

management boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story manager malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses terrible-management - 20248581

'I am in dress code': Boss shortsightedly bans shorts but not kilts

Rules are usually there for a reason, but sometimes that reason is that a middle manager was bored and didn't have any actual work to do to pass the time. This worker was told off for wearing shorts to work by their new boss. They went home and consulted the employee handbook and were disappointed to find that the defined dress code backed up the boss's tirade. However, the dress code said noth…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story work i quit toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment - 20157957

'Go ahead, fire me'': Worker quits after boss denies their leave request

What often gets lost in translation in our workplace culture is how important leave is. In fact, it's just as important as the work itself. From a business-first perspective, you need to be able to maintain an appropriate work-life balance in order to remain at peak effectiveness. Even if you're someone who is all about your career, taking time off will help you come back refreshed and reinvigorated—with the right headspace and fresh ideas to tackle your job. This worker shared their story of h…
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workplace-stories work stories work human resources reddit thread Reddit funny toxic-work-environment - 20227845

'More money': Employee gives honest feedback to HR for mandatory work survey

Something tells me this is not what HR was hoping for.
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work-story workplace-stories workplace-story officer malicious compliance work military military-stories army enlisted grunt - 20249093

'You need to salute the sticker': Military wife demands enlisted salute her because of husband's officer sticker on her car

This military wife commanded her husband's soldiers to salute her and the stickers on her vehicle, which led to a little tom-foolery from the soldiers who maliciously complied with their orders (as grunts are wont to do.) As commenters have pointed out, what is it with the "Military Wife as an entire personality" stereotype? I suppose it's not an entirely unique phenomenon—people will build a personality around the darnedest things. I'm not preaching from a pulpit here; I do it too. If you had…
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boss work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses - 20196613

'[My boss] knew very little about this report': Manager takes credit for subordinate's work, backfires when she can't answer questions about it

Taking credit for your subordinate's work is a part of being in charge. After all, if you're managing the team, delegating, and making things work, you deserve it—partly. However, it's incredibly important to give credit where credit's due and recognize the people who actually did the work, came up with the ideas, and put in the time; pretending you did it yourself is dishonest and a good way to get a whole lot of bad karma barreling down on you. Plus, you might end up in a circumstance like th…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace workplace-story job toxic interviews ceo job interview interview employment toxic-work-environment the interview - 20157445

'Anyone can do it, but...': Job candidate boldly calls out CEO's unrealistic expectations for role

Interviewing for a new job can be tough, especially when the employer has unreasonable expectations about the job they're hiring for. Common examples of this will be wildly unmatched desired levels of experience versus compensation on offer or an advertised position that has just too many duties for one person to reasonably attend to. This usually means that the job is a non-starter and not worth pursuing. The employer is constantly going to be disappointed by the tasks that aren't being comple…
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail retail karen-customer work customers customer workplace entitled retail-stories entitled people - 20196101

'We've decided we can't meet your expectations': Dealership deals with an entitled customer

Dealing with a demanding customer can be a nightmare—ask anyone in customer service. It's not as straightforward as you might think either—the more you bend and break for them, giving in to their demands, the more they will ask for in return. It's like a lion attacking a herd of wildebeest; the hunter can sense the weakness, and showing any will make you a greater target. Plus, if you actually manage to close a sale with these people, there is an infinitely greater chance that they will become…
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customer service work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story manager malicious compliance retail coworkers managers workplace - 20232453

'Let me cut those hours for you': Manager cuts scheduled labor hours as asked by quitting

This manager found their workload increased dramatically when their co-manager was fired for a ridiculous reason. They then had to operate the entire store alone, which was rife with unique issues. The boss continued to be pettier and pettier. When they finally hired a replacement co-manager, they expected the manager to "cut their hours" immediately, which led to the titular confrontation. This thread was posted to r/MaliciousCompliance by the manager in the story, Redditor u/A-Stackhouse. Whe…
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boss antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee workplace-story bosses work employees workplace viral employment - 20214533

'Thank you': Worker's unorthodox response to boss's criticism sparks online discussion

It's generally expected that you'll do whatever you possibly can to keep your superiors happy—whether it's your boss, teacher, or parents. But should we really be going out of our way to do something for someone who couldn't care less about showing the same respect in return? Normally, when your boss passed you criticism in the workplace, you might become anxious and worried about this. But should you really be? If you're already performing the expectations of your role, why waste the energy? T…
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'He doesn't work for free, neither do I': Ex-boss talks about former employee behind her back, asks her to work for free

'He doesn't work for free, neither do I': Ex-boss talks about former employee behind her back, lies to her, then demands she work for free

You can definitely be friends with your boss , but when he starts asking for free labor, that's where this employee had to draw the line. This woman writes about her former boss as if he's a great guy, but he sounds like a major pain! U/ShirtSeparate3578 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole about an ongoing issue she's having with her former boss. As she tells it, she was at this job for a decade before leaving — she had to depart since her boss denied her a raise . But she stayed in contact with her boss,…
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boss work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story work coworkers i quit toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses quitting - 20215045

Update: 'I took the advice': Worker quits at internet's urging after boss demands their personally upgraded plane seat

Problems will present themselves in our lives with a constant certain predictability—it's how we go about solving those problems that determines the course it will take. Say you have a bad boss or are otherwise unhappy with your job—what do you do? Do you sit and silently suffer, day after day, week after week, month after month? If you don't have to, why should you? Take your life into your own hands and find something better. That's what this worker has done following advice they received whe…
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boss workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace petty revenge reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20206085

'I got fired for being sick': Employee gets fired for ER visit, boss loses customers

Here's a classic story of a boss acting out of line and getting her comeuppance.
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workplace-stories professor student university toxic-workplace workplace-story students college students teachers teacher Professors workplace student problems teacher-stories Terrible Teacher college student - 20214277

'Oh I’m not allowed to clean up early? Have it your way': University TA schools professor over unreasonable demand

Sometimes the student becomes the teacher—and sometimes, the student-teacher becomes the teacher of the teacher-student. Funny how life works like that, isn't it? The moral here is that you shouldn't ever assume that you know everything just because you're in charge; in fact, you'd do best to assume the opposite… A great leader is constantly learning themselves—after all, everyone has something to teach you—and identifying and utilizing other people's strengths is how you build a successful tea…
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'I was able to approve 50+ cases before I quit': Insurance employee dismisses company guidelines, refuses to deny claims, then quits

'I was able to approve 50+ cases before I quit': Insurance employee dismisses company guidelines, refuses to deny claims, then quits

Insurance companies do everything in their power to convince us to get on board with them, assuring us that they will be there for us, through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, till whatever do us part. When sickness does arrive though, they flee faster than a groom or bride who caught cold feet the night before their wedding. Gone with the wind and the dress, they're suddenly nowhere to be found. In other words, when they had said, ‘We will cover the cost’, what they really meant was,…
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‘I reported my boss and quit’: Boss deducts thousands of dollars from employees' paychecks, employees report her to labor board and quit, company collapses

‘I reported my boss and quit’: Boss deducts thousands of dollars from employees' paychecks, employees report her to labor board and quit, company collapses

Working tediously in an environment where you are appreciated is not enough to create a sense of fulfillment. Your salary plays a big part in that picture. So imagine your boss begins deducting money from it. When the numbers start adding up you confront them, only to be told by a flustered peachy face that you're chatting up the wrong address, and should actually be talking to accounting. Funnily enough, it is impossible to contact the accountant. That's when things begin to get fishy. As the…
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workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace workplace-story job malicious compliance work toxic-boss workplace employment - 20195589

'He [decided] to power-trip': Boss gives worker disciplinary action for working too hard

Sometimes, someone just has it out for you for some reason… and there isn't much you can do about it. Realizing that not everyone you meet is going to like you is a tough but important pill to swallow, but the sooner you learn to accept that, the less energy, stress, and time you'll spend trying to win that person over, and you will be able to move on with your life. It's a little harder to do this when that person is your boss, but the same principle applies. All you can do is pack up, find a…
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