

‘I reported my boss and quit’: Boss deducts thousands of dollars from employees' paychecks, employees report her to labor board and quit, company collapses

‘I reported my boss and quit’: Boss deducts thousands of dollars from employees' paychecks, employees report her to labor board and quit, company collapses

Working tediously in an environment where you are appreciated is not enough to create a sense of fulfillment. Your salary plays a big part in that picture. So imagine your boss begins deducting money from it. When the numbers start adding up you confront them, only to be told by a flustered peachy face that you're chatting up the wrong address, and should actually be talking to accounting. Funnily enough, it is impossible to contact the accountant. That's when things begin to get fishy. As the…
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workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace workplace-story job malicious compliance work toxic-boss workplace employment - 20195589

'He [decided] to power-trip': Boss gives worker disciplinary action for working too hard

Sometimes, someone just has it out for you for some reason… and there isn't much you can do about it. Realizing that not everyone you meet is going to like you is a tough but important pill to swallow, but the sooner you learn to accept that, the less energy, stress, and time you'll spend trying to win that person over, and you will be able to move on with your life. It's a little harder to do this when that person is your boss, but the same principle applies. All you can do is pack up, find a…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20170245

'Quit my job suddenly via email': Employee leaves without notice, boss insists on having face to face conversation, internet reacts

Let this be a friendly reminder that "at-will" employment goes both ways!
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antiwork workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses story greatest hits employment - 20179717

'Ex-boss texted me a few days [later]': Boss begs employee to cover shifts after firing them

Being unexpectedly fired from a job has a brutal finality, leaving you feeling lost, with little direction and wondering what will come next. Well, as it turns out, sometimes that next thing is your recently-ex boss calling and begging you to cover for your recently-ex coworkers when they go on leave. Why not? You're perfect for the task. Heck, you were doing the job yourself until very recently! From the boss's point of view, it's hard to see how anyone might have an issue with this proposal!…
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work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs workplace-story job job hunt candidates work coworkers interviews job-seeker workplace job interview interview job application antiwork - 20179205

'I basically leaked it through my cover letter': Job candidate guesses company's problematic secrets in their cover letter and gets call from the company's lawyer

Imagine submitting a cover letter that is so well written and on point with calling out and solving the company's problems that you immediately get contacted by the company's lawyer and a frantic department head who demand to know where you got your information. Then, after all of that, you still don't get the job when they balk at your compensation request… Talk about a roller coaster! If you've ever wanted undeniable proof that you have the qualifications for a position and are generally skil…
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boss workplace-stories malicious compliance work Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit karen - 20136709

'She was let go': Boss takes credit for employee's report, gets exposed as incompetent

There should be an immortal rule between bosses and employees on a team: always try to make each other look good.
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'You try to throw me under the bus, watch what happens': Employee gets his comeuppance when coworker judo flips attempt to discredit him in front of boss

'You try to throw me under the bus, watch what happens': Employee gets his comeuppance when coworker judo flips attempt to discredit him in front of boss

When karma comes in the form of an email, office ears light up everywhere, as we all know what it feels like when you have solid, indisputable hard facts in the form of a digital piece of paper. An entitled employee was attempting to throw his coworker (OP) under the bus, emailing him about a contract that hadn't gotten out to a customer, and was way overdue. 6 months overdue, in fact. The entitled employee in question was an account manager, and OP worked in the contracting department. When OP…
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'I got a disciplinary hearing; he got fired': New manager made redundant following absurd orders he gave employee

'I got a disciplinary hearing; he got fired': New manager made redundant following absurd orders he gave employee

New managers tend to make the same, common mistake of entering a workplace and attempting to prove themselves by ‘bettering the environment’, usually by changing policies that actually work. What then follows is a string of mistakes that either cost the company good employees, a lot of money, or the ‘environment’. In this case, a small AV company that dealt with thousands of NEC displays a year hired a new general manager who had absolutely no idea what he was doing, per usual. The employee in…
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aita workplace-stories toxic-workplace work coworkers reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20133125

‘That is my personal time’: Employee tells coworker she can’t stay late, gets caught having a solo picnic

Look, this lady doesn’t seem like the best person in the world to work with, but she’s also not wrong.
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FAILS workplace-stories jobs work stories work askreddit Reddit interview funny - 20121605

'I once worked as a professional bubble wrap popper': 20+ unusual jobs you don't see every day

It's not like a regular job, it's a cool job.
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge work coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses - 19905541

'I don't care where you put it, just get it out of there': HR Director gives worker an unwise order with a predictable outcome

Saying something dismissive to try and prove your superiority is bound to backfire when those you thought you had under your boot comply with the meaning—but not spirit—of your words. This is malicious compliance, and if you've spent some time here or on the popular Reddit sub that gave these stories a rise in popularity, then you know of it all too well. Heck—if you've spent some time in a toxic workplace under a tyrannical boss, you've probably watched one of these stories unfold. This Reddit…
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We have an intern named James. God blessed James with an incredible amount of confidence

'James failed to realize that, even on Casual Friday, American flag tank tops still weren't appropriate office attire': Employee spills legendary intern's office antics

Interns come and go, but one guy, James, made an impression on the entire office with his high jinks.
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pro revenge workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 20109061

'He ignored my warning': Boss overrules financial viability worker's warning, costs company $8 million

Some executives are all about sales, insisting that profits will increase exponentially if they sign on more and more clients. They offer the greased-up salespeople absurd bonuses for signing new clients, at whatever the cost, without bothering to make sure that those contracts are actually going to be serviceable at those rates—or profitable in the long term. And, let me tell you, you don't know pain until you've worked at the servicing end of a company that has made this mistake, impossibly t…
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Bosses of Reddit, what's the weirdest reason why you had to fire an employee?

'Fired for stealing jelly beans': 20+ Super strange reasons people got immediately fired from their jobs

The deli employee who got fired for eating all the skin off every single rotisserie chicken behind the counter is living the dream! What a glorious act of rebellion, probably never repeated twice, to eat the most delicious parts of the rotisserie chickens, and then become a living legend before getting (rightfully) canned. That person is super unhinged, as are numerous other people in the hilarious stories included below. Every workplace has a story of “ that one guy ," who everyone knows did s…
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antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs toxic-workplace workplace-story job-seeking work coworkers programmers trending-topic workplace viral Tech job interview employment - 20127493

'You're probably getting paid less than the people hired after you': Experienced programmer getting paid less than fresh new hire sparks online discussion over pay

We might expect that experience, performance, and time in a role would lead us to an increased take-home pay… and that we might be earning more than the college graduate the company just hired—who has no experience and is still wet behind the ears. But, changes in company hiring policy resulting from fluctuations in the demands of the job market could very well mean that new hires are earning far more than you. Companies are often reluctant to increase the cost of existing labor—even in times o…
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boss workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20089093

'My boss decided to chow down on my meal': Employee calls boss witch, boss gets petty revenge by eating his lunch

The real question here is who had it coming: the boss or the employee?
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