

'That’s ridiculous, use your brain': General Manager's rude order costs company big when it backfires

'That’s ridiculous, use your brain': General Manager's rude order costs company big when employee maliciously complies

Some people are just mean, through to the core. Having one of these people as your boss is always going to be a bad time as they're going to use you as a verbal punching bag, taking their rage out on you repeatedly, time and time again, in order to fuel their unstable, diminishing ego. These bosses will make a point of making a point by going off at someone publicly—and often—as if doing so makes them somehow more important than the person they're screaming at, rather than making everyone aroun…
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'Boss changed my off days': Employee forced to leave second job after toxic manager changed their schedule with no notice

'Boss changed my off days': Employee forced to leave second job after toxic manager changed their schedule with no notice

Managers do not have your best interests at heart.
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'I will never forget the expression... on his face': Employee gets 20 days of vacation time after boss sends incorrect paperwork

'I will never forget the expression of defeat on his face': Employee gets 20 days of vacation time after boss sends the wrong paperwork

We also wish we could have seen the look of defeat on this guy's boss's face. When you first start your job, you have no idea what your boss is going to be like. As you interview, you might talk to your direct boss once or twice, and you can probably get a good first impression of them, but it's hard to know what your day to day life will be like. Even if your boss seems great from the start, they might start to turn on you after a while, which is apparently what happened with this person's bos…
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'They literally said "The stars weren't aligned" for that date': 20+ Clients who had workers laughing behind their backs

One person asked workers to spill their “worst/ funniest/ strangest client story," and so many people had great anecdotes to share.
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'Go complain about your boss [...] on me': Boss sends passive aggressive email about punctuality, employees retaliate, boss apologies with free lunch

'Go complain about your boss [...] on me': Boss sends passive aggressive email about punctuality, employees retaliate, boss apologies with free lunch

Let's be honest: showing up six minutes late every once in a while is not going to make or break anything no matter what your line of work is. As long as work generally gets done in a timely and thorough manner, employers and employees should just accept the fact that things happen. People get stuck in traffic. Folks need their grande iced coffee with oat milk. Sometimes you don't even have an excuse and you just needed those six extra minutes of sleep in order to power through the rest of the…
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'They still scheduled me for that week': New employee mentions bereavement leave in interview, employer schedules them anyways

'They still scheduled me for that week': New employee mentions bereavement leave in interview, employer schedules them anyways

Negotiating leave during the interview process can be tricky. Do you mention it to ensure you can take that vacation you already planned? Or do you not mention it, helping your chances of getting the job but drastically increasing chances that you won't be taking that vacation? If you choose to bring your leave requirements to the table of negotiation, the hiring manager then has the option of saying yes or no, or passing over you completely for the crime of having a personal life—it's all with…
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'You fired me cause you didn't like me': Overworked employee asks to be paid as much as coworkers, gets fired, rejects boss's request for sit down

'You fired me cause you didn't like me': Overworked employee asks to be paid as much as coworkers, gets fired, rejects boss's request for sit down

Almost nothing good can come from a post-termination meeting.
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‘I was denied a raise, so I quit’: Boss denies IT employee 5-10% raise, employee quits, leading to boss paying 40% extra for replacement

‘I was denied a raise, so I quit’: Boss denies IT employee 5-10% raise, employee quits, leading to boss paying 40% extra for replacement

For some unfathomable reason, companies have a larger hiring budget than retention budget. They're willing to pay more money to hire a new employee, than they would be willing to pay as a raise for an existing employee. OP was working as a junior at an IT job for a company. During OP's yearly evaluation, they asked their boss for a 5-10% raise, which was completely fair, as they had taken on many responsibilities since the beginning of their employment. OP's boss refused, giving a bunch of reas…
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'We’re being taken advantage of': Boss refuses to pay employee for requested vacation days but closes restaurant for his own vacation

'We’re being taken advantage of': Boss refuses to pay employee for requested vacation days but closes restaurant for his own vacation

The hypocritical relationship that bad bosses tend to have with PTO is increasingly infuriating.
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'My intern [is] benefitting from pretty privilege': Employee gets in tense interaction with intern after discovering office secret

'My intern [is] benefitting from pretty privilege': Jealous employee gets into tense argument with intern after discovering office secret

There's definitely a right and wrong way when it comes to handling these kinds of office revelations. This employee definitely did not handle this well.
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'I'm too good at my job to move upward': Worker told that they're too good at their role to be promoted

'I'm too good at my job to move upward': Worker passed up for promotion and told that they're too good at their role to be promoted

It's important to be good at your job as this helps you to establish and maintain good standing with your employer as well as key clients and ensures that you develop a good long-standing relationship within your industry.
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workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job bad jobs tales-from-the-workplace work workplace-discussion workplace Horrible Bosses workers employment toxic-work-environment - 21280005

'I had over 80 hours of PTO': Employee gives notice, loses all their PTO

The relationship between an organization and its employees is built on a foundation of trust... breaking that trust can result in negative consequences for both parties. Employers should realize that failing to honor an employee's accrued leave can damage the morale of the remaining team and lead to a loss of trust. Eventually, this will harm the organization's bottom line—in the form of higher turnover, less institutional knowledge, and less productivity—costing far more than fronting the cost…
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'I shut down a lawsuit with a single question': Company tries to sue employee for leaving their job

'I shut down a lawsuit with a single question': Company tries to sue employee for leaving their job

Some people just don't take rejection well—in personal relationships as well as in the workplace, leading them to do and say obscene things that might be otherwise far out of character. Changing jobs is an essential part of growth; there's often only so much an existing role can teach you, and it's not uncommon for an organization to get too comfortable filling the role you're in, making a change the only way to move upwards. In this way, quitting your job can open the door to new opportunities…
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'Don't wanna give me a new contract? Fine': Employee quits job after boss refuses to make them an official manager

'Don't wanna give me a new contract? Fine': Employee quits job after boss refuses to make them an official manager

After twelve years working at a retail store , this employee finally got the chance to become a manager. It's a career accomplishment that is a big stepping stone for many people. Especially when working in retail, stepping up to be a manager is a sign that you've put hard work and lots of time into your job, and now your employer thinks you have the skillset to manage others. For this person, though, their company wanted them to act like a manager , but didn't really want to treat them like on…
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walk-out workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace tales-from-the-workplace work i quit quit employees workers quitting employment - 21262341

'They didn't like that': Ten workers quit on the same day after having their requests ignored

Everyone has been a part of that workplace where management absolutely refuses to listen. If you send them an email asking for something as simple as a new kettle for the break room, suddenly they don't know how to read; if you try and have a meeting with them to go over requests, suddenly there's no room in the schedule; corner them in the break room that still has a broken kettle, and suddenly they've never used their ears in their entire life. Try as you might; your chances of getting throug…
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‘My boss cut 40% of my pay; I quit’: Employee quits after getting 40% pay cut, employee's resignation ends up costing company hundreds of thousands of dollars due to canceled projects

‘My boss cut 40% of my pay; I quit’: Employee quits after getting 40% pay cut, employee's resignation ends up costing company hundreds of thousands of dollars due to canceled projects

Companies seem to be allergic to retention, instead opting to micromanage, cut employees' salaries, and demand they work two jobs for the same pay. The list goes on; the lesson stays the same, but they never learn. In this case, OP was working in a toxic work environment, where he were forced to take a 40% pay cut because the company replaced his whole department with contractors. His boss also dangled a certification for 6 months with training in front of him, causing much anxiety on OP's part…
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