
'We are going to make a custom cake to rub it in': Petty boss plans to mock employee on their last day, weighs options for how to get even

'We are going to make a custom cake to rub it in': Petty boss plans to mock employee on their last day, weighs options for how to get even

'I stopped doing everything extra': Grocery employee lets store fall into chaos after bosses remind them they're 'just a cashier'

'I stopped doing everything extra': Grocery employee lets store fall into chaos after bosses remind them they're 'just a cashier'

20+ employees open up about the wildest things their co-workers have said

'He's now in jail': Colleagues open up about the wildest things their co-workers have said to them

'I don't have to do half of my job anymore': Part-time grocery worker asks for raise after halting extra work

'I don't have to do half of my job anymore': Part-time grocery worker asks for raise after halting extra work

workplace discussion antiwork workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 22329093

'I was leaving the company... effective immediately': Buyer told by their boss to "deal with it or leave" chooses the latter option

'You know what? Keep the schedule. I quit': Pizzeria manager cuts employee's hours because he took one break, employee stands up to him and quits

'You know what? Keep the schedule. I quit': Pizzeria manager cuts employee's hours because he took one break, employee stands up to him and quits

'My manager never spoke to me again after that incident': IT boss asks employee stop using operating system, causes clients lengthy delays

'My manager never spoke to me again after that incident': IT boss insists employee stop using operating system, causes clients lengthy delays

'Choose your battles': Employee refuses to turn off light switch because he clocked out, gets criticized in the comments

'Choose your battles': Employee refuses to turn off light switch because he clocked out, gets called out in the comments

workplace discussion employment issues workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job revenge work petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22310149

'I sabotaged her bonus': Employee tanks boss's bonus after boss demands employees mandatory financial contribution to corporate scam,

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace - 22308357

'I got paid for a full day without working': Employee facing firing for being 1-minute late to work, goes home instead

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work it IT guy workplace Horrible Bosses Tech employment in the workplace - 22291461

'I don't understand it': IT guy yelled at by their boss over something they already fixed

terrible coworkers class workplace-stories jobs job classes work coworkers studio quit teacher Professors workplace coworker quitting yoga managers - 22288901

'My co-worker is running a yoga studio...instead of working': Professor debates telling on colleague who's making them "carry the burden"

'She told me I could NEVER tell a customer the store was closing': Retail employee works all night long after manager tells them to never tell customers to leave

'She told me I could NEVER tell a customer the store was closing': Retail employee works all night long after manager tells them to never tell customers to leave

'I do not want to work for someone like you': Job candidate walks out mid-interview after boss shouts at another employee

'I do not want to work for someone like you': Job candidate walks out mid-interview after boss shouts at another employee

'"If it's not in writing, it didn't happen" goes both ways': Boss wants to know why employee wasn't working during their in-person meeting, employee starts writing everything down

'"If it's not in writing, it didn't happen" goes both ways': Micromanager boss wants to know why employee wasn't working during their in-person meeting, employee starts writing everything down

workplace discussion employment issues workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 22291717

'[I] told them I would not be returning to work': Young worker told by boss to accept job reassignment or find a new one, chooses the latter option