

antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story i quit quit workplace quitting - 20322565

'He was only needing to take three days off': Hardware store denies Dad three days of leave scheduled three months in advance, he quits

This manager denied their employee a mere three days off which was requested three months in advance. So now, instead of managing a schedule three months in advance, they get to organize a permanent schedule—a man down… immediately. Constantly needing to organize an adequate schedule with minimal resources is one of the worst parts of managing retail. Typically, these companies run staffing at a bare minimum to save on labor costs, offering poor compensation, meaning that when a full-time worke…
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pro revenge work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story revenge i quit quit petty revenge toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses quitting - 20292357

'He quit a few weeks later': Manager tries to humiliate security guard, quits when it backfires

Undertaking a gambit with the sole purpose of making someone else look ridiculous—well, that's a risky move. There's a good chance that the whole thing could backfire and make you look ridiculous instead. After all, you should never put down all your best monsters at once when your opponent has a trap card face down on the field. (Mirror Force, anyone?) This manager tried to use a security guard's report as an example, presumably as a way of humiliating them to get them to leave the company. Th…
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workplace-stories fired work stories coworkers coffee human resources reddit thread Reddit - 20314117

'My coworker got suspended because of me': Employee calls out coworker for behavior toward cleaning lady, HR steps in

This employee needs to recognize that their coworker very much did this to himself.
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terrible coworkers karens work-story workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance coworkers karens in the wild workplace coworker karen - 20305157

'Have fun with unemployment': Karen coworker fires herself by refusing to do her job

When you have a job, it's usually best to do that job if you want to keep it… Not get embroiled in a war of petty acts against a coworker who wanted no part in that war in the first place. If you choose the latter pathway, you need to be prepared for any consequences that follow. Redditor u/Peach_Gfuel shared this story to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit about their coworker who insisted on getting revenge on them for a perceived slight. u/Peach_Gfuel had previously worked for the Qual…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit job interview toxic-work-environment job application - 20299525

'The questions on these applications are wild': Employer asks if job applicants are willing to wait nearly six months to get paid, internet reacts

We've seen some ludicrous red flags on job applications, but this one is too far.
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workplace-stories malicious compliance work human resources workplace reddit thread Reddit karen - 20290821

'Two petty victories over Finance Karen': Employee finds loophole in company's travel reimbursement policy, goes over HR's head to get approved

There's nothing like finding a niche loophole and getting some money back in the process.
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AITA for not picking up an extra shift. Even after my boss sent her husband (cop) to give me a lifted?

Update: 'I called the labor department': CNA reports her job after boss randomly sends police to her house to pick her up for an unscheduled shift

This certified nursing assistant got put in an awkward situation when she declined to work a shift, and her boss just couldn't accept it. Doctors and nurses are chronically overworked, and are terribly under appreciated. The very people who take care of us when we're at our most vulnerable state are often exhausted from their own long shifts. This woman is feeling that right now. As she wrote to r/AmItheA**hole, she worked eight days of 16-hour shifts in a row! Instead of treating her like a su…
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terrible coworkers work-story antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace workplace-story job coworkers employees workplace coworker toxic-work-environment - 20195845

'I'm losing my sanity': Worker expresses frustration about their "office prankster" coworker, sparking online discussion

Being embroiled in an ongoing prank war sounds like a lot of fun—until you find yourself in one. It turns out there's not much that's desirable about constantly being on edge, wondering when the next strike will happen, especially when that strike is likely to come at the most inconvenient time. This is doubly true when you didn't consent to partake in the prank war, to begin with, and it always seems to come from that one clueless coworker who thinks they're hilarious despite being merely obno…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20286981

Update! 'My old GM has been trying to contact me on every social platform': Employee quits, boss won't stop trying to get her back

You don't know what you've got till your employee's gone! This general manager refuses to give up after their former employee quit the team. Now, it's far too late for this, the negotiation process is long gone, and it's clear that the GM is only just realizing how much work the Redditor contributed to the team. In fact, it's more than clear that the team is completely lost without her. Well, someone has got to inform this adult that cyberstalking is not the way to bring back a former employee.…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace employee toxic-workplace workplace-story toxic i quit quit toxic-boss overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 20260101

'He responded by adding more workload': Worker quits when boss gives them more work after they complain about their workload

Having too much work to do and unrealistic expectations from your superiors about that work is a surefire way to make you hate your job… and your entire existence. This will usually happen in some sort of toxic workplace environment where middle managers have been selected and promoted on their willingness to enforce any policy they're told to rather than on any actual skills in operations, administration, or management. These middle managers are more than willing to pass any pressure placed on…
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses - 20291845

'I eventually quit': Manager insists on doing things their way because of their age... despite having less experience

Just because you're in charge doesn't mean you know better or have more experience—that's not your job. It's your job to ensure that the people who know how to do that job are getting it done and have the resources and ability to do so. A lot of managers get this confused or let their gargantuan ego get in the way, and then they end up with situations like this. Bonus points in these situations apply if the experienced subordinate is also significantly younger than the manager, which will often…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace servers toxic-boss managers workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20273669

'We don't have to let you guys take tips': Manager participates in tip pool, employees band together to retaliate

This manager may not understand the concept of generosity.
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace work toxic-boss workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20235781

‘Boss demands fauxductivity’: Employee reprimanded for being efficient, boss requires more work for same pay

It’s pretty remarkable how often one has to shout into the echo chamber of the Internet that if the work gets done properly, nothing else should matter. Yet this employee found himself shamed by his employer for daring to get his work done efficiently. It seems that his coworkers complete the same daily tasks over the course of the full 8-hour work day, while this guy manages to complete all his tasks correctly in half that time. One would think that if this employee were tasked with more respo…
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'She was unprofessional; she got fired’: Karen inaccurately audits employees' calls, refuses to recheck scores, gets fired

'She was unprofessional; she got fired’: Karen inaccurately audits employees' calls, refuses to recheck scores, gets fired

Minding your own business at work should be a simple and painless task unless you're a Karen, or being targeted by one. In this case, an employee (who we'll call Karen) made everything her business, blaming everyone else for her own mistakes, and ensuring her coworkers were as miserable as she was. One of these coworkers was OP, who had a personal vendetta against Karen from multiple unpleasant past experiences. The company they were working at was an insurance company, and OP's job was to coor…
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boss workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20271109

'Boss is forcing everyone to come in on a Sunday': Manager schedules mandatory 'deep clean' on the weekend, pays in cash for extra hours

Something shady this way comes.
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ask reddit workplace-stories in-the-workplace work stories toxic-workplace workplace-story community-answers work workplace story questions jobs interviews job interview interview - 20261125

10+ Red Flags From Employers That You Might Not Recognize Immediately

Sometimes the warning signs that you might not want to work somewhere are readily apparent as if someone commissioned them to be made in neon and hung in the lobby for all to see. Other times, they're not so obvious, and it's highly likely you won't notice them until you've started working there and have learned to read between the lines. These workers came together in a viral internet thread to share their stories and experiences to help uncover some of the things that we might be missing in i…
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