoo is Supposed to Look Like

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Created by Kfitz90

Boy, Why You So Obsessed With Me?

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Created by icanhazlaughs

And With That, He Never Touched Another Breast

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Take That, Face

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Via Reddit

Tattoo WIN: Not Sure if Actual Eye or Tattoo

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I'm Laughing So Hard That My Sides are Also Splitting

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Created by augustin11

Ugliest Tattoos: The Untalented X-Men

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Created by mrtim41653

Nerd Alert

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Via Reddit

Tattoo WIN: Silence Will Fall.

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Frog Fingers

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Oh that's not right.

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Created by Unknown

Stay Classy, San Diego

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Born This Way

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Hall of Fame - 6192338944

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