

'He is shocked... he finally realized that his actions have consequences': Magazine boss loses trust in employees, tries to force them into signing sketchy contracts

'He is shocked... he finally realized that his actions have consequences': Magazine boss loses trust in employees, tries to force them into signing sketchy contracts

This person went from enjoying their job to being baffled at their boss's decision-making in just a short time. It seems like u/aqualink97 had a weird experience working for this boss . They started the job at a youth center. But after starting the job, their boss enlisted them to make videos and graphic designs. The boss then decided to create a separate magazine which fell under the youth center's purview. Over time, it started becoming clear that the boss was intending to fully focus on the…
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Job candidate misses her interview after hiring manager fails to coherently respond to her emails: ‘You literally had one job’

Job candidate misses important interview after hiring manager fails to coherently respond to her emails: ‘You literally had one job’

Every person you encounter in your employment journey is simply doing their job. Secretaries, hiring managers, HR, and even CEOs are all simply doing their jobs, and their contact with you is usually a part of that. That is why, when applying for a new job, you would expect these people to do their jobs correctly and make everyone's life easier, but that is not always the case. For example, the person in this Reddit story was applying for a new job and was invited to interview for a job via ema…
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Employee confronts boss after learning new hire below him is making more money: 'I will not be disrespected like that'

Employee confronts boss after learning new hire below him is making more money: 'I will not be disrespected like that'

Going back on a promise is not exactly how one maintains loyalty at a company. This employer made his own bed when he offered a new hire more money than the loyal employee who was promised a raise and promotion for the longest time. Perhaps this toxic boss was under the impression that no one was going to find out. Well, considering the fact that this employee splits responsibilities with their manager and is the only person with access to the same exact company information, the idea that he wo…
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'Is this a joke?!': Micromanager demands constant availability from part-time employee and issues write-up for not answering the phone on day off

'Is this a joke?!': Micromanager demands constant availability from part-time employee and issues write-up for not answering the phone on day off

If one wants to hold onto their job and advance in the company, they should treat it seriously. Having said that, do you still owe your manager an explanation of what you are doing and with whom when you are not in the office? The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The original poster (OP) receives hourly pay for his part-time job at the local gym. At first, everything was going smoothly, and OP was enjoying working with the fitness enthusiasts. However, things took a terrible…
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'[He] changed his job title to Ninja Computer Wizard': 15 Odd circumstances that led employees to get fired

'[He] changed his job title to Ninja Computer Wizard': 15 Odd circumstances that led employees to get fired

When it comes to the pizza delivery driver who was fired because he couldn't find the house and just ate their pizza order instead… I understand where he's coming from. I'm not saying he did the right thing, because there's a family out there who ordered pizza and didn't get it. I just think he's relatable: it's hard to follow directions sometimes, and it's easy to get lost, and well, pizza is tasty. He probably got paid for one shift, and got to eat a free pizza in the meantime. He's an agent…
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'[Bosses are] forcing me take a 40% pay cut:' Employee quits without notice, bosses scramble with unfinished projects, costs the company hundreds of thousands of dollars

'[Bosses are] forcing me take a 40% pay cut:' Employee quits without notice, bosses scramble with unfinished projects, costs the company hundreds of thousands of dollars

Sometimes, employees who have been so profoundly mistreated have no other choice but to quit in spectacular fashion. Of course, the ideal situation would be to leave on amicable terms. A clean and friendly exit can benefit the reputation of both the company and the former employee moving forward. However, one has to be treated with dignity and respect in order to return that favor to one's employers. If that social contract has been ignored, then workers should feel no obligation to their bosse…
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Employee deals with male karen who throws dirty towel at him, even though his room was cleaned during his multiple day stay

Male Karen throws his dirty towel at front desk employee because housekeepers had left for the night after a busy weekend: ‘We're short staffed’

All is fair until customers start throwing stuff at you.
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'Choosing beggar influencers will call the hotel...they demanded a nice hotel room': Hotel staffers develop hilarious scheme to get even with social media influencers

'Choosing beggar influencers will call the hotel': Hotel staffers develop hilarious scheme to get even with obnoxious social media influencers

At this “ tourist hotspot ,” a lot of guests demand only the finest treatment. They want the nicest, biggest rooms, the most photogenic food choices, and of course, massive discounts. Why? Well, because they're influencers, of course. They're basically celebrities in their own minds. After that, check out these design fails that were dubious from the start, like the stairs that are sure to take out an ankle or two.
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Admin worker complies with snarky Karen coworker's request to receive all documentations, overwhelms her with paperwork: '[I] ended up with a stack of over 1,500 pages'

Admin worker complies with snarky Karen coworker's request to receive all documentation, overwhelms her with paperwork: '[I] ended up with a stack of over 1,500 pages'

No one needs that much paperwork! This admin worker relayed a story from earlier in their career when a snarky Karen coworker started to complain about “missing documents.” She would ultimately come to regret that she ever made a complaint in the first place. Essentially, it was the Redditor's job to follow a document distribution matrix model to ensure that all departments within their oil terminal company received the necessary paperwork regarding Bills of Lading. Now, the Redditor had been w…
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Micromanager fabricates write-up for job security until he is caught red-handed by employee's secret recording

Micromanager fabricates write-up for job security until he is caught red-handed by employee's secret recording

Providing customer service is never an easy task for a number of reasons. The hardest part is the fact that you cannot predict who you'll run into or what type of attitude they're going to have. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The original poster (OP), who is employed in retail, was hit with threats over a $1.63 charge. But rather than standing with OP and protecting the worker from the enraged client, management decided to stick by the client and reprimand OP for suppos…
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'I don't feel like working today': 20+ hilariously lame reasons why people called in sick to work

'I don't feel like working today': 20+ hilariously lame reasons why people called in sick to work

Sometimes, no excuse is better than a lame excuse. Everyone deserves the right to take a break with no questions asked. Unfortunately for the workers of the world, that can be very hard to do when you have a demanding and nosey manager. These employees made the mistake of trying to fabricate valid reasons and coming up short. It's definitely better to say nothing at all if the only “reason” you can come up with is the grown-up version of your dog eating your homework. Luckily, those ridiculous…
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'Don't play with me': Employee almost gets fired because of coworker's sabotage, gets even by getting him fired instead

'Don't play with me': Employee almost gets fired because of coworker's sabotage, gets even by getting him fired instead

Have you ever had a coworker who seemingly will stop at nothing to get you fired? Before we get into this story of how an employee managed to save themselves from getting unfairly dismissed by instead getting their work nemesis fired first, let's unpack how these kinds of work rivalries happen. Most of the time, like most elements of a work environment, it all comes from the top down. If the system is built upon a foundation of unhealthy competition, that will almost never fare well for employe…
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‘Problem solved’: Employee reports entitled coworker to HR following a heated dispute between them, boss fires both of them in response

‘Problem solved’: Employee reports entitled coworker to HR following a heated dispute between them, boss fires both of them in response

The more an employee spends time in a company or a corporation, the more they find out just how little that place of work actually cares about employees. I used to think that HR is there to make sure employees are happy in the company and have someone to turn to when they need help. But the more I am exposed to this corporate life, the more I understand that HR is simply there to protect the company, and will do as little as possible to make their employees happy. This Reddit story is the perfe…
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'I see the tow truck arrive and leave with the CFO's very, very precious Corvette': Secretary decides to follow conflicting instructions between their two bosses

'I see the tow truck arrive and leave with the CFO's very, very precious Corvette': Secretary decides to follow conflicting instructions between their two bosses

A couple of corporate bigwigs have gotten into the habit of only speaking to each other through their secretary. Their secretary isn't even supposed to have that job… they've just gotten themselves intertwined in the workplace drama between their different bosses. Up next, these HOAs have some really ridiculous rules that have tenants rolling their eyes, like one person who was informed, “ Your mailbox isn't shiny enough ."
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‘You're not allowed to talk about the job’: Micromanager forces NDA to silence employees, employee ‘breaches’ contract and faces termination

‘You're not allowed to talk about the job’: Micromanager forces NDA to silence employees, employee ‘breaches’ contract and faces termination

Have you ever heard of a restaurant owner demanding their servers sign an NDA to keep them from discussing their jobs? Well, you are about to hear about it now. It can be understandable that some workplaces require employees to sign an NDA to protect information that needs to stay within the company. Many lines of work handle delicate matters, and it is not beyond reason to legally prevent employees from talking about it outside of work. But demanding employees sign an NDA simply to prevent the…
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Trainer scolds new hire in front of entire office, causing the new employee to file their resignation, manager steps in: 'Give it another two weeks'

Trainer scolds new hire in front of entire office, causing the new employee to file their resignation, manager steps in: 'Give it another two weeks'

Training a new hire is an important job not only because you are in charge of getting them familiar with their new job and responsibilities, but also because you are their gateway to understanding everything about their new workplace. That means that the way trainers treat new employees, and the way they act around them is going to be all they know of the company at least at the beginning, so you'd think they would want to make a good impression. Not the trainers in this Reddit story, they coul…
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