
'I just want to make sure I do my job correctly, ma'am': Video store clerk makes customer wait while they scan 50 DVDs

'I just want to make sure I do my job correctly, ma'am': Video store clerk makes impatient customer wait while they scan 50 DVDs

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 22645509

'I don't understand what's going on': Confrontation escalates when interviewer falsely accuses job seeker of parking in a handicap space

'No one at the top is returning my calls': Job revokes employee's work from home accommodations despite medical issues, learns they're trying to get him to quit

'No one at the top is returning my calls': Job revokes employee's work from home accommodations despite medical issues, learns they're trying to get him to quit

'You told me today I couldn't cook without permission': Boss wants employee to ask him before cooking anything, employee complies on 'the busiest night'

'You told me today I couldn't cook without permission': Boss insists employee ask him before cooking anything, employee complies on 'the busiest night'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22587141

Boss threatens sick worker's job, furious doctor gives worker more time off work

Update: 'He was fired for being 20 minutes late FOR HIS FIRST TIME EVER': Employees protest the firing of their coworker by collectively coming in late

Update: 'He was fired for being 20 minutes late FOR HIS FIRST TIME EVER': Employees protest the firing of their coworker by collectively coming in late

workplace discussion pro revenge employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion petty-revenge-reddit job revenge work revenge-stories petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses revenge-stories-reddit employment in the workplace - 22619141

Terrible thieving boss tries to scapegoat sick worker, reaps the karma of her own actions

'I've been doing hers last': Employee gets even with grudge-holding coworker who keeps sabotaging her by being too careful

'I've been doing hers last': Employee gets even with grudge-holding coworker who keeps sabotaging her by being too careful

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 22605573

Terrible interview leaves candidate questioning the entire process

'He eventually settled for a multimillion dollar payout': Company accidentally gives lawyer employee free pension after trying to push him out of his job

'He eventually settled for a multimillion dollar payout': Company accidentally gives lawyer employee free pension after trying to push him out of his job

workplace discussion pro revenge workplace-stories jobs petty-revenge-reddit job malicious compliance revenge work revenge-stories petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses revenge-stories-reddit employment in the workplace - 22604805

'She ended up destroying a bunch of company property': Supervisor goes ballistic when worker quits, gets fired

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini fridge

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini-fridge

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace - 22605061

'You don't want me to [work] overtime? Okay': Boss says "No overtime," shocked when project isn't finished

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22605317

'I'll take an hour of free pay': Micromanaging boss demands strict adherence to schedule, gets mad when worker does

'Do the job I have hired you to do, and deliver my bagels': Law firm hires and fires chef in the same day

'Do the job I have hired you to do, and deliver my bagels': Law firm hires and fires chef in the same day

competition cookoff workplace-stories chili cooking the office revenge spicy work spicy food Office workplace Reddit funny - 22579717

'I'm reasonably sure it was out of fear': Man scares away the competition in an office chili cookoff for a spicy revenge