
Experienced employee discovers younger coworkers are getting paid 70% more than him, decides to disengage from the job completely instead of looking for a new one: ‘I don't see a point anymore’

Experienced employee discovers younger coworkers are getting paid 70% more than him, decides to disengage from the job completely instead of looking for a new one: ‘I don't see a point anymore’

 boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work coworkers workplace notes malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit

Worker spreads 100 copies of boss's meeting notes company-wide: 'Folks were... refusing to do their normal duties [and] browsing Indeed during work'

Employees refuse to throw retiring coworker's goodbye party, despite working together for over 20 years, coworker leaves company feeling disgraced: ‘I cried on my way home from work'

Employees refuse to throw retiring coworker's goodbye party, despite working together for over 20 years, coworker leaves company feeling disgraced: ‘I cried on my way home from work'

Kitchen manager accrues 25+ hours of PTO, boss denies request and refuses to let hours roll over into 2025: 'It's use it or lose it'

Kitchen manager accrues 25+ hours of PTO, boss denies request and refuses to let hours roll over into 2025: 'It's use it or lose it'

Boss refuses to pay new hire for training period, leading employee to accuse boss of going against the law, only to get fired on the spot: ‘She told me to hand in my uniform’

Boss refuses to pay new hire for training period, leading employee to accuse boss of going against the law, only to get fired on the spot: ‘She told me to hand in my uniform’

Client refuses to pay and keeps ‘forgetting’ invoices, forcing freelancer to send blitz email barrage to get what’s owed: ‘Oh, I thought you needed them resent’

Client refuses to pay and keeps ‘forgetting’ invoices, forcing freelancer to send blitz email barrage to get what’s owed: ‘Oh, I thought you needed them resent’

Employee forced to use his car for trips, boss won’t pay for repairs, cue malicious compliance: ‘Since they won’t provide me with a car, […] I would no longer go to the meetings

Employee forced to use his car for trips, boss won’t pay for repairs, cue malicious compliance: ‘Since they won’t provide me with a car, […] I would no longer go to the meetings'

Company executives receive $65k Christmas bonus while non-executives cash in on a $25 Starbucks gift card, causing disgruntled employee to seek employment elsewhere

Company executives receive $65k Christmas bonus while non-executives cash in on a $25 Starbucks gift card, causing disgruntled employee to seek employment elsewhere

Employee automates task, making everyone’s jobs easier, boss takes credit for her work: ‘You probably didn’t even know how to turn on your computer when we found you’

Employee automates task, making everyone’s jobs easier, boss takes credit for her work: ‘You probably didn’t even know how to turn on your computer when we found you’

opinion ask reddit boss workplace-stories jobs job funny stories bosses work coworkers askreddit workplace funny opinions Bad Bosses - 38507525

20+ Quitting employees who left their jobs as quickly as possible: 'No call no show for me'

‘‘It looked like I'd typed entire sentences in Wingdings’: Coworker tries to sabotage employee's weekly report, HR gets involved when edits to the document reveal she's the culprit

‘‘It looked like I'd typed entire sentences in Wingdings’: Coworker tries to sabotage employee's weekly report, HR gets involved when edits to the document reveal she's the culprit

20 unprofessional answers no one should give in a job interview: 'I am very good with people because I am myself a person'

20 unprofessional answers no one should give in a job interview: 'I am very good with people because I am myself a person'

10+ employees who got their incompetent bosses fired: 'A week later, I got a new title and a 35% raise'

10+ employees who got their incompetent bosses fired: 'A week later, I got a new title and a 35% raise'

 fired getting fired fired story fired on spot got fired firing firing story laid off work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories

'He pick[ed] up his car with a forklift': 15+ Fired employees who gave their bosses good reasons to let them go

customer support customer service insurance workplace-stories job malicious compliance retail work customers customer workplace Customer Service - 38469637

Insurance company denies phone claim over strict policy until customer reminds them it will only cost them more: 'So how likely is it that a cracked screen could lead to water damage?'

Boss won't stop bothering employee while he's on holiday PTO, employee sends him a message: ‘We can discuss them when I am back from PTO’

Boss won't stop bothering employee while they're on holiday PTO, employee sends him a message: ‘We can discuss them when I am back from PTO’