

antiwork workplace-stories jobs text message toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 20728325

'I'm going to need you to step up': Manager demands worker comes in despite already having plans with family

People have a habit of deflecting their own problems onto other people. If you own a business and don't schedule or hire enough people for a holiday weekend, that's probably your own fault—and your own problem to resolve. Still, it's pretty common for business owners and managers to turn around and blame workers for not being available at the last minute when they already have plans. This worker shared their experience on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit, sharing screenshots of an exchange that oc…
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story tales-from-the-workplace coworkers office life workplace creativity in the workplace coworker - 20728069

'We knew he was full of it': Lying one-upping coworker gets caught out in a lie that they can't live down

As human beings, we all develop interesting ticks and facets of our personalities that can manifest into very strange behavior. Often our desire to feel “good” and avoidance of feeling “bad” can cause us to make a series of consecutive decisions that see us walking too far down a particular path and becoming something we might never have anticipated. Take "Disney Adults" or any fandom as a prime example of this. You get exposed to something at some point in your life, say, Disney media and it m…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work quit reddit thread Reddit quitting toxic-work-environment - 20737541

'I just quit my job on the first day': Underpaid employee receives no training or oversight on day one, he quits while he can

If you sense red flags on the first day, you should know that things are unlikely to improve.
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workplace-stories fired work stories toxic-workplace work quit toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20691205

'It would be better for everyone if I quit': Boss threatens to fire employee all year, employee finally quits, boss tries to get him back

Every so often, we come across a satisfying story about a boss getting what he deserved! Sometimes, you have to be willing to walk away in order to truly make your point known. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by an employee who shared that after messing up over a year ago on the job, his boss was still threatening to fire him constantly. It got so bad that the Redditor went ahead and applied to a much better company. When he got the position, he first felt gui…
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karens workplace-stories tech support toxic-workplace technical difficulties karen-boss coworkers technology it quit workplace Tech karen quitting toxic-work-environment - 20715269

'[He] created a mass corporate email with various screenshots': IT guy quits and schedules scathing tell-all email about his Karen boss

When someone has done you wrong, the best thing to do is to walk the other way with your head still held high… but it's certainly more satisfying to scorch the earth behind you as you go. When faced with the bullying behavior of their Karen boss, this IT guy realized he had enough and quit, seeking greener pastures—but, he also decided to (metaphorically) set fire to the building on the way out the door, scheduling a mass company-wide email to be sent from his boss's email address that exposed…
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workplace-stories firing in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story tales-from-the-workplace coworkers restaurant toxic-boss food service service workplace employment service industry - 20727813

'I don't work Mondays': Server gets fired for missing "mandatory" Memorial Day shift while on scheduled vacation

One of the worst parts about working in the service industry or retail is “blackout” dates—where no one is able to take days off—these always line up with precisely the days you'd want to take off. Holidays, long weekends, and anytime between Christmas and New Years—pretty much any time you might want to see family or friends (who are all off work.) These have all been deemed as days where all hands are needed on deck due to high volumes of trade. But the worst part about blackout dates?.. Hypo…
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'Our cleaner quit': Boss tries to convince employees to assume cleaning lady's duties, frames it as an 'exciting opportunity'

'Our cleaner quit': Boss tries to convince employees to assume cleaning lady's duties, frames it as an 'exciting opportunity'

This must be a particularly messy office.
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‘My company skimmed by bonus; I stopped generating revenue’: Employee's quiet quitting leads to 80% drop in revenue

‘My company skimmed by bonus; I stopped generating revenue’: Employee's quiet quitting leads to 80% drop in revenue

Call centers often demand employees hit a certain number of calls per day, even when that isn't the actual goal of the company. In this case, OP was working at a call center for a collection agency, whose main target was to collect debts, generating revenue for the company. OP was doing really well, but sometimes they missed the daily target, and managers would dwell on their call count, instead of taking a look at the numbers OP was generating for the company. OP found out that the company was…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace employee working-life toxic-workplace employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses workers story employment toxic-work-environment - 20526085

'I got sent home early': Boss complains about overtime after forcing employees to skip their unpaid lunch break

Some people want to have their cake and eat it too. But it's really not so much about the cake itself as it is the control over that cake; they want the cake to submit to their authority and stop questioning it all the darn time. The thing is, this cake-haver probably isn't qualified to tell the cake what to do, which is why they're so darn insecure in the first place… I don't really know where this is going or what this metaphor is supposed to mean, but people aren't cake—and you shouldn't try…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work quit toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit quitting toxic-work-environment - 20685317

'My director [...] is going absolutely nuts': Engineer transitions out of the company, boss finally discovers how doomed they are

"You don't know what you've got till it's gone!"
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20681477

'I was never paid': Employee quits after one week, ex-boss refuses to pay despite having submitted a W4 form

Must have been a really rough week!
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boss antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace workplace-story manager job coworkers employment-stories sad story workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses employment - 20686853

'My manager collected donations for me but kept it all': Boss collects donations from coworkers under the guise of helping with a personal tragedy, dips with all the money

If we're taking bets for the worst thing a boss has ever done, my money is on this; using someone else's tragedy for your own gain is a specific type of evil with no moral restitution. Somewhere in a locked room, this boss has a portrait of himself with a curled, deformed hand and demonic visage. This heartbreaking workplace story was shared on Reddit't r/antiwork subreddit, with the original poster sharing how her former boss had scammed her coworkers into giving him money, which was supposed…
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'You can't fire me; you should fire her instead': Employee gets boss fired during HR disciplinary hearing designated for himself

'You can't fire me; you should fire her instead': Employee gets boss fired during HR disciplinary hearing designated for himself

When management fails to step up and do what is required of them to create a change in an employee's behavior, you bet it won't go unnoticed, even if by the employee themselves. In this case, an employee we'll call Ivan was the type of hopeless that not even a boot camp could fix, and the only employee more hopeless than him was his own boss, who we'll call Karen. Ivan was called into a disciplinary hearing by HR along with OP, Karen, and a few other employees after having 50 complaints filed a…
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customer support customer service public-servant karens workplace-stories revenge karen-customer customers petty revenge customer workplace public service karen - 20676613

'[Now] she can't check out anything until the fine is paid': Karen messes with the wrong librarian, who rediscovers $450 in old unpaid fines

It's always important to be polite to the customer service worker who is handling your request, even if that request involves negotiating a tricky situation, chances are you'll get a better result if you treat that person like an actual human being. Usually, the sheer bureaucratic inertia of a large corporation or a government entity will mean that if you're rude to the wrong worker, you're going to be stuck in bureaucratic purgatory for a frustratingly long period of time. Or, worse, they may…
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workplace-stories Truckers on the job working-life revenge tales-from-the-workplace petty revenge trucker entitled blue collar truck driver entitled people working out - 20687621

'Ohh well, I can wait': Gas pump blockers fuel truck drivers' revenge

The blocking of gas pumps is one of those everyday entitled behaviors that, while relatively innocuous, tips over into mildly infuriating levels of moderate frustration. These people probably are the same ones who cut up an empty turn lane or shoulder to dodge traffic. Their behavior isn't illegal in any sense, but it defies the sensibilities of us more civilized and compassionate folk. These truckers had had enough of people (including other truckers) blocking fuel pumps by taking their 30-min…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace toxic-boss bartender reddit thread brewery Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20669957

'I didn’t get a raise': Guy promoted at brewery without a raise, gets mocked at company meeting for making just above minimum wage

In what universe is mocking your employee's low salary a good idea?
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