

customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail firing idontworkherelady fired karen-manager manager retail work working the-retail-life karen-coworker managers retail-stories working retail karen - 20677125

'Forget it, you're fired!': Dude gets fired from a store where he didn't even work

It should be understood, at this point, that straying into a store with a uniform consisting solely of a specifically colored shirt—whilst wearing that same color of shirt—is a risky move. It should also be understood that even wearing a similar color shirt is likely to attract every Karen and disgruntled manager within a 100-meter radius. If you choose to do this, you do so at your own peril, but at least you can write a story about it later to share online. This guy happened to stray into a l…
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aita workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work coworkers reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20655621

'This is the last time I'll be polite': Employee goes off on coworker for always bothering them while they're on Do Not Disturb

As annoying as this coworker was, this employee's freakout was wildly out of line.
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'You can't use your work phone unless you're on the clock': Company suffers drop in production following employees' conformance to new guidelines, HR fails to mediate

'You can't use your work phone unless you're on the clock': Company suffers drop in production following employees' conformance to new guidelines, HR fails to mediate

It's quite something when incompetent leadership and management destroy initiative and morale. In this case, OP was working at a job that required a lot of communication and coordination. Often, a lot of things required from them were time-sensitive. The employees all had a work phone, which they would use for work calls outside of work hours, as well. One day, the company decided to forbid its employees from using their work phones outside of work. They would use scare tactics to make sure the…
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boss antiwork workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace workplace-story manager coworkers horrible-management workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 20661253

'That would be to expensive': Boss boasts about his standing desk but won't let anyone else have one

Standing desks may have become all the rage, but some people can't stand them. Being on your feet all day can be tiring and result in aches that can't wait to be eased by a well-deserved rest. Just ask anyone who works in retail, nursing, or the service industry and has to be on their feet all day. Workers from these sectors are probably permanently bewildered by office workers' obsession with standing. My own experience with standing desks has led me to believe that their sole reason for exist…
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pro revenge boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance bosses revenge petty revenge ceo toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses Tech - 20660997

'I got a nice bonus': Dude automates both boss's and boss's boss's job, they get fired

With all the talk of AI and all that, you might be looking at your job nervously and wondering… could an AI do this? You'd hope that automation and new innovation would lead to better working conditions and easier tasks. Still, it's more than likely that your company will cut your job to save a dollar today, even if it costs them tomorrow when the AI fails to replicate the nuance of your work. But what if the shoe was on the other foot? What if, instead of having your job automated by your boss…
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workplace-stories employee work stories malicious compliance work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20637701

'Let's see how that goes over': Worker told submitted report wasn't detailed enough, sends 30+ page document, bosses regret their request

Be careful what you wish for!
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antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired job job-seeker workplace-discussion workplace job-candidate trending creativity in the workplace job interview viral-workplace-stories - 20642565

'I thought everything was going OK': Worker fired for using her phone one month after starting new job

This worker shared her experience on Reddit's r/antiwork workplace subreddit community, telling of how she had been fired for using her phone from her new job despite never being given any warning that this was an issue. She had just started the new job a month ago, and although it was in a new industry she thought the job had been going well, but had never received any kind of employee handbook or had any rules regarding phone usage explained to her. “If I had been told that I was not supposed…
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‘I want him fired': Boss attempts to fire employee following employee's refusal to answer work calls on weekend, HR flips the script and orders boss to give employee company phone

‘I want him fired': Boss attempts to fire employee following employee's refusal to answer work calls on weekend, HR flips the script and orders boss to give employee company phone

Many companies expect their employees to be on the clock 24/7, and that can be at the expense of their personal time; it's no wonder so many employees feel bitter towards their boss. OP was working at a small factory where he had the managerial role of logistics and purchasing. Now, anyone who has had to deal with trucking brokers will know that the road isn't always exactly smooth. Sometimes it can get pretty bumpy, and that can result in a lot of phone calls for a manager. OP was receiving so…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20632325

'In an industry so small, your reputation is everything': Employee quits then calls out boss for refusing to pay her

It's remarkable how you can feed a toxic boss the exact same rhetoric they fed at you.
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20600581

'Loyalty will make you poor': Coworker quits after getting final raise, gets competitive offer elsewhere

This is what happens when you put a cap on income and employee benefits!
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‘I got my boss fired’: Boss tells employee to ‘stay in the office’, employee complies, boss gets fired as a result

‘I got my boss fired’: Boss tells employee to ‘stay in the office’, employee complies, boss gets fired as a result

Management naturally steers towards less actual work by ordering employees around rather than stepping up and doing what is needed for the role. So it isn't surprising when some employees begin holding a vendetta. This corporate manager got his own personal annual goals and sent them off to OP, his employee, adding to his long list of responsibilities. Every year, the manager would unfairly get a bonus for OP's hard work. In order to deliver results, OP had to leave his desk at times, even the…
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customer service work-story workplace-stories firing jobs fired wrongful-termination toxic-workplace workplace-story bartenders workplace Horrible Bosses bartender employment service industry - 19421189

'I need to get paid on payday': Bartender gets fired and blocked for demanding to be paid on time

Remember that one kid from your high school English class who treated everything like it was a complete joke—to the point of cruelty—never taking or accepting responsibility for any of his actions? Yeah, well, that kid could have very likely gone on to become someone's manager or open their own business. Now there's a terrifying thought. It's like George Carlin famously put it: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” Well, this bar owner and…
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'I'm not paying that': Employee gets even with company's client following their refusal to reimburse expense report 1% over allocated budget, client loses $700

'I'm not paying that': Employee gets even with company's client following their refusal to reimburse expense report 1% over allocated budget, client loses $700

Receipt reimbursement systems in companies are much more complicated than simply giving employees a hard per diem. In this case, OP was working on an off-site short-term project (that in reality lasted about a year) in Singapore, and he was allocated $60 per day for food expenses. On average though, OP was actually spending about half that amount. As the project went on, the customer's client began raising some issues, and OP was told to take the client out for dinner and some drinks. His manag…
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karens workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story retail karen-customer workplace creativity in the workplace karen idontworkherelady - 20322309

'Ok, Karen, she's fired. Happy now?': Karen demands girl gets fired from a place she doesn't work

Getting fired from a job where you didn't work is a bit like losing a race you weren't entered into in the first place; it's really hard to be upset about it when you didn't even know you had something at stake. This customer shared their story of witnessing another fellow customer ending up on the wrong end of a stray Karen's fury when they visited a “Wall of Marts” during a trip to the United States. They share their surprise at realizing that the people they had read about in “People of Wall…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work askreddit Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20593925

'The colleague I disliked made management': 20 reasons people quit their last job

We all have our own individual ‘last straws.’ Once you come across yours, it's only a matter of time before you quit. Keep scrolling below to see how these folks, who shared their stories on r/AskReddit , quit their most recent jobs. When you're finished, check out these memes for anxious millennials.
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terrible boss workplace-stories toxic-manager toxic-workplace workplace-story work i quit new job quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting toxic-work-environment - 20197381

'Quit my job suddenly via email': Worker quits their job because of a bad boss, boss demands they come in and talk face-to-face

Seldom do you quit a job and ever want to go back. It's surprising how the sudden absence of a paycheck removes all desire to set foot there ever again. This is especially true when you quit because of a bad boss or coworker; you would hope never to see them again if you can manage it. When your boss is verbally abusive, going in for one last “face-to-face” discussion is probably the last thing you should do; the last thing you want to do is give them another chance to get in your face or spin…
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