

Entitle coworker steals woman's lunch everyday and expects her to be okay with it, so the woman reports her to HR and is awaiting a hard reprimand

‘She was an entitled thief’: Coworker steals woman's lunch everyday & has the audacity to leave her thank you notes, then asks her to share when it's not in the usual spot

"She said she didn't steal, she borrowed."
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work workplace employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee coworkers coworker terrible coworkers Fired getting fired

Employees expose their "deadweight" coworker making it impossible for their boss not to fire him: 'It is impressive how much it takes to get fired for some people'

More often than not, when someone isn't pulling their weight on the team, you'll find that your team leader is remiss and unlikely to do anything about it. Preferring to let their weight be shouldered rather than attract the attention of the higher powers. See, it stands to reason that, in most organizations, no attention is the best attention; as soon as the powers that be set their sights on your team, it can be impossible to shake it off, with their increasing scrutiny and weight bearing dow…
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Update: 'I used up every sheet of paper in our 14-story building': Writer agrees to "print out the internet" at entitled boss's request

You don't always get the chance to go absolutely crazy at your job, and this person decided to embrace it. They were told to print a frankly absurd amount of papers out, and they did it with gusto. Up next, read about this worker who discovered that their company punished them in exactly the same way whether they were 3 minutes late or 3 hours late, saying, “ No reasons for being late are accepted .”
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'They are requiring that I pay them back about $4500': Former boss forgot to stop paying employee, HR requires ex-employee to pay them back

'They are requiring that I pay them back about $4500': Former boss forgot to stop paying employee, HR requires ex-employee to pay them back

Former employers always have a fun way of popping back into your life. In this case, it began as a happy accident and ultimately turned into a frustrating nuisance. This Redditor had notified his former employers that he was still getting paid well after his departure from the company. The boss apologized and said he would inform human resources, and the payments would stop moving forward. Obviously, this was a noble act on the part of the original poster (OP), who could have just stayed silent…
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Incompetent employee gets what he deserves when he's booted from his company for slacking off, coworkers get back at him by simply doing their jobs

‘Enough was enough’: Long-time ‘deadweight employee’ is finally exposed after he takes a vacation and his team's efficiency skyrockets, is booted from the company as a result

”Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself."
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Arrogant boss gets ultimate karma when he picks on fresh new grad through sipping on a strong, piping-hot cup of joe he demanded the new grad to make for him

‘No BS degree in coffee making’: New grad is berated by boss for having a college degree and is demanded to be on office coffee duty, so he retaliates ‘strong[ly] but bitter[ly]’

Want some coffee? No problem.
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work workplace employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee lawfirm lawyer Legal

Law firm hires outside applicant after promising paralegal position to legal assistant for 4 years: 'Calling out tomorrow and have 2 interviews lined up'

Getting rejected or passed over for a promotion that you've been promised for years is always going to leave a bad taste in your mouth. You might believe the words of your employer when they tell you that your efforts will one day lead you to a higher role. And, yet, every time the opportunity presents itself to promote you, they go with someone else, and you're faced with that, no matter what their intentions might have initially been, they're dangling a carrot on a stick out in front of you t…
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Burnt-out employee requests PTO and management threatens to fire him, so he finds a better job and quits the old one, demanding all of his unused PTO days be paid in his last paycheck

‘As you wish’: Overworked employee requests PTO for vacation and messy management threatens to fire him, so he quits and demands all PTO days be paid in his last paycheck

"Be careful what you wish for. You may just get it."
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Boss gets owned by hardworking employee when he is told to find a better job after pushing for an adequate raise and actually does, employee ends up on top

Boss gives hardworking employee a ‘lackluster raise’ and tells him to find a better job after he complains, so employee lands unicorn job offer and leaves company high and dry

"I asked for what was required of my position and did just that the remainder of my time there."
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'If it's not in writing, it didn't happen': Micromanager tries to schedule meeting with employee after hours, gets HR involved, employee fires back with receipts

'If it's not in writing, it didn't happen': Micromanager tries to schedule meeting with employee after hours, gets HR involved, employee fires back with receipts

Being asked to stay late for more work is always a tricky situation. The truth of the matter is, despite any social pressures that might infer otherwise, there needs to be a legitimate incentive for the employee who has been asked to stay late to justify the practice. If not, the employee has every right to decline said request. In fact, even if there is such an incentive, they should still have the right to decline, as working late is not expressly part of their contract. Here, we have a worke…
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 'Everyone is invited but me': Employee gets excluded from company dinner, decides to crash the event instead of inquiring boss about the missing invitation

'Everyone is invited but me': Employee gets excluded from company dinner, decides to crash the event instead of inquiring boss about the missing invitation

Nobody likes to be forgotten or left behind, whether on purpose or by total accident. When someone you know is organizing an event, and you find out you are not invited, even if it was unintentional, it is such an awkward conversation to have, that you often don't know how to approach it. What are you even supposed to say? “Hey, was I not invited because you don't want me there, or did you just completely forget I existed?” However, if something like that does happen to you, it is still better…
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'[They] picked someone younger and fresh out of college to replace me' Employee gets fired and told to take his things, maliciously complies and clears out all his equipment, leaving boss with nothing

'[They] picked someone younger and fresh out of college to replace me' Employee gets fired and told to take his things, maliciously complies and clears out all his equipment, leaving boss with nothing

It's not easy getting fired, but this particularly horrible boss had the audacity to tell his employee of five years that he was going to be replaced by an inexperienced 22-year-old who was fresh out of college. Talk about a slap in the face! Luckily for this Redditor , he knew exactly how to get back at his employer via some well-deserved malicious compliance. When he was fired, his boss told the employee to go to his desk and have security help him clear out all of his things. The employee im…
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 boss workplace-stories jobs job hiring manager bosses new hire work coworkers Memes hiring workplace resume resumes

'The guy who pushed past me... just arrived for an interview with me': 20+ Memes for job candidates who can't figure out why they keep getting rejected

If you're struggling to land a new job , just consider: it could be going so much worse for you! No one ever said it'd be easy to get hired for a new job . Even when you're trying your very hardest, you might just not be the employee that the hiring manager is looking for. You may have to apply to hundreds of jobs before getting an interview, so then the pressure to perform well is on. When that interview arrives, you want to be at your very best. Lots of people will research the company, pract…
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 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories

'Give me a solid contract with triple the pay and I'll come back': Boss bluffs about firing employee, employee accepts and leaves workplace in a panic

We're all replaceable in the workplace, never forget that. No matter how good you are at your job, your boss could decide to give you the boot tomorrow, and by the next week, they'll have a replacement doing the exact same job as you. After that, read about the call center rep who got back at an entitled customer, revealing, “[She] got frustrated and asked to speak with ANYONE else .”
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Employee discovers coworker is taking credit for her work, she informs boss, only to be told off for not being a team player: ‘I don't understand corporate culture anymore’

Employee discovers coworker is taking credit for her work, she informs boss, only to be told off for not being a team player: ‘I don't understand corporate culture anymore’

Imagine being a hardworking employee who truly puts in the work, only to find out that someone else in the office is claiming credit for your hard work. What would you do in this situation? Naturally, if you have proof that a coworker is taking credit for work they didn't do, the best thing to do is talk to your boss about it, and ask them to step in. However, this story might suggest that asking your boss for help might not be the right call. The employee in this Reddit story turned to her man…
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'I need a company that respects [my] time': Job candidate calls out Karen recruiter for requesting information she already has, candidate withdraws application

'I need a company that respects [my] time': Job candidate calls out recruiter for requesting information she already has, candidate withdraws application

Is there anything more annoying than having to repeat yourself a million times during the job application process? Anyone who has applied to jobs via sites like Indeed or LinkedIn knows that it really does not matter how much information from your resume you put in your personal profile because you are more than likely to have to manually input that information for each application over and over again. If only you could just write “see resume” since all the information a recruiter may need is a…
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