

Employee blamed for system outage out of his authority, resigns after being told to hand write why he messed up

Angry employee is blamed by boss for unavoidable system outage, resigns after being reprimanded: ‘I refuse to be treated like a child’

Front desk employees often have to deal with entitled customers, but sometimes they have to deal with equally entitled bosses.
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'I got quiet fired two days before my wedding': Employee notices backward pattern when VP threatens to fire her right before her wedding

'I got quiet fired two days before my wedding': Employee notices backward pattern when VP threatens to fire her right before her wedding

In this day and age, we don't expect toxic workplace environments to get away with wildly outdated behavior anymore, and yet as much as we'd like to think that progress has been made, unkind and unfair treatment still does happen all the time. Here, we have a young female employee who was on the brink of getting married when the VP of her company organized a disciplinary meeting threatening to fire her if she didn't pull it together at work. Of course, there was no concrete evidence that she wa…
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Upset employee is faced with dilemma regarding toxic workplace's strict rules surrounding water breaks

Hypocritical managers of employee's workplace break their own rules regarding strict water breaks, employee is fed up: ‘I feel like this is completely unethical’

"No one is happy about it, but one of the people above me on the ‘front end’ always hides her own drink behind customer service, while also getting on everyone else if they have a drink."
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'You wanna drown in paperwork? Be my guess!': Truck driver maliciously complies with new scanning policy, gives payroll a major headache

'You wanna drown in paperwork? Be my guess!': Truck driver maliciously complies with new scanning policy, gives payroll a major headache

Some bosses care more about enforcing ridiculous policies than assessing whether or not said policies are efficient. How many times have you found yourself in a work situation when the easy solution is staring right in front of you but you can't say anything because of your temperamental and particular boss? This truck driver had to deal with a silly new rule about scanning tons of extra paperwork to corporate when all he really needed to do was scan a few signed pages. Of course, despite voici…
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After accepting candidate for a full-time job, employer retracts offer and changes it to part-time, leaving candidate high and dry: ‘They pulled the rug out from under me’

After accepting candidate for a full-time job, employer retracts offer and changes it to part-time, leaving candidate high and dry: ‘They pulled the rug out from under me’

Hiring managers, this is a message for all of you, so please read it carefully – Employment is a two-way street . You have to treat candidates with the same respect you expect them to treat you. You need employees just as much as they need employers, and everything about the hiring process should be a good match for both sides. That means that just as you expect candidates to not lie in their resumes, you cannot lie in the job posting. It is as simple as that. The job should fit the right perso…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35786757

Boss denies employee's leave because they've "used too much" of their "unlimited" PTO: 'I'm going anyways'

Just when you think employers and managers might actually be instating policy with their workers best interest in mind you find yourself, yet again, disappointed. When I had heard that some employers were offering “unlimited” leave as a interest, understanding that a happy, motivated, and healthy workforce with a passion for their work is far more productive and creative than
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Boss cuts back on overtime pay, employee rebels by cutting back on excess work: 'I'm not working overtime unless I get paid'

Boss cuts back on overtime pay, employee rebels by cutting back on excess work: 'I'm not working overtime unless I get paid'

Employees who regularly work expected overtime as part of the job come to rely on that money to earn their living. Time is money and money is time, right? So what happens when employers can't seem to afford that overtime payment but somehow maintain the expectations that employees should be completing that extra work? Well, if the employees are empowered enough, then they should let their bosses know the simple and fair truth: if employees must say goodbye to that money, then their employees mu…
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Arrogant hiring manager gives unsolicited advice following job candidate's application withdrawal: 'Accepting only easy opportunities is probably not going to take you as far'

Arrogant hiring manager gives unsolicited advice following job candidate's application withdrawal: 'Accepting only easy opportunities is probably not going to take you as far'

There cannot be many folks out there who enjoy receiving unwanted feedback. This hiring manager thought it was a good idea to respond to a job candidate's request to withdraw an application by giving them a completely uncalled-for lecture about what it takes to be a good manager and how to navigate a professional career successfully. As many folks in the comments section pointed out, the truth of the matter is that the interviewer has clearly been having trouble filling a property management po…
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'Answer each and every email with "got it"': Boss insists that employee change the "upsetting" tone of their emails

'Answer each and every email with "got it"': Boss insists that employee change the "upsetting" tone of their emails

Email etiquette changes everywhere you go. Politeness is key, of course. But at some workplaces, emails have to be answered in a highly specific way, even if the employees think it's ridiculous. Up next, these goofy goobers are some real dummies according to their friends, like one person whose coworker wouldn't drink water, ever, because “ water makes you rust .”
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35815429

'This is [not] a scheduled absence': Boss's attitude towards barista over the passing of their beloved dog sparks controversy online

Pets are family, they always have been and always will be—but are especially so for the generations of young (and aging) adults who can't afford and wouldn't have the financial security to start a family and have human children of their own—even if they wanted to. The reality is that, for a lot of people, their pets are the closest family and maybe even the only family that they will ever have. They are treasured closely, and the loss of one is always tragic… With that in mind, members of this…
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New IT hire forced to take control of the whole system after entire team quits: 'Everyone left the company on my first day'

New IT hire forced to take control of the whole system after entire team quits: 'Everyone left the company on my first day'

Most new hires spend their first day getting an overview of their daily responsibilities and meeting the other members of their team. Unfortunately for this IT worker, that calm, chill first day was taken away from them pretty much instantly. It turns out that on this particular employee's first day, they learned that the company used some obscure and outdated software that would take some time to adjust to and understand. Well, time did not seem to be on their side given the fact that the cowo…
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Job candidate forced to sit on the floor while waiting an hour for her interview after other employees refused to give her a seat: 'I felt invisible'

Job candidate forced to sit on the floor while waiting an hour for her interview after other employees refused to give her a seat: 'I felt invisible'

No matter how desperate one might be for a job, there are some things they should never let happen to them while interviewing, and being forced to sit on the floor is one of them. I honestly don't know how the woman who wrote this Reddit story could stand (pun intended) the way she was treated in her job interview. When she arrived at her interview, she was told to wait for the employer in a lobby area and was surprised to see that the area was occupied by a few other people, who were taking up…
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Technicians throw a 'you're gone' party after strict boss gets demoted and later fired for ignoring safety procedures: 'We are celebrating you not being around anymore'

Technicians throw a 'you're gone' party after strict boss gets demoted and later fired for ignoring safety procedures: 'We are celebrating you not being around anymore'

Imagine thinking everyone was about to throw you a nice going away party after your resignation was announced, only to learn that the party is really a celebration of everyone not having to deal with you anymore. That's what this boss dealt with after he was demoted and later fired for a variety of reasons, one of which involved ignoring serious safety procedures. He was, at one point, the manager of a national sewer and drain company, and he was known for making his team members' lives a night…
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karens boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work demanding supervisor karens in the wild workplace entitled karen story karen entitled people - 35774981

'Karen... doesn't care if we get fired': Call center worker refuses to get supervisor for upset customer

That last hour of work can be brutal. We all know the feeling: there are just 60 minutes separating you from the freedom of the outside world, and the clock seems to be ticking five times slower than normal. This person works at a call center, so for them, an hour is plenty of time to take one last call. Unfortunately for this person, their last caller just couldn't understand why her problem couldn't be resolved . This story revolves around a customer who was unhappy with being charged a fee f…
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'He's going to call the store manager and complain': 15 Pizza delivery workers share their worst tipping customer stories

'He's going to call the store manager and complain': 15 Pizza delivery workers share their worst tipping customer stories

After being stiffed on tips a few times, these pizza delivery drivers are fed up. There's an ongoing debate about tipping , and no one seems to know quite what the appropriate amount to tip is. It definitely depends on the service you're getting. That's why it's nice to tip a waiter who brings you your food and drinks, or a barista who makes a latte with a nice cinnamon heart on top. It seems like a good idea to tip pizza delivery folks, too. For one, pizza is usually a really cheap food, at le…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 35785221

Employer gives employee 30% pay cut, they leave for a job that pays double: 'I left with zero notice'

You'd have to be pretty uncaring, have a lot of audacity, and think that you have absolute control over someone to think that they'd be willing to do the same job with a 30% cut to pay. Heck, even if the worker was willing to take the pay cut, you'd have to know that they would probably be looking for work elsewhere and reducing their output. While this would be common sense to most of us it apparently wasn't to this employer who probably looked something similar to a “surprised pikachu” meme w…
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