Ugliest Tattoos

Hall of Fame

The hall of fame - the pinnacle of achievement in whatever sport or activity you might participate in, even Tiddly Winks.

Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth

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Tattoo WIN: The fact that they're remaking the Evil Dead makes me sad in a profound way

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Janet Jackson Has Let Herself Go

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Tattoo WIN: I don't know about you but the first 15 minutes of that movie had me in tears

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Created by Kruemel


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Cthulhu Attacks North Portland

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Created by Unknown

Live Long and Shocker

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Created by Unknown


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This is why you don't go for the discount tattoo parlor

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Created by augustin11

A Tribe Called Queef

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Created by Unknown


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Created by Unknown

And You Thought YOUR Neighborhood Cat Lady Was Crazy

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Created by augustin11

Redneck Blackberry

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Co-Existing On One Back

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Created by Unknown

Lightsaber Tattoos, Episode III

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Via Fashionably Geek

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