

 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories Late

'No reasons for being late are accepted': Workers discover their company punishes them the same way no matter how late they are, employees start missing hours of work

How does your work handle latenesses ? Each workplace treats them differently. At some jobs where you clock in , such as those in the retail sector, being even a minute or two late is grounds for a write-up. Those bosses expect you to be there at your start time on the dot: no exceptions! Even if traffic is bad or your kid is sick, they don't care. They just want you there on time, with zero exceptions. However, some office jobs are way more relaxed about this kind of thing. It's normal for som…
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'We're looking for someone aged 22-26 [...] with 30 years of experience': 15+ Top interview memes for job seekers

'We're looking for someone aged 22-26 [...] with 30 years of experience': 15+ Top interview memes for job seekers

Applying to jobs can feel endless, incessant, and Sisyphean… and that's just on the good days. On the bad days, the experience can fill you with existential dread and panic. Sometimes, the only way to get through the process is to laugh at the ridiculousness of the whole endeavor. How many times have you comes across a job posting that requires a million years of experience for an entry-level position? Or how about those instances where you're being interviewed by someone who seems disorganized…
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'Have I ruined my career?': Employee stops eating lunch with coworkers, sparking ridiculous feud with office Karen

'Have I ruined my career?': Employee stops eating lunch with coworkers, sparking ridiculous feud with office Karen

Every employee needs to draw their boundaries with coworkers. Sometimes, you get along with folks well enough that you're more than fine hanging out outside the office. However, other employees prefer a strict separation between work and life, and regardless of how other people think or feel about it, that decision needs to be respected. Here , we have an employee who had to draw their own boundaries within the work day itself. After a year of spending lunch with coworkers in the break room, he…
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‘Have fun replacing every lock…’: After getting wrongfully fired, employee leaves workplace with all their keys, causing management to spend thousands on changing locks

‘Have fun replacing every lock…’: After getting wrongfully fired, employee leaves workplace with all their keys, causing management to spend thousands on changing locks

We all, at some point, have to do things at work that are not part of our job description and have nothing to do with our actual role. When one is asked to do something outside of their role, they tend to agree, mostly to stay on good terms with their manager, and in hopes that doing so will benefit them in the future. It is all part of a workplace strategy in order to get ahead. So what can one do when they are not only asked to do things above their pay grade but also blamed for mistakes made…
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Overworked employee refuses to accept offered pay raise and quits job instead, leaving micromanager high and dry: ‘Quitting was super empowering’

Overworked employee refuses to accept offered pay raise and quits job instead, leaving micromanager high and dry: ‘Quitting was super empowering’

Sometimes (most times), the only way to deal with a toxic workplace environment is by leaving it, because no amount of hard work or money can change that place. There comes a time to admit it is definitely not worth risking one's mental health over it. However, it might be tempting to stay in a toxic workplace when one is being offered a raise providing they stay, which is what happened in this Reddit story. OP (original poster) was an employee in a family business who was constantly being bull…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee employment-discussion job malicious compliance work employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 37205509

Engineering manager tells employee to "go elsewhere" so they do and quit the next day: 'I have never quit a job with no notice in my life… until that day'

It's surprising how many businesses seem to be able to continue to persist despite the fact that a light gust would blow them over, being consistently and continuously mismanaged to the point where one single mishap would cause them to cease to exist. This employee worked for a horrendously mismanaged manufacturing company that was seemingly on the verge of collapse. The management team that had employed them was suddenly fired soon after they were hired, which caused them to be understandably…
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 smells shift guests workplace-stories hotel guest jobs hotel job front desk work tales from the front desk hotel room workplace hotels food

'I look forward to seeing if she "reports" me': Hotel front desk worker searches hotel for mysterious food smell bugging just one visitor

We hear a lot about hotels being so noisy that guests can't sleep, but has a smell ever bothered you at a hotel ? Some hotels have pools with the strongest chlorine smell ever, and it wafts into the hallway even outside the swimming area. Other hotels offer complimentary breakfasts, but there's no way the smell can waft from the main lobby to the rooms in most cases, since there's usually a big space in between the two areas. If anything, the complaint that most unhappy hotel guests have is noi…
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Update: 'They tell me to stay late every time with no compensation': Boss reprimands employees for not working beyond 10:00am - 6:00pm work days

Update: 'They tell me to stay late every time with no compensation': Boss reprimands employees for not working beyond 10:00am - 6:00pm work days

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to always remember what policies your boss can and cannot enforce. Here, we have a salaried employee at a call center whose hours are 10:00 am to 6:00 pm as they were expressly written in her contract, and yet her boss thought he could make his employees work late. This was not simply on one occasion; he was doing this regularly. In fact, he ended up trying to enforce a brand new policy that stated that employees would be reprimanded if they did not s…
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 boss workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance bosses work coworkers malicious-compliance-reddit lunch workplace coworker malicious compliance reddit

'I'm cracking up at the audacity': Workers collaborate to humiliate boss in front of CEO after he takes away their lunch break

This boss was left with an embarrassing predicament, but he has no one to blame but himself. Employees who aren't hungry are better workers, that's just a fact . You probably know the feeling of skipping breakfast and feeling groggy all morning, only to wake up after your lunch break and power through the rest of your day. When you're hungry, you can get headaches or wooziness, which isn't going to help you focus on your work. If all you can do is daydream about hamburgers, you're not going to…
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'Pay increases are no longer based on merit': Employee decides to do the bare minimum after boss confirms her work quality won't result in a raise

'Pay increases are no longer based on merit': Employee decides to do the bare minimum after boss confirms her work quality won't result in a raise

Sometimes, employers do not do themselves any favors. If they want their employees to work hard and to continue to apply themselves with the hopes of a raise or a promotion, it's probably not a great idea to let them know that this is a fallacy and that pay increases at the company have absolutely nothing to do with quality, performance, and merit. On the other hand, perhaps this was the best piece of knowledge for this employee to gain in order to jumpstart the process of looking elsewhere for…
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work workplace employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee Jobs employment issues

Boss begins demanding the tasks and videos employee had been contributing to go above and beyond their role, they stop doing it: 'A please and thank you would go a long way for my motivation'

Going above and beyond should earn you praise and commendation. Unfortunately, it's more likely that all it will do is increase expectations. Showing your superiors what is “possible” and setting a new baseline for yourself. When this worker went above and beyond in their contributions to their workplace, creating and sharing video content for
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Former chef gets even with lunch-stealing coworker by putting scorpion pepper powder in food: '[He] never stole anyone's lunch again'

Former chef gets even with lunch-stealing coworker by putting scorpion pepper powder in food: '[He] never stole anyone's lunch again'

Stealing someone's lunch at work is one of the most obvious signs that some people really do never grow out of middle school behavior. Thankfully, this employee, who also happened to be a former chef, knew how to get even with the problematic coworker in his place of work. First of all, the former chef was, unfortunately, an easy target for the lunch thief, considering how elaborate and over-the-top their lunches tended to be. However, despite valid suspicions, the employee still had no officia…
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work workplace employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs job employee employees overworked-employees

Boss rewards frustrated worker for a job well done with more work and responsibility: 'You're salaried not hourly so there is no compensation increase'

There's no motivation in life like receiving a hard-earned reward—our brains are literally wired this way. When it comes to work, you might hope that that reward would be increased compensation that matches your increased contribution and efforts. But, unfortunately, at a lot of organizations, showing a willingness to take on more work is only showing that you're willing to be paid less for it, leaving you with more to do in the same amount of time with little to no increased compensation. Let'…
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20 jobs that are instant red flags for people seeking serious relationships: 'Stand up comedians [...] anything that happens in your relationship will be made public'

20 jobs that are instant red flags for people seeking serious relationships: 'Stand up comedians [...] anything that happens in your relationship will be made public'

Your potential partner's line of work is essential to your compatibility, regardless of whether or not people like to admit it. Sure, in theory, any two people should be able to make their relationship work if they get along. But let's be real here: if your partner works a job where you end up seeing far too little of them, love may not, in fact, conquer all. These Redditors shared the various forms of employment they feel are red flags for them, and as many folks in the comments section sugges…
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workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee nanny children parenting parents parent

Nanny makes mother regret telling her not to parent her children, allowing the kids free reign before quitting on the spot: 'Don't try to parent my children!'

When you've been entrusted with the care of children, it's a little difficult to do your job without telling them what to do. Adult input to keep things moving in the right direction is essential to their safety and happiness, and it's kind of impossible to get anything done without it. With that considered, you'd be foolish, as the parent employing said child-carer, to tell that child-carer that they were unable to give your children instruction and “parent” them. As if—what? You just expect t…
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'I wasn’t gonna let him win': Employee refuses to let boss keep picking on him, exposes his business negligence on his last day

'I wasn’t gonna let him win': Employee refuses to let boss keep picking on him, exposes his business negligence on his last day

Sometimes, bosses just decide out of nowhere that they don't like an employee. It's not based on work ethic. It's not based on morale or personality. They simply have chosen to have an enemy in the workplace to make matters more interesting and cutthroat for them. If you're unlucky, you may end up becoming that employee for your boss. When this happens, as it did to this Redditor , you have to keep reminding yourself that it's not you. Furthermore, if this treatment starts to get in the way of…
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