Ugliest Tattoos

Hall of Fame

The hall of fame - the pinnacle of achievement in whatever sport or activity you might participate in, even Tiddly Winks.

I'm Laughing So Hard That My Sides are Also Splitting

Hall of Fame muscles - 6362051072
Created by augustin11

Nerd Alert

final fantasy Hall of Fame video games - 6188630016
Via Reddit

Forever Surprised

eyebrows Hall of Fame - 6120978944
Via Facebook

Think They Like Guns?

BFFs Hall of Fame - 4452604160
Created by icanhazlaughs

Tattoo WIN: Making Your Combined Toes Awesome

Hall of Fame toe tattoos - 5940658688
Created by haggy0105 ( Via Joshua Adam )


back tattoos Hall of Fame - 6477511680
Created by freddii ( Via stfuparents )

It's like their Facebook interest page tattooed onto their back

Hall of Fame - 5817099520

THAT TATTOO is so big

Hall of Fame - 5698891520
Created by girlrobots

Voted Most Likely to Succeed

face tattoos Hall of Fame mustache smile - 4967353600
Created by Sinn3rman

I'm Pretty Sure He Wouldn't Do That!

Hall of Fame human centipede jesus Ugliest Tattoos - 6150472448

Ugliest Tattoos: I Say!

g rated Hall of Fame Pokémon Ugliest Tattoos - 5761598976
Via Stephani Smith

Co-Existing On One Back

Hall of Fame transformers - 5291945984
Created by Unknown

From Napkin to Skin

Hall of Fame words - 5164288768
Created by kimykimz ( Via F Yeah Tattoos )

Tattoo WIN: We Can't Stop Here, This is Bat Country

Hall of Fame tattoo WIN - 5937478144
Created by starlexi

Ugliest Tattoos: The Untalented X-Men

Hall of Fame wolverine x men - 6157303808
Created by mrtim41653

Revenge of the Sleeve

g rated Hall of Fame star wars stormtrooper Ugliest Tattoos - 6257469184
Created by insectpins
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