

Boss asks employees to take $5,000 out of each paycheck to be team players: 'My management actually has the nerve to ask me to be paid less'

Boss asks employees to take $5,000 out of each paycheck to be team players: 'My management actually has the nerve to ask me to be paid less'

Imagine gathering for a company meeting and hearing about all the great work everyone's doing, only to be asked to take massive pay cuts. This was not exactly the greatest display of a healthy company culture. Essentially, this executive at the company, who rarely shows her face and has next to no relationship with the Redditor and the other coworkers on their team, decided that the best way for the company to remain healthy was for everyone to elect a certain amount of money to be deducted fro…
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'I stopped coming in early': Frustrated phlebotomist sticks to normal work hours to spite toxic boss after he took entitled coworker's side

'I stopped coming in early': Frustrated phlebotomist sticks to normal work hours to spite toxic boss after he took entitled coworker's side

People who go above and beyond at work often have a lightbulb moment when they realize they are being taken for granted. Unless that extra work has manifested itself in a promotion, a raise, or some kind of validation that meets the employee's desires, these workers do not deserve to give so much of themselves over to their jobs. Here, we have a phlebotomist who routinely came into work 15 minutes early until their entitled coworker started taking advantage of this. Essentially, the coworker as…
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'You need a lesson in etiquette...': Ferry crew kick entitled passenger off ship after his demands caused massive delay, resulting in 24-hour layover

'You need a lesson in etiquette...': Ferry crew kick entitled passenger off ship after his demands caused massive delay, resulting in 24-hour layover

If you want to get what you want rather than what you deserve, there are situations when it is preferable to be wise rather than righteous. The story below is an account of a frustrated car ferry worker. The original post (OP) details a previous interaction with a haughty client. The ship was preparing to set sail on a scorching summer's day. Even though the deck was nearly full and OP lacked the necessary area to carry the freight, he offered to load a little MG, if they didn't mind the strain…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35647237

'They fired me without warning via text': Employee refuses to take on the work of three people, gets fired without warning after being the only one to speak up

Just do your job and do it right, and you'll be fine… A common train of thought many workers have thought about and shared, thinking that there's no way their job would be in jeopardy just as long as they keep up and don't draw excessive attention to themselves. Well, what about when your boss wants you to take on someone else's job, too? Plus, someone else's job on top of that? Well, you might be ready to tell them to go and shove it, but before you do, you'd better weigh the situation careful…
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29 funny job advertisements filled with typos and spelling errors: 'Be ponctual'

29 funny job advertisements filled with typos and spelling errors: 'Be ponctual'

Is there anything more insulting than desperately looking for jobs, only to find that nearly every posting is filled with typos? It's the kind of irony that makes you wonder if someone is playing a prank on you in that very moment. What makes this hiring manager employable when they can barely string a sentence together? These are folks who have demonstrated a proven inability to carefully proofread their work. They don't understand the difference between the contraction “it's” and the possessi…
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Karen goes on sick leave for four weeks because her coworker asked her to fix a mistake: 'I refused to do a task she assigned me'

Karen goes on sick leave for four weeks after receiving coworker's constructive criticism: 'I refused to do a task she assigned me'

Some coworkers have got to develop a thicker skin. In this instance , we have a Karen who has a habit of shirking any additional responsibilities she has no desire to take on and dumping them on other coworkers despite their already busy schedules. Most recently, she did it yet again to a coworker who had enough of her nonsense. This Redditor told the Karen to make a correction to a document, to which Karen responded by going on sick leave for four weeks. The toxic management, of course, sided…
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 'No thanks, boss': Manager forces employee to work remotely during their PTO, then writes them up for it, employee reports manager in response

'No thanks, boss': Manager forces employee to work remotely during their PTO, then writes them up for it, employee reports manager in response

When you are on vacation, there is no reason whatsoever for you to have to deal with work. Unless your job physically saves lives and makes the world a better place, there is nothing that cannot wait for you when you return from your much-deserved time off, and employers who cannot accept that, do not deserve to even have employees. That is why I am pleased with how this Reddit story turned out because the manager didn't get away with what they did to their employee. OP (original poster) shared…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35575813

Boss demands employees take their required breaks and strictly adhere to policy, chaos ensues: 'Sorry, we can only help after our break'

If you want someone to be accommodating, it's usually best to accommodate them too. This sounds like some sort of golden rule “treat others how you want to be treated” but really in a professional setting it's just common sense. Still, time and time again, budding new managers make the same mistake, trying to command respect and efficiency
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After employee voices his opinions during company meeting, micromanager notifies him he is no longer welcome on the team

After employee voices his opinions during company meeting, micromanager notifies him he is no longer welcome on the team

In the corporate world, there are unwritten rules that need to be adhered to. If, for whatever reason, you decide to deviate from the norm, you should be prepared for the hits that will inevitably come your way. The following story tells the account of the employee who decided to stand up for himself in front of the company's managers. The original poster (OP) had been employed by the same business for a considerable amount of time. Even though he might be very talented in his field, the compan…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35622149

Boss calls out worker for "unprofessional" language after they respond to an email on their day off: 'Say that it was auto correct or something'

It's a fact of life that if you go around going above and beyond for people, people are just going to start to take if for granted. That won't be the worst of it either, because sooner or later, someone's going to take advantage of your willingness to give more than you get and start using it as an excuse to walk all over. As an anecdote, say you have one friend in a group who goes out of her way to make unique cakes for all her friends on their birthdays; everyone just comes to expect this whe…
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Manager purposely excludes temp employee when giving away ‘office treats’, employee finds a clever way to make them regret that decision: ‘You should have included me’

Manager purposely excludes temp employee when giving away ‘office treats’, employee finds a clever way to make them regret that decision: ‘You should have included me’

Sometimes a decision can lead to a very costly mistake, one that could have been avoided if people simply used their heads. Take this manager on Reddit for example, all he had to do was give his devoted temp employee a donut, exactly how he gave the rest of his employees one, and everything else could have been avoided. Why would you want to make someone feel so underappreciated after all the hard work they have put in your firm? What's in it for you? A couple of dollars saved on a donut? Safe…
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Entitled coworker demands free lunches and rides to work from other employees, they refuse, leading to an office dispute: ‘Who do you think you are?’

Entitled coworker demands free lunches and rides to work from other employees, they refuse, leading to an office dispute: ‘Who do you think you are?’

Being nice to other people can get you really far in life, really fast, all you have to do is treat other people the way that you want to be treated. We're not saying that by simply being nice you will become the next president of The United States, but you can accomplish and get a lot of a respectful attitude towards others. For example, the employee in this Reddit story started her job by acting extremely entitled and demanding. She expected her managers and coworkers to provide her with free…
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Mid-level manager learns about impending mass quitting, struggles to keep the company from going under: 'People are actively ready to leave'

Mid-level manager learns about impending mass quitting, struggles to keep the company from going under: 'People are actively ready to leave'

It's tough to be caught in the middle of a work crisis. It's even tougher when you gain intel of serious office drama that could completely affect the state of things when word gets out. Here, we have a recently promoted mid-level manager who is on the younger side and therefore has achieved the trust of the folks on his team as well as a strong sense of camaraderie. However, while his team members are happy with his managerial skills, they do not seem to be content with the company at large. I…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35552261

'Just wear earplugs': Loud car owner gets roasted for their flippant response to their neighbor

Consistent, persistent, and especially unnecessary noise is an absolute menace when it comes to life in a neighborhood community. Sure, everyone's going to have a need to make noise, and that's just part of life, too. Mowing lawns and other home and garden maintenance are by no means quiet, nor are playing children and outdoor social gatherings. Still, something that happens occasionally can be understood and is thus tolerable, even if it is a slight annoyance. But incessant noise over a sustai…
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Entitled golfer tells clubhouse employee how to do his job, employee makes sure he gets charged more money: 'Enjoy the $40 fee'

Entitled golfer tells clubhouse employee how to do his job, employee makes sure he gets charged more money: 'Enjoy the $40 fee'

Working at a fancy golf club likely means having to deal with obnoxious wealthy folks on a regular basis. This dude must really love that sport to continue enduring the job for over two years in exchange for mediocre pay and some free time on the course. Now, when you have been working in any field for over two years, you probably do not enjoy a random person coming up to you and telling you how to do your job well. Well, that's what happened to this clubhouse employee when an entitled Kevin de…
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‘How much of a pay cut is the CEO taking?’: Employee drags company through the mud after they inform her of pay reduction due to company's 'financial struggles'

‘How much of a pay cut is the CEO taking?’: Employee drags company through the mud after they inform her of pay reduction due to company's 'financial struggles'

There is nothing more satisfying than reading a story about an employee who stands up to the corporation when it tries to do them wrong. And this Reddit story is, well, not quite that. OP (original poster), got an email from the company she works for asking her to accept a pay cut to her salary, and after careful consideration, OP decided to give the company a piece of her mind regarding their request. She answers the email with a sharp and criticizing response, airing out everything she thinks…
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