

Entitled coworker demands employee cover her shift, she refuses, but coworker does not take no for an answer: ‘I told the boss you agreed’

Entitled coworker demands employee cover her shift, she refuses, but coworker does not take no for an answer: ‘I told the boss you agreed’

Every employee wants to feel like they can trust their coworkers no matter what. You don't have to be best friends with your coworkers, but knowing you have someone you can turn to when you need to talk, when you need help, or even when you need someone to cover for you, is one of the most important things in a workplace. I initially understood the coworker's request in this Reddit story, for these exact reasons – Her manager didn't approve her time off, and she needed someone to cover her shif…
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'[She] brought in three large boxes of files, each one containing evidence': Scorned employee gives the exit interview of a lifetime

'[She] brought in three large boxes of files, each one containing evidence': Scorned employee gives the exit interview of a lifetime

Making a difference in the world isn't always easy, but it's possible. U/EpicWinterWolf has a family member who knows that all too well, after she gave an unforgettable exit interview at one of her previous jobs. Exit interviews can be tricky. You probably want to tell your boss 101 things they did wrong or could improve on. You may want to disclose everything you think is wrong with the workplace, from the biggest issues to tiny personal gripes. At the same time, you may need a reference from…
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'Unlimited PTO is a scam': Boss denies employee's vacation despite unlimited PTO in contract, employee stands up for himself

'Unlimited PTO is a scam': Boss denies employee's vacation despite unlimited PTO in contract, employee stands up for himself

Now that it's the middle of summer, everyone and their mother is trying to take a much-needed vacation. Despite the fact that this happens in every workplace every year, many employers still have yet to come up with a system and workflow that allows for employees to take time off. Instead, employees are often subjected to shame and derision from the moment they put in their requests for PTO to the moment their vacation has finally arrived. Here, we have an employee who works for a startup that…
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'Completing a night's work... was arrogant? Ok, fine': Railroad boss demands employee "play nice" by agreeing to nonsensical plan, employee decides to underperform

'Completing a night's work... was arrogant? Ok, fine': Railroad boss demands employee "play nice" by agreeing to nonsensical plan, employee decides to underperform

Imagine being the person who's the first into the office and last out, yet your boss still isn't happy with your work. That's the rather irritating situation that u/Disastrous-Glove4889 found themself in at their railroad job. They were there to work on a project installing new lightbulbs into train signals, updating them from halogen bulbs to LEDs. Unfortunately, they were working with the boss from h-e-double hockey sticks who was apparently “universally hated.”
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'Lead? I don't even lead myself...': Overworked employee shocked by micromanager's raise denial, criticized for lack of leadership skills

'Lead? I don't even lead myself...': Overworked employee shocked by micromanager's raise denial, criticized for lack of leadership skills

You work hard all year round, expecting your bosses to recognize your aptitude, perseverance, and dedication—only to be severely disappointed. What are your next steps? Do you leave a work where you're not valued and search for better opportunities elsewhere? The story below is an account of a frustrated contractor. Prior to the annual contract review, the original poster (OP) had requested a raise. Her supervisors requested that she provide a synopsis of the reasons she thinks she should recei…
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Male Karen customer demands for data to be deleted and to receive free chargers, employee maliciously complies: 'A shame I no longer [could] send him those chargers'

Male Karen customer demands for data to be deleted and to receive free chargers, employee maliciously complies: 'A shame I no longer [could] send him those chargers'

There is a fine line between a wronged customer advocating for themselves and an entitled one demanding special treatment. If you're a self-aware human, every so often you will find yourself in situations when you come up against the “system” and have to demand to be treated fairly. As you stand up for yourself, you may feel your body contorting into that of a Karen, but if this is a rare occurrence for you, then you're probably not like this customer. This dude thought he could call up the cus…
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Boss cuts employee's hours in half without explanation, then calls him on his day off to cover a shift, employee ignores the calls: ‘’Why should I help you?'

Boss cuts employee's hours in half without explanation, then calls him on his day off to cover a shift, employee ignores the calls: ‘’Why should I help you?'

There is nothing more annoying, and slightly terrifying, than to get a call from your boss when you are on your day off. The initial thought that goes through everyone's mind when they see their phone ringing and their boss's name lighting up the screen, is that they did something wrong. Then they are left to decide whether or not they should take the call and deal with whatever consequences are heading their way, or blatantly ignore it and enjoy their last few moments of being ignorant of what…
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'That would require Mr. Micro-Management to do some actual work': New manager spies on employees, employees waste two full days of work to spite him

'That would require Mr. Micro-Management to do some actual work': New manager spies on employees, employees waste two full days of work to spite him

You've got to be careful with your words when you're at the workplace , and that's the kind of wisdom that some workers never take to heart. This manager sounds like the exact opposite of a personality hire. He's the guy that's hired for his efficiency and leadership, but apparently he doesn't value morale or even seem to respect his employees . Instead of being the person who attends meetings to give out advice or suggest good ideas, this manager is in the business of shooting down every singl…
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'So I started dancing': Hotel managers install cameras to micromanage staff, night worker decides to constantly mess with them

'So I started dancing': Hotel managers install cameras to micromanage staff, night worker decides to constantly mess with them

This worker is utterly determined to mess with their bosses. As a night auditor at a hotel , they're used to the usual solitude of their work. Then one day, their bosses let them know that they were being recorded on camera. The work, u/Applejuice42, was not a fan of that, and decided to ask the internet what they should do to mess with their bosses. Bad news for anyone who dislikes being recorded: there's no escaping it anymore. Between security cameras and Ring cams, there's no point in havin…
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Accountant forced to cover front desk, coworkers see company salaries on his computer screen, they all quit: 'The other employees were livid'

Accountant forced to cover front desk, coworkers see company salaries on his computer screen, they all quit: 'The other employees were livid'

Here's a good rule of thumb: if an employee is handling confidential information, then it's probably not a good idea to let them do their work out in the open. This accountant tried to warn his new manager that it wasn't a good idea for him to cover the front desk on this particular workday, as he was doing payroll (and was the only person in the company capable of handling payroll). It wasn't that the accountant felt “above it" in any way; he knew that from time to time, the accountants in his…
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Redditors spill the beans on the most hilarious hasty transitions from employment to unemployment

Redditors spill the beans on the most hilarious hasty transitions from employment to unemployment

Getting hired is one thing, but holding onto the position is quite another. Essentially, the hiring manager uses the data you supply and references from reputable companies to showcase your qualifications and elevate you during the interview process. But now that you have the job you've been wanting, it is up to you to demonstrate your suitability and back up your application. Having said that, I came across a captivating post on Reddit while scrolling through the feed that drew my attention ri…
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'There is no such thing as business ethics': Top HR nightmare stories featuring entitled bosses and unprofessional coworkers

'There is no such thing as business ethics': Top HR nightmare stories featuring entitled bosses and unprofessional coworkers

Working in human resources requires keeping a lot of drama to yourself. This poses a problem for those of us on the internet who want all the juicy gossip about all the messed up workplace environments so that we can feel ever so slightly better about our own messed up workplace situations. Thankfully, these HR employees were bold enough to share their stories and spill the tea for the rest of us. It comes as no surprise to report that the vast majority of these anecdotes involve those at the t…
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'They told me its too dangerous out there': Worker maliciously complies and plays games in the breakroom after company cheaps out on safety equipment

Companies have the uncanny ability to approach an issue with solemn interest and earnest, particularly when safety is concerned, carefully documenting that concern and intention to avoid that issue—giving themselves plenty of paperwork to cover themselves with should the need ever arise. Yet, as soon as the proper solution is presented and the proper safety equipment identified you can bet your bottom dollar that they'll balk and silently go for whatever cheaper model the supplier they're alrea…
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‘I'm fired? We’ll see about that': Manager informs employee their PTO was denied two days into their vacation, then fires them for not arriving to work, employee reports company in response

‘I'm fired? We’ll see about that': Manager informs employee their PTO was denied two days into their vacation, then fires them for not arriving to work, employee reports company in response

For some reason, employers have serious issues with the fact that their employees cannot physically work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It seems like if an employee is unwilling to commit every single ounce of their time to their job, they are suddenly not good enough for their employers. Informing your employee that their paid time off was denied, two days into said paid time off, is simply disrespectful, and a perfect example of employers' inability to accept that even employ…
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 'Is this a prank?': Job seeker rejected for appearing ‘too desperate’ in job pursuit

'Is this a prank?': Job seeker rejected for appearing ‘too desperate’ in job pursuit

Finding a job is never an enjoyable or simple task. Some would even go so far as to suggest that it's physically demanding and brutal. But just like anything else in life, there are moments when you have to carry out tasks you may not particularly enjoy in order to further your career. A frustrated job seeker is described in the account below. The original poster (OP) had been struggling to find a job for a while. He is searching for that one person who will have faith in him, in his skills, in…
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Entitled hotel guest demands immediate service despite clerk having to leave desk to help another guest, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘What is your problem?’

Entitled hotel guest demands immediate service despite clerk having to leave desk to help another guest, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘What is your problem?’

When you are a kid, you constantly get told by your parents that ‘patience is a virtue’. And even though you have no idea what that phrase means, you slowly learn what patience really is and how to use it. The problem is, that more often than not, the adults who constantly preach patience, have none of their own to show for. Like the hotel guest in this Reddit story, who could not patiently wait even 3 minutes for the clerk to return to their desk after assisting another guest. Why would you wa…
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