
workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 22435077

'What do I do?': Candidate told after "multiple interviews" that the salary range listed was incorrect

'One guy [complained] that his coworker was mimicking his get up [...] said that it's identity theft': 20+ ridiculous complaints as told by HR

'One guy [complained] that his coworker was mimicking his get up [...] said that it's identity theft': 20+ ridiculous complaints as told by HR

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 22420741

'[The shift] wasn't even mine': Worker gets written up after missing shift due to a family emergency, gets a new job and quits next day

'I was the lucky person tasked with "printing the intranet"': 30+ Employees share their funniest facepalm moments at the workplace

'I was the lucky person tasked with "printing the intranet"': 30+ Employees share their funniest facepalm moments at the workplace

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace Horrible Bosses - 22435333

'OK, I'll take more breaks then': Manager tells worker not to drink at their desk, worker leaves their desk more often

'She HAD to maintain her dominance in the workplace': Office tyrant tries to sweep her own mistakes under the rug, her team gets her fired

'She HAD to maintain her dominance in the workplace': Office tyrant tries to sweep her own mistakes under the rug, her team gets her fired

'Fantastic, please close my account': Bankers inform travelling worker he hit his withdrawal limit, worker calls their bluff

'Fantastic, please close my account': Bankers inform travelling worker he hit his withdrawal limit, worker calls their bluff

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22421765

'Update: HR called me begging me to come back': Boss fires developer during tantrum and deletes their account, HR calls when everything stops working

'The GM did say he didn't care how I did my job': Hotel employee automates job to just one click after being denied a raise

'The GM did say he didn't care how I did my job': Hotel employee automates job to just one click after being denied a raise

workplace discussion boss workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses coworker employment in the workplace - 22422021

'He had to know every detail': Boss gets fired for wasting time and money after demanding he be included in all communication

'No way José': Boss refuses to promote contracted employee of three years to full-time, fires him, then expects him to train replacements

'No way José': Boss refuses to promote contracted employee of three years to full-time, fires him, then expects him to train replacements

antiwork toxic-workplace workplace-discussion workplace workplace discussion employment issues workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22401285

'He’s upset my head might be somewhere else': Boss tries to use worker's hobby of painting miniatures against them

'Boss forbids me from emailing/communicating with upper management': Boss tries to control employee's communications, employee uses his own write-up as evidence against her

'Boss forbids me from emailing/communicating with upper management': Boss tries to control employee's communications, employee uses his own write-up as evidence against her

terrible coworkers workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story airports airport coworkers plane Travel workplace coworker airplane - 22401029

'We were getting on at Gate 4. I told him we were at Gate 44': Workers trick gloating coworker into missing his flight

'I ghosted a bad job offer': Candidate ghosts recruiter after getting offered $15K less per year, recruiter won't stop calling

'I ghosted a bad job offer': Candidate ghosts recruiter after getting offered $15K less per year, recruiter won't stop calling

'If they figure it out, you're going to get fired': Employee with three managers does nothing at work for a decade, claiming his plate is always full

'If they figure it out, you're going to get fired': Employee with three managers does nothing at work for a decade, claiming his plate is always full