

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace manager toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20536837

'You are a true asset to the team': Boss rewards employee's extra work with a shady pack of gum

One has to wonder if this was actually a covert message about bad breath. If your manager wanted to reward you for hard work, there are so many better ways in which they could pull this off in a non-humiliating manner. For instance, they could give you a raise (ha! wishful thinking). They could give you some sort of employment perk (ha! also wishful thinking). Ok, well, they don't have to write a handwritten note and a pack of gum! In fact, the handwritten note on its own might have been a perf…
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workplace-stories toxic-manager work i quit quit pay raise workplace quitting toxic-work-environment workplace-story new job - 2021639

'I took another job': Plumber quits without notice for massive pay increase after boss denies them a raise

Realizing you're being paid far less than you're actually worth is stultifying. Suddenly, everything you do at work becomes an impossible burden as the weight of that knowledge brings you down. You can't help but wonder how long your employer has been knowingly capitalizing off this discrepancy and whether they've been laughing behind your back the entire time as they count the money they're saving on your paycheck.
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coworkers employee employment boss employees manager work workplace toxic-workplace work-story workplace-stories malicious compliance - 20524549

'You won't get your hours': Boss demands workers call out sick before 6 AM, immediately regrets it

When you give a demand, it's always wise to make sure that you're not demanding something that you don't actually want to deal with—being woken up before 6 AM anytime one of your employees needs to call out would fit right into that category. This manager tried to tell their employee that they weren't going to be paid sick leave for the hours they missed since they hadn't called out before 6 AM, according to the “company policy.” By the manager's reasoning, this meant that they hadn't appropria…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace coworkers toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20505349

'Coworker got sued and then sued the company': Boss refuses to let employee see his sick mother, employee retaliates, causing lawsuit

This boss's comeuppance had to have been a triumphant experience for the whole office.
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customer support customer service workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance retail revenge customers customer workplace - 20444165

'They must have been crying at the computer': Customer frantically withdraws their complaint when worker gets fired because of it

The ability to admit fault and regret one's actions is, unfortunately, not one everyone possesses. Those people's ego eclipses their ability to feel remorse, and accepting fault would be accepting the possibility that they are fallible. For everything you can say about this customer, at least they were willing to feel immediate regret once their demands were met… There are a lot of instances of this same thing happening where the customer would be celebrating the fact that their complaint cause…
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‘My boss gave the new hire my promotion, so I quit’: Employee quits after being denied promotion; VP fires new hire, demands employee be reinstated

‘My boss gave the new hire my promotion, so I quit’: Employee quits after being denied promotion; VP fires new hire, demands employee be reinstated

It's ironic how few effective management skills "managers" possess, with their leadership abilities sitting around the same level, which is somewhere around zero. Managers love a good buzzword, but action orientation is not their strong suit. In this case, OP was working as a top-producing salesperson, in charge of training several salespeople and getting their numbers up, which OP did well. An opportunity for a promotion popped up, and OP thought they had the experience as well as the skills n…
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work-story workplace-stories revenge tales-from-the-workplace revenge-stories websites client petty revenge developers employment - 20475397

'I redirected it to her closest competitor': Client refuses to pay for website, developer redirects domain to her competitor

There's something inherently risky about hiring someone to create undoubtedly the most important promotional tool for your business, only to turn around and refuse to pay them once you've accepted delivery of the product. It's almost like screwing someone over when it's something you don't understand is a bad idea… Who knew? Stories about developers getting back at clients who refuse to pay are deeply satisfying; there's this classic aspect to it of someone (the client) thinking they're holding…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace birthday coworkers reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20498181

'No, sorry. Not the best time': Employee asked to contribute to multiple coworkers' birthday gifts despite never receiving his own gift

We give a lot of ourselves to our jobs... but gifts for our coworkers' birthdays? That is certainly not part of our contracts. This employee, who shared his story on Reddit , received two back-to-back emails about contributing to two separate coworkers' birthday gifts. This was especially annoying and bothersome considering the fact that he had never received a birthday gift of his own despite having worked at the company for over three years. Talk about a low blow! Personally, I'm a big fan of…
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workplace-stories firing in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story terrible-bosses tales-from-the-workplace i quit quit arrested workplace Horrible Bosses quitting - 20489221

'I quit and they tried to get me arrested!': Boss tries to saddle worker with $30,000 theft after they fire them while working the store alone

Quitting a job is stressful and can lead your imagination to anticipate a myriad of possible terrible outcomes. The worst case scenario would probably be your current boss being secret best friends with your new one, prompting them to call your new boss and tell them not to hire you before firing you on the spot. Yes, it's unlikely can happen while working in small towns and close-knit industries—or when you're leaving a company to work for their major supplier. Still, despite wild imagination,…
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pro revenge workplace-stories terrible-bosses revenge revenge-stories websites client nuclear revenge petty revenge story website developers employment - 20503045

'Say goodbye to your business, house and reputation': Client refuses to pay developer for the website they built, developer pulls the thread holding the client's life together

Have you ever had a pesky stray string poking out of your new shirt or cardigan? It looks harmless enough—just a stray bit of material that accidentally got left over from the manufacturing process. Except, when you go to pull at it, its significance and integrity are suddenly revealed, leaving you looking the fool—with a bit of string in your hand and a gaping hole in your new shirt. That's a great metaphor for what happens when a cheat and a liar finally cross paths with the wrong target and…
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coworkers workplace coworker terrible coworkers workplace-stories employee workplace-story tales-from-the-workplace workplace drama employment - 17164805

Coworkers Try to Scapegoat the One Pulling All the Weight

What is it with people constantly trying to blame someone else for the thing that they themselves are most guilty of? This hypocritical finger-pointing is just a vapid means of projection that these narcissistic robots employ whenever they feel threatened. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) subreddit by the coworker scapegoated by the others, Redditor u/Maleficent_Shoe3791. She had been doing all of the work to make up for their lazy behavior, and they still tried to b…
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promotion work-story antiwork workplace-stories employee workplace-story tales-from-the-workplace i quit quit workplace quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 20502277

'They refused to believe I had left': Worker leaves their job of 10 years after getting passed up for promotion in favor of a person they trained

There's nothing better than loving your job—there's nothing harder than the dawning realization that you're going to have to leave. We all get surprisingly comfortable with our routine—it's just something in our nature. Branching out into uncertainty feels risky, making us shudder at the thought of trying new things. Companies—rather, the people who run them—are the same way, and for that reason, they will be more likely to leave you in your role if it means less change and less new uncertainty…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job reddit thread Reddit job interview toxic-work-environment - 20483333

'We want to ask you to delete this comment': Job candidate leaves honest review about interview experience, CEO claps back and gets lawyer involved

This review could not have been more measured. Perhaps that's what made the CEO so upset.
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ask reddit workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace FAIL coworkers Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20471301

'Coworker talks to herself as well as inanimate objects': 10+ bizarre coworker stories

We have all had that one coworker...
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‘I need fuel and my car collected’: Customer demands petrol cashier retrieve car from down the road, tries to get cashier fired for refusing, gets banned by HR manager

‘I need fuel and my car collected’: Customer demands petrol cashier retrieve car from down the road, tries to get cashier fired for refusing, gets banned by HR manager

Employees working minimum wage jobs are remarkably gifted at identifying customer Karens from a mile away; their posture, the way they present themselves, and the superior tone in their voice as they begin a sentence with an entitled demand. These customers don't go on hiatus, they do not take breaks in their dedicated work to ruin people's day. In this case, a Karen entered a petrol station, eyed the other customers in line, decided her request ranked worthiest, and passed them all, strutting…
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workplace-stories fired work stories toxic-workplace work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20480773

'He just wanted a good reason to let me go': Employee fired for breaking company policy, debates exposing his boss to HR

Sounds like this guy isn't the only one getting fired!
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